path: root/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h
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authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2018-01-13 14:43:30 +0100
committerGitHub <>2018-01-13 14:43:30 +0100
commita3ee252993e8200c856be3fe664937f9461ee268 (patch)
treeaf68e434545e20c538f896e28b73f2db7d626edd /thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h
parentc01575b3125ce1828f0cacb3f9f00286136f373c (diff)
parente12c89e8c9896b2e5cdd70dbd2d2acb449ff4b94 (diff)
Merge pull request #15664 from akien-mga/thirdparty
Bugfix updates to various thirdparty libraries
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb1834ee00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/kernels/solverSetup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+//this file is autogenerated using stringify.bat (premake --stringify) in the build folder of this project
+static const char* solverSetupCL= \
+"Copyright (c) 2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. \n"
+"This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.\n"
+"In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.\n"
+"Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, \n"
+"including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, \n"
+"subject to the following restrictions:\n"
+"1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.\n"
+"2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.\n"
+"3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n"
+"//Originally written by Takahiro Harada\n"
+"#ifndef B3_CONTACT4DATA_H\n"
+"#define B3_CONTACT4DATA_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#define B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"struct MyTest\n"
+" int bla;\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#define B3_LARGE_FLOAT 1e18f\n"
+"#define B3_INFINITY 1e18f\n"
+"#define b3Assert(a)\n"
+"#define b3ConstArray(a) __global const a*\n"
+"#define b3AtomicInc atomic_inc\n"
+"#define b3AtomicAdd atomic_add\n"
+"#define b3Fabs fabs\n"
+"#define b3Sqrt native_sqrt\n"
+"#define b3Sin native_sin\n"
+"#define b3Cos native_cos\n"
+"#define B3_STATIC\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+" typedef float4 b3Float4;\n"
+" #define b3Float4ConstArg const b3Float4\n"
+" #define b3MakeFloat4 (float4)\n"
+" float b3Dot3F4(b3Float4ConstArg v0,b3Float4ConstArg v1)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float4 a1 = b3MakeFloat4(,0.f);\n"
+" float4 b1 = b3MakeFloat4(,0.f);\n"
+" return dot(a1, b1);\n"
+" }\n"
+" b3Float4 b3Cross3(b3Float4ConstArg v0,b3Float4ConstArg v1)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float4 a1 = b3MakeFloat4(,0.f);\n"
+" float4 b1 = b3MakeFloat4(,0.f);\n"
+" return cross(a1, b1);\n"
+" }\n"
+" #define b3MinFloat4 min\n"
+" #define b3MaxFloat4 max\n"
+" #define b3Normalized(a) normalize(a)\n"
+"#endif \n"
+" \n"
+"inline bool b3IsAlmostZero(b3Float4ConstArg v)\n"
+" if(b3Fabs(v.x)>1e-6 || b3Fabs(v.y)>1e-6 || b3Fabs(v.z)>1e-6) \n"
+" return false;\n"
+" return true;\n"
+"inline int b3MaxDot( b3Float4ConstArg vec, __global const b3Float4* vecArray, int vecLen, float* dotOut )\n"
+" float maxDot = -B3_INFINITY;\n"
+" int i = 0;\n"
+" int ptIndex = -1;\n"
+" for( i = 0; i < vecLen; i++ )\n"
+" {\n"
+" float dot = b3Dot3F4(vecArray[i],vec);\n"
