path: root/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/
diff options
authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2018-01-13 14:43:30 +0100
committerGitHub <>2018-01-13 14:43:30 +0100
commita3ee252993e8200c856be3fe664937f9461ee268 (patch)
treeaf68e434545e20c538f896e28b73f2db7d626edd /thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/
parentc01575b3125ce1828f0cacb3f9f00286136f373c (diff)
parente12c89e8c9896b2e5cdd70dbd2d2acb449ff4b94 (diff)
Merge pull request #15664 from akien-mga/thirdparty
Bugfix updates to various thirdparty libraries
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/')
1 files changed, 1888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f433971741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/
@@ -0,0 +1,1888 @@
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics : enable
+#ifdef cl_ext_atomic_counters_32
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_ext_atomic_counters_32 : enable
+#define counter32_t volatile __global int*
+#define GET_GROUP_IDX get_group_id(0)
+#define GET_LOCAL_IDX get_local_id(0)
+#define GET_GLOBAL_IDX get_global_id(0)
+#define GET_GROUP_SIZE get_local_size(0)
+#define GET_NUM_GROUPS get_num_groups(0)
+#define AtomInc(x) atom_inc(&(x))
+#define AtomInc1(x, out) out = atom_inc(&(x))
+#define AppendInc(x, out) out = atomic_inc(x)
+#define AtomAdd(x, value) atom_add(&(x), value)
+#define AtomCmpxhg(x, cmp, value) atom_cmpxchg( &(x), cmp, value )
+#define AtomXhg(x, value) atom_xchg ( &(x), value )
+#define max2 max
+#define min2 min
+typedef unsigned int u32;
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#define GET_NPOINTS(x) (x).m_worldNormalOnB.w
+#define SELECT_UINT4( b, a, condition ) select( b,a,condition )
+#define make_float4 (float4)
+#define make_float2 (float2)
+#define make_uint4 (uint4)
+#define make_int4 (int4)
+#define make_uint2 (uint2)
+#define make_int2 (int2)
+float fastDiv(float numerator, float denominator)
+ return native_divide(numerator, denominator);
+// return numerator/denominator;
+float4 fastDiv4(float4 numerator, float4 denominator)
+ return native_divide(numerator, denominator);
+float4 cross3(float4 a, float4 b)
+ return cross(a,b);
+//#define dot3F4 dot
+float dot3F4(float4 a, float4 b)
+ float4 a1 = make_float4(,0.f);
+ float4 b1 = make_float4(,0.f);
+ return dot(a1, b1);
+float4 fastNormalize4(float4 v)
+ return fast_normalize(v);
+// Quaternion
+typedef float4 Quaternion;
+Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b);
+Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in);
+float4 qtRotate(Quaternion q, float4 vec);
+Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q);
+Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)
+ Quaternion ans;
+ ans = cross3( a, b );
+ ans += a.w*b+b.w*a;
+// ans.w = a.w*b.w - (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);
+ ans.w = a.w*b.w - dot3F4(a, b);
+ return ans;
+Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in)
+ return fastNormalize4(in);
+// in /= length( in );
+// return in;
+float4 qtRotate(Quaternion q, float4 vec)
+ Quaternion qInv = qtInvert( q );
+ float4 vcpy = vec;
+ vcpy.w = 0.f;
+ float4 out = qtMul(qtMul(q,vcpy),qInv);
+ return out;
+Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q)
+ return (Quaternion)(, q.w);
+float4 qtInvRotate(const Quaternion q, float4 vec)
+ return qtRotate( qtInvert( q ), vec );
+float4 transform(const float4* p, const float4* translation, const Quaternion* orientation)
+ return qtRotate( *orientation, *p ) + (*translation);
+float4 normalize3(const float4 a)
+ float4 n = make_float4(a.x, a.y, a.z, 0.f);
+ return fastNormalize4( n );
+__inline float4 lerp3(const float4 a,const float4 b, float t)
+ return make_float4( a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t,
+ a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t,
+ a.z + (b.z - a.z) * t,
+ 0.f);
+// Clips a face to the back of a plane, return the number of vertices out, stored in ppVtxOut
+int clipFaceGlobal(__global const float4* pVtxIn, int numVertsIn, float4 planeNormalWS,float planeEqWS, __global float4* ppVtxOut)
+ int ve;
+ float ds, de;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ //double-check next test
+ if (numVertsIn < 2)
+ return 0;
+ float4 firstVertex=pVtxIn[numVertsIn-1];
+ float4 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
+ ds = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,firstVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ for (ve = 0; ve < numVertsIn; ve++)
+ {
+ endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