+" \n"
+" if( dot > maxDot )\n"
+" {\n"
+" maxDot = dot;\n"
+" ptIndex = i;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" b3Assert(ptIndex>=0);\n"
+" if (ptIndex<0)\n"
+" {\n"
+" ptIndex = 0;\n"
+" }\n"
+" *dotOut = maxDot;\n"
+" return ptIndex;\n"
+"#endif //B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"typedef struct b3Contact4Data b3Contact4Data_t;\n"
+"struct b3Contact4Data\n"
+" b3Float4 m_worldPosB[4];\n"
+"// b3Float4 m_localPosA[4];\n"
+"// b3Float4 m_localPosB[4];\n"
+" b3Float4 m_worldNormalOnB; // w: m_nPoints\n"
+" unsigned short m_restituitionCoeffCmp;\n"
+" unsigned short m_frictionCoeffCmp;\n"
+" int m_batchIdx;\n"
+" int m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit;//x:m_bodyAPtr, y:m_bodyBPtr\n"
+" int m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit;\n"
+" int m_childIndexA;\n"
+" int m_childIndexB;\n"
+" int m_unused1;\n"
+" int m_unused2;\n"
+"inline int b3Contact4Data_getNumPoints(const struct b3Contact4Data* contact)\n"
+" return (int)contact->m_worldNormalOnB.w;\n"
+"inline void b3Contact4Data_setNumPoints(struct b3Contact4Data* contact, int numPoints)\n"
+" contact->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (float)numPoints;\n"
+"#endif //B3_CONTACT4DATA_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#endif \n"
+"#endif //B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"typedef struct b3ContactConstraint4 b3ContactConstraint4_t;\n"
+"struct b3ContactConstraint4\n"
+" b3Float4 m_linear;//normal?\n"
+" b3Float4 m_worldPos[4];\n"
+" b3Float4 m_center; // friction\n"
+" float m_jacCoeffInv[4];\n"
+" float m_b[4];\n"
+" float m_appliedRambdaDt[4];\n"
+" float m_fJacCoeffInv[2]; // friction\n"
+" float m_fAppliedRambdaDt[2]; // friction\n"
+" unsigned int m_bodyA;\n"
+" unsigned int m_bodyB;\n"
+" int m_batchIdx;\n"
+" unsigned int m_paddings;\n"
+"//inline void setFrictionCoeff(float value) { m_linear[3] = value; }\n"
+"inline float b3GetFrictionCoeff(b3ContactConstraint4_t* constraint) \n"
+" return constraint->m_linear.w; \n"
+"#endif //B3_CONTACT_CONSTRAINT5_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_RIGIDBODY_DATA_H\n"
+"#define B3_RIGIDBODY_DATA_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#endif \n"
+"#endif //B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_QUAT_H\n"
+"#define B3_QUAT_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#ifndef B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#endif \n"
+"#endif //B3_FLOAT4_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+" typedef float4 b3Quat;\n"
+" #define b3QuatConstArg const b3Quat\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+"inline float4 b3FastNormalize4(float4 v)\n"
+" v = (float4)(,0.f);\n"
+" return fast_normalize(v);\n"
+" \n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatMul(b3Quat a, b3Quat b);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatNormalized(b3QuatConstArg in);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatRotate(b3QuatConstArg q, b3QuatConstArg vec);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatInvert(b3QuatConstArg q);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatInverse(b3QuatConstArg q);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatMul(b3QuatConstArg a, b3QuatConstArg b)\n"