+ de = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,endVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ if (ds<0)
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ }
+ firstVertex = endVertex;
+ ds = de;
+ }
+ return numVertsOut;
+// Clips a face to the back of a plane, return the number of vertices out, stored in ppVtxOut
+int clipFace(const float4* pVtxIn, int numVertsIn, float4 planeNormalWS,float planeEqWS, float4* ppVtxOut)
+ int ve;
+ float ds, de;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+//double-check next test
+ if (numVertsIn < 2)
+ return 0;
+ float4 firstVertex=pVtxIn[numVertsIn-1];
+ float4 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
+ ds = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,firstVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ for (ve = 0; ve < numVertsIn; ve++)
+ {
+ endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
+ de = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,endVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ if (ds<0)
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ }
+ firstVertex = endVertex;
+ ds = de;
+ }
+ return numVertsOut;
+int clipFaceAgainstHull(const float4 separatingNormal, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA,
+ const float4 posA, const Quaternion ornA, float4* worldVertsB1, int numWorldVertsB1,
+ float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVertsB2,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ float4* contactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ float4* pVtxIn = worldVertsB1;
+ float4* pVtxOut = worldVertsB2;
+ int numVertsIn = numWorldVertsB1;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ int closestFaceA=-1;
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const float4 faceANormalWS = qtRotate(ornA,Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
+ if (d < dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ closestFaceA = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceA<0)
+ return numContactsOut;
+ b3GpuFace_t polyA = faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA];
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ int numVerticesA = polyA.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 a = vertices[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indices[polyA.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ const float4 b = vertices[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indices[polyA.m_indexOffset+((e0+1)%numVerticesA)]];
+ const float4 edge0 = a - b;
+ const float4 WorldEdge0 = qtRotate(ornA,edge0);
+ float4 planeNormalA = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = qtRotate(ornA,planeNormalA);
+ float4 planeNormalWS1 = -cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ float4 worldA1 = transform(&a,&posA,&ornA);
+ float planeEqWS1 = -dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ //clip face
+ //clipFace(*pVtxIn, *pVtxOut,planeNormalWS,planeEqWS);
+ numVertsOut = clipFace(pVtxIn, numVertsIn, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ //btSwap(pVtxIn,pVtxOut);
+ float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsIn = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ // only keep points that are behind the witness face
+ {
+ float4 localPlaneNormal = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float localPlaneEq = polyA.m_plane.w;
+ float4 planeNormalWS = qtRotate(ornA,localPlaneNormal);
+ float planeEqWS=localPlaneEq-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,posA);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsIn;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ //resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,depth);
+ contactsOut[numContactsOut++] = make_float4(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+int clipFaceAgainstHullLocalA(const float4 separatingNormal, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA,
+ const float4 posA, const Quaternion ornA, float4* worldVertsB1, int numWorldVertsB1,
+ float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVertsB2,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ const float4* verticesA,
+ const b3GpuFace_t* facesA,
+ const int* indicesA,
+ __global const float4* verticesB,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* facesB,
+ __global const int* indicesB,
+ float4* contactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ float4* pVtxIn = worldVertsB1;
+ float4* pVtxOut = worldVertsB2;
+ int numVertsIn = numWorldVertsB1;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ int closestFaceA=-1;