+" b3Quat ans;\n"
+" ans = b3Cross3( a, b );\n"
+" ans += a.w*b+b.w*a;\n"
+"// ans.w = a.w*b.w - (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);\n"
+" ans.w = a.w*b.w - b3Dot3F4(a, b);\n"
+" return ans;\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatNormalized(b3QuatConstArg in)\n"
+" b3Quat q;\n"
+" q=in;\n"
+" //return b3FastNormalize4(in);\n"
+" float len = native_sqrt(dot(q, q));\n"
+" if(len > 0.f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" q *= 1.f / len;\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" q.x = q.y = q.z = 0.f;\n"
+" q.w = 1.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" return q;\n"
+"inline float4 b3QuatRotate(b3QuatConstArg q, b3QuatConstArg vec)\n"
+" b3Quat qInv = b3QuatInvert( q );\n"
+" float4 vcpy = vec;\n"
+" vcpy.w = 0.f;\n"
+" float4 out = b3QuatMul(b3QuatMul(q,vcpy),qInv);\n"
+" return out;\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatInverse(b3QuatConstArg q)\n"
+" return (b3Quat)(, q.w);\n"
+"inline b3Quat b3QuatInvert(b3QuatConstArg q)\n"
+" return (b3Quat)(, q.w);\n"
+"inline float4 b3QuatInvRotate(b3QuatConstArg q, b3QuatConstArg vec)\n"
+" return b3QuatRotate( b3QuatInvert( q ), vec );\n"
+"inline b3Float4 b3TransformPoint(b3Float4ConstArg point, b3Float4ConstArg translation, b3QuatConstArg orientation)\n"
+" return b3QuatRotate( orientation, point ) + (translation);\n"
+" \n"
+"#endif \n"
+"#endif //B3_QUAT_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_MAT3x3_H\n"
+"#define B3_MAT3x3_H\n"
+"#ifndef B3_QUAT_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"#endif \n"
+"#endif //B3_QUAT_H\n"
+"#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" b3Float4 m_row[3];\n"
+"#define b3Mat3x3ConstArg const b3Mat3x3\n"
+"#define b3GetRow(m,row) (m.m_row[row])\n"
+"inline b3Mat3x3 b3QuatGetRotationMatrix(b3Quat quat)\n"
+" b3Float4 quat2 = (b3Float4)(quat.x*quat.x, quat.y*quat.y, quat.z*quat.z, 0.f);\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 out;\n"
+" out.m_row[0].x=1-2*quat2.y-2*quat2.z;\n"
+" out.m_row[0].y=2*quat.x*quat.y-2*quat.w*quat.z;\n"
+" out.m_row[0].z=2*quat.x*quat.z+2*quat.w*quat.y;\n"
+" out.m_row[0].w = 0.f;\n"
+" out.m_row[1].x=2*quat.x*quat.y+2*quat.w*quat.z;\n"
+" out.m_row[1].y=1-2*quat2.x-2*quat2.z;\n"
+" out.m_row[1].z=2*quat.y*quat.z-2*quat.w*quat.x;\n"
+" out.m_row[1].w = 0.f;\n"
+" out.m_row[2].x=2*quat.x*quat.z-2*quat.w*quat.y;\n"
+" out.m_row[2].y=2*quat.y*quat.z+2*quat.w*quat.x;\n"
+" out.m_row[2].z=1-2*quat2.x-2*quat2.y;\n"
+" out.m_row[2].w = 0.f;\n"
+" return out;\n"
+"inline b3Mat3x3 b3AbsoluteMat3x3(b3Mat3x3ConstArg matIn)\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 out;\n"
+" out.m_row[0] = fabs(matIn.m_row[0]);\n"
+" out.m_row[1] = fabs(matIn.m_row[1]);\n"
+" out.m_row[2] = fabs(matIn.m_row[2]);\n"
+" return out;\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtZero();\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtIdentity();\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtTranspose(b3Mat3x3 m);\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtMul(b3Mat3x3 a, b3Mat3x3 b);\n"
+"b3Float4 mtMul1(b3Mat3x3 a, b3Float4 b);\n"
+"b3Float4 mtMul3(b3Float4 a, b3Mat3x3 b);\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtZero()\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 m;\n"