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const float4 faceANormalWS = qtRotate(ornA,Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
+ if (d < dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ closestFaceA = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceA<0)
+ return numContactsOut;
+ b3GpuFace_t polyA = facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA];
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ int numVerticesA = polyA.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 a = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ const float4 b = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+((e0+1)%numVerticesA)]];
+ const float4 edge0 = a - b;
+ const float4 WorldEdge0 = qtRotate(ornA,edge0);
+ float4 planeNormalA = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = qtRotate(ornA,planeNormalA);
+ float4 planeNormalWS1 = -cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ float4 worldA1 = transform(&a,&posA,&ornA);
+ float planeEqWS1 = -dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ //clip face
+ //clipFace(*pVtxIn, *pVtxOut,planeNormalWS,planeEqWS);
+ numVertsOut = clipFace(pVtxIn, numVertsIn, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ //btSwap(pVtxIn,pVtxOut);
+ float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsIn = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ // only keep points that are behind the witness face
+ {
+ float4 localPlaneNormal = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float localPlaneEq = polyA.m_plane.w;
+ float4 planeNormalWS = qtRotate(ornA,localPlaneNormal);
+ float planeEqWS=localPlaneEq-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,posA);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsIn;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ //resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,depth);
+ contactsOut[numContactsOut++] = make_float4(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+int clipHullAgainstHull(const float4 separatingNormal,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullB,
+ const float4 posA, const Quaternion ornA,const float4 posB, const Quaternion ornB,
+ float4* worldVertsB1, float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVerts,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ float4* localContactsOut,
+ int localContactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
+ int closestFaceB=-1;
+ float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
+ {
+ for(int face=0;face<hullB->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const float4 WorldNormal = qtRotate(ornB, Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
+ if (d > dmax)
+ {
+ dmax = d;
+ closestFaceB = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const b3GpuFace_t polyB = faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
+ const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 b = vertices[hullB->m_vertexOffset+indices[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsB1[numWorldVertsB1++] = transform(&b,&posB,&ornB);
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceB>=0)
+ {
+ numContactsOut = clipFaceAgainstHull(separatingNormal, hullA,
+ posA,ornA,
+ worldVertsB1,numWorldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts, minDist, maxDist,vertices,
+ faces,
+ indices,localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+int clipHullAgainstHullLocalA(const float4 separatingNormal,
+ const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullB,
+ const float4 posA, const Quaternion ornA,const float4 posB, const Quaternion ornB,
+ float4* worldVertsB1, float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVerts,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ const float4* verticesA,
+ const b3GpuFace_t* facesA,
+ const int* indicesA,
+ __global const float4* verticesB,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* facesB,
+ __global const int* indicesB,
+ float4* localContactsOut,
+ int localContactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
+ int closestFaceB=-1;
+ float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
+ {
+ for(int face=0;face<hullB->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const float4 WorldNormal = qtRotate(ornB, Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
+ if (d > dmax)
+ {
+ dmax = d;
+ closestFaceB = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const b3GpuFace_t polyB = facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