+" m.m_row[0] = (b3Float4)(0.f);\n"
+" m.m_row[1] = (b3Float4)(0.f);\n"
+" m.m_row[2] = (b3Float4)(0.f);\n"
+" return m;\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtIdentity()\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 m;\n"
+" m.m_row[0] = (b3Float4)(1,0,0,0);\n"
+" m.m_row[1] = (b3Float4)(0,1,0,0);\n"
+" m.m_row[2] = (b3Float4)(0,0,1,0);\n"
+" return m;\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtTranspose(b3Mat3x3 m)\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 out;\n"
+" out.m_row[0] = (b3Float4)(m.m_row[0].x, m.m_row[1].x, m.m_row[2].x, 0.f);\n"
+" out.m_row[1] = (b3Float4)(m.m_row[0].y, m.m_row[1].y, m.m_row[2].y, 0.f);\n"
+" out.m_row[2] = (b3Float4)(m.m_row[0].z, m.m_row[1].z, m.m_row[2].z, 0.f);\n"
+" return out;\n"
+"b3Mat3x3 mtMul(b3Mat3x3 a, b3Mat3x3 b)\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 transB;\n"
+" transB = mtTranspose( b );\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 ans;\n"
+" // why this doesn't run when 0ing in the for{}\n"
+" a.m_row[0].w = 0.f;\n"
+" a.m_row[1].w = 0.f;\n"
+" a.m_row[2].w = 0.f;\n"
+" for(int i=0; i<3; i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+"// a.m_row[i].w = 0.f;\n"
+" ans.m_row[i].x = b3Dot3F4(a.m_row[i],transB.m_row[0]);\n"
+" ans.m_row[i].y = b3Dot3F4(a.m_row[i],transB.m_row[1]);\n"
+" ans.m_row[i].z = b3Dot3F4(a.m_row[i],transB.m_row[2]);\n"
+" ans.m_row[i].w = 0.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" return ans;\n"
+"b3Float4 mtMul1(b3Mat3x3 a, b3Float4 b)\n"
+" b3Float4 ans;\n"
+" ans.x = b3Dot3F4( a.m_row[0], b );\n"
+" ans.y = b3Dot3F4( a.m_row[1], b );\n"
+" ans.z = b3Dot3F4( a.m_row[2], b );\n"
+" ans.w = 0.f;\n"
+" return ans;\n"
+"b3Float4 mtMul3(b3Float4 a, b3Mat3x3 b)\n"
+" b3Float4 colx = b3MakeFloat4(b.m_row[0].x, b.m_row[1].x, b.m_row[2].x, 0);\n"
+" b3Float4 coly = b3MakeFloat4(b.m_row[0].y, b.m_row[1].y, b.m_row[2].y, 0);\n"
+" b3Float4 colz = b3MakeFloat4(b.m_row[0].z, b.m_row[1].z, b.m_row[2].z, 0);\n"
+" b3Float4 ans;\n"
+" ans.x = b3Dot3F4( a, colx );\n"
+" ans.y = b3Dot3F4( a, coly );\n"
+" ans.z = b3Dot3F4( a, colz );\n"
+" return ans;\n"
+"#endif //B3_MAT3x3_H\n"
+"typedef struct b3RigidBodyData b3RigidBodyData_t;\n"
+"struct b3RigidBodyData\n"
+" b3Float4 m_pos;\n"
+" b3Quat m_quat;\n"
+" b3Float4 m_linVel;\n"
+" b3Float4 m_angVel;\n"
+" int m_collidableIdx;\n"
+" float m_invMass;\n"
+" float m_restituitionCoeff;\n"
+" float m_frictionCoeff;\n"
+"typedef struct b3InertiaData b3InertiaData_t;\n"
+"struct b3InertiaData\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 m_invInertiaWorld;\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 m_initInvInertia;\n"
+"#endif //B3_RIGIDBODY_DATA_H\n"
+" \n"
+"void b3PlaneSpace1 (b3Float4ConstArg n, b3Float4* p, b3Float4* q);\n"
+" void b3PlaneSpace1 (b3Float4ConstArg n, b3Float4* p, b3Float4* q)\n"
+" if (b3Fabs(n.z) > 0.70710678f) {\n"
+" // choose p in y-z plane\n"
+" float a = n.y*n.y + n.z*n.z;\n"
+" float k = 1.f/sqrt(a);\n"
+" p[0].x = 0;\n"
+" p[0].y = -n.z*k;\n"
+" p[0].z = n.y*k;\n"
+" // set q = n x p\n"
+" q[0].x = a*k;\n"
+" q[0].y = -n.x*p[0].z;\n"
+" q[0].z = n.x*p[0].y;\n"
+" }\n"
+" else {\n"
+" // choose p in x-y plane\n"
+" float a = n.x*n.x + n.y*n.y;\n"
+" float k = 1.f/sqrt(a);\n"
+" p[0].x = -n.y*k;\n"