+ const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 b = verticesB[hullB->m_vertexOffset+indicesB[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsB1[numWorldVertsB1++] = transform(&b,&posB,&ornB);
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceB>=0)
+ {
+ numContactsOut = clipFaceAgainstHullLocalA(separatingNormal, hullA,
+ posA,ornA,
+ worldVertsB1,numWorldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts, minDist, maxDist,
+ verticesA,facesA,indicesA,
+ verticesB,facesB,indicesB,
+ localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+#define PARALLEL_SUM(v, n) for(int j=1; j<n; j++) v[0] += v[j];
+#define PARALLEL_DO(execution, n) for(int ie=0; ie<n; ie++){execution;}
+#define REDUCE_MAX(v, n) {int i=0;\
+for(int offset=0; offset<n; offset++) v[i] = (v[i].y > v[i+offset].y)? v[i]: v[i+offset]; }
+#define REDUCE_MIN(v, n) {int i=0;\
+for(int offset=0; offset<n; offset++) v[i] = (v[i].y < v[i+offset].y)? v[i]: v[i+offset]; }
+int extractManifoldSequentialGlobal(__global const float4* p, int nPoints, float4 nearNormal, int4* contactIdx)
+ if( nPoints == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if (nPoints <=4)
+ return nPoints;
+ if (nPoints >64)
+ nPoints = 64;
+ float4 center = make_float4(0.f);
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
+ center += p[i];
+ center /= (float)nPoints;
+ }
+ // sample 4 directions
+ float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
+ float4 u = cross3( nearNormal, aVector );
+ float4 v = cross3( nearNormal, u );
+ u = normalize3( u );
+ v = normalize3( v );
+ //keep point with deepest penetration
+ float minW= FLT_MAX;
+ int minIndex=-1;
+ float4 maxDots;
+ maxDots.x = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.y = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.z = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.w = FLT_MIN;
+ // idx, distance
+ for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
+ {
+ if (p[ie].w<minW)
+ {
+ minW = p[ie].w;
+ minIndex=ie;
+ }
+ float f;
+ float4 r = p[ie]-center;
+ f = dot3F4( u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.x)
+ {
+ maxDots.x = f;
+ contactIdx[0].x = ie;
+ }
+ f = dot3F4( -u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.y)
+ {
+ maxDots.y = f;
+ contactIdx[0].y = ie;
+ }
+ f = dot3F4( v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.z)
+ {
+ maxDots.z = f;
+ contactIdx[0].z = ie;
+ }
+ f = dot3F4( -v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.w)
+ {
+ maxDots.w = f;
+ contactIdx[0].w = ie;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contactIdx[0].x != minIndex && contactIdx[0].y != minIndex && contactIdx[0].z != minIndex && contactIdx[0].w != minIndex)
+ {
+ //replace the first contact with minimum (todo: replace contact with least penetration)
+ contactIdx[0].x = minIndex;
+ }
+ return 4;
+int extractManifoldSequentialGlobalFake(__global const float4* p, int nPoints, float4 nearNormal, int* contactIdx)
+ contactIdx[0] = 0;
+ contactIdx[1] = 1;
+ contactIdx[2] = 2;
+ contactIdx[3] = 3;
+ if( nPoints == 0 ) return 0;
+ nPoints = min2( nPoints, 4 );
+ return nPoints;
+int extractManifoldSequential(const float4* p, int nPoints, float4 nearNormal, int* contactIdx)
+ if( nPoints == 0 ) return 0;
+ nPoints = min2( nPoints, 64 );
+ float4 center = make_float4(0.f);
+ {
+ float4 v[64];
+ for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
+ v[i] = p[i];
+ //memcpy( v, p, nPoints*sizeof(float4) );
+ PARALLEL_SUM( v, nPoints );
+ center = v[0]/(float)nPoints;
+ }
+ { // sample 4 directions
+ if( nPoints < 4 )
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
+ contactIdx[i] = i;
+ return nPoints;
+ }
+ float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
+ float4 u = cross3( nearNormal, aVector );
+ float4 v = cross3( nearNormal, u );
+ u = normalize3( u );
+ v = normalize3( v );
+ int idx[4];
+ float2 max00 = make_float2(0,FLT_MAX);
+ {
+ // idx, distance
+ {
+ {
+ int4 a[64];
+ for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
+ {
+ float f;
+ float4 r = p[ie]-center;
+ f = dot3F4( u, r );
+ a[ie].x = ((*(u32*)&f) & 0xffffff00) | (0xff & ie);
+ f = dot3F4( -u, r );
+ a[ie].y = ((*(u32*)&f) & 0xffffff00) | (0xff & ie);
+ f = dot3F4( v, r );
+ a[ie].z = ((*(u32*)&f) & 0xffffff00) | (0xff & ie);
+ f = dot3F4( -v, r );
+ a[ie].w = ((*(u32*)&f) & 0xffffff00) | (0xff & ie);
+ }
+ for(int ie=0; ie<nPoints; ie++)
+ {
+ a[0].x = (a[0].x > a[ie].x )? a[0].x: a[ie].x;
+ a[0].y = (a[0].y > a[ie].y )? a[0].y: a[ie].y;
+ a[0].z = (a[0].z > a[ie].z )? a[0].z: a[ie].z;
+ a[0].w = (a[0].w > a[ie].w )? a[0].w: a[ie].w;