+" p[0].y = n.x*k;\n"
+" p[0].z = 0;\n"
+" // set q = n x p\n"
+" q[0].x = -n.z*p[0].y;\n"
+" q[0].y = n.z*p[0].x;\n"
+" q[0].z = a*k;\n"
+" }\n"
+" \n"
+"void setLinearAndAngular( b3Float4ConstArg n, b3Float4ConstArg r0, b3Float4ConstArg r1, b3Float4* linear, b3Float4* angular0, b3Float4* angular1)\n"
+" *linear = b3MakeFloat4(n.x,n.y,n.z,0.f);\n"
+" *angular0 = b3Cross3(r0, n);\n"
+" *angular1 = -b3Cross3(r1, n);\n"
+"float calcRelVel( b3Float4ConstArg l0, b3Float4ConstArg l1, b3Float4ConstArg a0, b3Float4ConstArg a1, b3Float4ConstArg linVel0,\n"
+" b3Float4ConstArg angVel0, b3Float4ConstArg linVel1, b3Float4ConstArg angVel1 )\n"
+" return b3Dot3F4(l0, linVel0) + b3Dot3F4(a0, angVel0) + b3Dot3F4(l1, linVel1) + b3Dot3F4(a1, angVel1);\n"
+"float calcJacCoeff(b3Float4ConstArg linear0, b3Float4ConstArg linear1, b3Float4ConstArg angular0, b3Float4ConstArg angular1,\n"
+" float invMass0, const b3Mat3x3* invInertia0, float invMass1, const b3Mat3x3* invInertia1)\n"
+" // linear0,1 are normlized\n"
+" float jmj0 = invMass0;//b3Dot3F4(linear0, linear0)*invMass0;\n"
+" float jmj1 = b3Dot3F4(mtMul3(angular0,*invInertia0), angular0);\n"
+" float jmj2 = invMass1;//b3Dot3F4(linear1, linear1)*invMass1;\n"
+" float jmj3 = b3Dot3F4(mtMul3(angular1,*invInertia1), angular1);\n"
+" return -1.f/(jmj0+jmj1+jmj2+jmj3);\n"
+"void setConstraint4( b3Float4ConstArg posA, b3Float4ConstArg linVelA, b3Float4ConstArg angVelA, float invMassA, b3Mat3x3ConstArg invInertiaA,\n"
+" b3Float4ConstArg posB, b3Float4ConstArg linVelB, b3Float4ConstArg angVelB, float invMassB, b3Mat3x3ConstArg invInertiaB, \n"
+" __global struct b3Contact4Data* src, float dt, float positionDrift, float positionConstraintCoeff,\n"
+" b3ContactConstraint4_t* dstC )\n"
+" dstC->m_bodyA = abs(src->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit);\n"
+" dstC->m_bodyB = abs(src->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit);\n"
+" float dtInv = 1.f/dt;\n"
+" for(int ic=0; ic<4; ic++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" dstC->m_appliedRambdaDt[ic] = 0.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" dstC->m_fJacCoeffInv[0] = dstC->m_fJacCoeffInv[1] = 0.f;\n"
+" dstC->m_linear = src->m_worldNormalOnB;\n"
+" dstC->m_linear.w = 0.7f ;//src->getFrictionCoeff() );\n"
+" for(int ic=0; ic<4; ic++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" b3Float4 r0 = src->m_worldPosB[ic] - posA;\n"
+" b3Float4 r1 = src->m_worldPosB[ic] - posB;\n"
+" if( ic >= src->m_worldNormalOnB.w )//npoints\n"
+" {\n"
+" dstC->m_jacCoeffInv[ic] = 0.f;\n"
+" continue;\n"
+" }\n"
+" float relVelN;\n"
+" {\n"
+" b3Float4 linear, angular0, angular1;\n"
+" setLinearAndAngular(src->m_worldNormalOnB, r0, r1, &linear, &angular0, &angular1);\n"
+" dstC->m_jacCoeffInv[ic] = calcJacCoeff(linear, -linear, angular0, angular1,\n"
+" invMassA, &invInertiaA, invMassB, &invInertiaB );\n"
+" relVelN = calcRelVel(linear, -linear, angular0, angular1,\n"
+" linVelA, angVelA, linVelB, angVelB);\n"
+" float e = 0.f;//src->getRestituitionCoeff();\n"
+" if( relVelN*relVelN < 0.004f ) e = 0.f;\n"
+" dstC->m_b[ic] = e*relVelN;\n"
+" //float penetration = src->m_worldPosB[ic].w;\n"
+" dstC->m_b[ic] += (src->m_worldPosB[ic].w + positionDrift)*positionConstraintCoeff*dtInv;\n"
+" dstC->m_appliedRambdaDt[ic] = 0.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if( src->m_worldNormalOnB.w > 0 )//npoints\n"
+" { // prepare friction\n"
+" b3Float4 center = b3MakeFloat4(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f);\n"
+" for(int i=0; i<src->m_worldNormalOnB.w; i++) \n"
+" center += src->m_worldPosB[i];\n"
+" center /= (float)src->m_worldNormalOnB.w;\n"
+" b3Float4 tangent[2];\n"
+" b3PlaneSpace1(src->m_worldNormalOnB,&tangent[0],&tangent[1]);\n"
+" \n"
+" b3Float4 r[2];\n"
+" r[0] = center - posA;\n"
+" r[1] = center - posB;\n"
+" for(int i=0; i<2; i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" b3Float4 linear, angular0, angular1;\n"
+" setLinearAndAngular(tangent[i], r[0], r[1], &linear, &angular0, &angular1);\n"
+" dstC->m_fJacCoeffInv[i] = calcJacCoeff(linear, -linear, angular0, angular1,\n"
+" invMassA, &invInertiaA, invMassB, &invInertiaB );\n"
+" dstC->m_fAppliedRambdaDt[i] = 0.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" dstC->m_center = center;\n"
+" }\n"
+" for(int i=0; i<4; i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if( i<src->m_worldNormalOnB.w )\n"
+" {\n"
+" dstC->m_worldPos[i] = src->m_worldPosB[i];\n"
+" }\n"
+" else\n"
+" {\n"
+" dstC->m_worldPos[i] = b3MakeFloat4(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics : enable\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics : enable\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics : enable\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics : enable\n"
+"#ifdef cl_ext_atomic_counters_32\n"
+"#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_ext_atomic_counters_32 : enable\n"
+"#define counter32_t volatile global int*\n"
+"typedef unsigned int u32;\n"
+"typedef unsigned short u16;\n"
+"typedef unsigned char u8;\n"
+"#define GET_GROUP_IDX get_group_id(0)\n"
+"#define GET_LOCAL_IDX get_local_id(0)\n"
+"#define GET_GLOBAL_IDX get_global_id(0)\n"
+"#define GET_GROUP_SIZE get_local_size(0)\n"
+"#define GET_NUM_GROUPS get_num_groups(0)\n"
+"#define GROUP_MEM_FENCE mem_fence(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)\n"
+"#define AtomInc(x) atom_inc(&(x))\n"
+"#define AtomInc1(x, out) out = atom_inc(&(x))\n"
+"#define AppendInc(x, out) out = atomic_inc(x)\n"
+"#define AtomAdd(x, value) atom_add(&(x), value)\n"
+"#define AtomCmpxhg(x, cmp, value) atom_cmpxchg( &(x), cmp, value )\n"
+"#define AtomXhg(x, value) atom_xchg ( &(x), value )\n"
+"#define SELECT_UINT4( b, a, condition ) select( b,a,condition )\n"
+"#define make_float4 (float4)\n"
+"#define make_float2 (float2)\n"
+"#define make_uint4 (uint4)\n"
+"#define make_int4 (int4)\n"
+"#define make_uint2 (uint2)\n"
+"#define make_int2 (int2)\n"
+"#define max2 max\n"
+"#define min2 min\n"
+"// Vector\n"
+"float fastDiv(float numerator, float denominator)\n"
+" return native_divide(numerator, denominator); \n"
+"// return numerator/denominator; \n"
+"float4 fastDiv4(float4 numerator, float4 denominator)\n"
+" return native_divide(numerator, denominator); \n"
+"float fastSqrtf(float f2)\n"
+" return native_sqrt(f2);\n"
+"// return sqrt(f2);\n"
+"float fastRSqrt(float f2)\n"
+" return native_rsqrt(f2);\n"
+"float fastLength4(float4 v)\n"
+" return fast_length(v);\n"
+"float4 fastNormalize4(float4 v)\n"
+" return fast_normalize(v);\n"
+"float sqrtf(float a)\n"
+"// return sqrt(a);\n"
+" return native_sqrt(a);\n"
+"float4 cross3(float4 a, float4 b)\n"
+" return cross(a,b);\n"
+"float dot3F4(float4 a, float4 b)\n"
+" float4 a1 = make_float4(,0.f);\n"
+" float4 b1 = make_float4(,0.f);\n"
+" return dot(a1, b1);\n"
+"float length3(const float4 a)\n"
+" return sqrtf(dot3F4(a,a));\n"
+"float dot4(const float4 a, const float4 b)\n"
+" return dot( a, b );\n"
+"// for height\n"
+"float dot3w1(const float4 point, const float4 eqn)\n"
+" return dot3F4(point,eqn) + eqn.w;\n"
+"float4 normalize3(const float4 a)\n"
+" float4 n = make_float4(a.x, a.y, a.z, 0.f);\n"
+" return fastNormalize4( n );\n"
+"// float length = sqrtf(dot3F4(a, a));\n"
+"// return 1.f/length * a;\n"
+"float4 normalize4(const float4 a)\n"
+" float length = sqrtf(dot4(a, a));\n"
+" return 1.f/length * a;\n"
+"float4 createEquation(const float4 a, const float4 b, const float4 c)\n"
+" float4 eqn;\n"
+" float4 ab = b-a;\n"
+" float4 ac = c-a;\n"
+" eqn = normalize3( cross3(ab, ac) );\n"
+" eqn.w = -dot3F4(eqn,a);\n"
+" return eqn;\n"
+"#define WG_SIZE 64\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" int m_nConstraints;\n"
+" int m_start;\n"
+" int m_batchIdx;\n"
+" int m_nSplit;\n"
+"// int m_paddings[1];\n"
+"} ConstBuffer;\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" int m_solveFriction;\n"
+" int m_maxBatch; // long batch really kills the performance\n"
+" int m_batchIdx;\n"
+" int m_nSplit;\n"
+"// int m_paddings[1];\n"
+"} ConstBufferBatchSolve;\n"
+" \n"
+"typedef struct \n"
+" int m_valInt0;\n"
+" int m_valInt1;\n"
+" int m_valInt2;\n"
+" int m_valInt3;\n"
+" float m_val0;\n"
+" float m_val1;\n"
+" float m_val2;\n"
+" float m_val3;\n"
+"} SolverDebugInfo;\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" int m_nContacts;\n"
+" float m_dt;\n"
+" float m_positionDrift;\n"
+" float m_positionConstraintCoeff;\n"
+"} ConstBufferCTC;\n"
+"void ContactToConstraintKernel(__global struct b3Contact4Data* gContact, __global b3RigidBodyData_t* gBodies, __global b3InertiaData_t* gShapes, __global b3ContactConstraint4_t* gConstraintOut, \n"
+"int nContacts,\n"
+"float dt,\n"
+"float positionDrift,\n"
+"float positionConstraintCoeff\n"
+" int gIdx = GET_GLOBAL_IDX;\n"
+" \n"
+" if( gIdx < nContacts )\n"
+" {\n"
+" int aIdx = abs(gContact[gIdx].m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit);\n"
+" int bIdx = abs(gContact[gIdx].m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit);\n"
+" float4 posA = gBodies[aIdx].m_pos;\n"
+" float4 linVelA = gBodies[aIdx].m_linVel;\n"
+" float4 angVelA = gBodies[aIdx].m_angVel;\n"
+" float invMassA = gBodies[aIdx].m_invMass;\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 invInertiaA = gShapes[aIdx].m_initInvInertia;\n"
+" float4 posB = gBodies[bIdx].m_pos;\n"
+" float4 linVelB = gBodies[bIdx].m_linVel;\n"
+" float4 angVelB = gBodies[bIdx].m_angVel;\n"
+" float invMassB = gBodies[bIdx].m_invMass;\n"
+" b3Mat3x3 invInertiaB = gShapes[bIdx].m_initInvInertia;\n"
+" b3ContactConstraint4_t cs;\n"
+" setConstraint4( posA, linVelA, angVelA, invMassA, invInertiaA, posB, linVelB, angVelB, invMassB, invInertiaB,\n"
+" &gContact[gIdx], dt, positionDrift, positionConstraintCoeff,\n"
+" &cs );\n"
+" \n"
+" cs.m_batchIdx = gContact[gIdx].m_batchIdx;\n"
+" gConstraintOut[gIdx] = cs;\n"
+" }\n"