+ }
+ idx[0] = (int)a[0].x & 0xff;
+ idx[1] = (int)a[0].y & 0xff;
+ idx[2] = (int)a[0].z & 0xff;
+ idx[3] = (int)a[0].w & 0xff;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ float2 h[64];
+ PARALLEL_DO( h[ie] = make_float2((float)ie, p[ie].w), nPoints );
+ REDUCE_MIN( h, nPoints );
+ max00 = h[0];
+ }
+ }
+ contactIdx[0] = idx[0];
+ contactIdx[1] = idx[1];
+ contactIdx[2] = idx[2];
+ contactIdx[3] = idx[3];
+ return 4;
+ }
+__kernel void extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel(__global const int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const float4* closestPointsWorld,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormalsWorld,
+ __global const int* contactCounts,
+ __global const int* contactOffsets,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* restrict contactsOut,
+ counter32_t nContactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity,
+ int numPairs,
+ int pairIndex
+ )
+ int idx = get_global_id(0);
+ if (idx<numPairs)
+ {
+ float4 normal = separatingNormalsWorld[idx];
+ int nPoints = contactCounts[idx];
+ __global const float4* pointsIn = &closestPointsWorld[contactOffsets[idx]];
+ float4 localPoints[64];
+ for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
+ {
+ localPoints[i] = pointsIn[i];
+ }
+ int contactIdx[4];// = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
+ contactIdx[0] = -1;
+ contactIdx[1] = -1;
+ contactIdx[2] = -1;
+ contactIdx[3] = -1;
+ int nContacts = extractManifoldSequential(localPoints, nPoints, normal, contactIdx);
+ int dstIdx;
+ AppendInc( nContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if (dstIdx<contactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = contactsOut + dstIdx;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = idx;
+ int bodyA = pairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = pairs[pairIndex].y;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0 ? -bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0 ? -bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA = -1;
+ c->m_childIndexB = -1;
+ for (int i=0;i<nContacts;i++)
+ {
+ c->m_worldPosB[i] = localPoints[contactIdx[i]];
+ }
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nContacts;
+ }
+ }
+void trInverse(float4 translationIn, Quaternion orientationIn,
+ float4* translationOut, Quaternion* orientationOut)
+ *orientationOut = qtInvert(orientationIn);
+ *translationOut = qtRotate(*orientationOut, -translationIn);
+void trMul(float4 translationA, Quaternion orientationA,
+ float4 translationB, Quaternion orientationB,
+ float4* translationOut, Quaternion* orientationOut)
+ *orientationOut = qtMul(orientationA,orientationB);
+ *translationOut = transform(&translationB,&translationA,&orientationA);
+__kernel void clipHullHullKernel( __global int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* convexShapes,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const float4* uniqueEdges,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* restrict globalContactsOut,
+ counter32_t nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int numPairs,
+ int contactCapacity)
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ float4 worldVertsB1[64];
+ float4 worldVertsB2[64];
+ int capacityWorldVerts = 64;
+ float4 localContactsOut[64];
+ int localContactCapacity=64;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+ int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ int numLocalContactsOut = clipHullAgainstHull(separatingNormals[i],
+ &convexShapes[shapeIndexA], &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos,rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat,
+ rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos,rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat,
+ worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ vertices,faces,indices,
+ localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ if (numLocalContactsOut>0)
+ {
+ float4 normal = -separatingNormals[i];
+ int nPoints = numLocalContactsOut;
+ float4* pointsIn = localContactsOut;
+ int contactIdx[4];// = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
+ contactIdx[0] = -1;
+ contactIdx[1] = -1;
+ contactIdx[2] = -1;
+ contactIdx[3] = -1;
+ int nReducedContacts = extractManifoldSequential(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, contactIdx);
+ int mprContactIndex = pairs[pairIndex].z;
+ int dstIdx = mprContactIndex;
+ if (dstIdx<0)
+ {
+ AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ }
+ if (dstIdx<contactCapacity)
+ {
+ pairs[pairIndex].z = dstIdx;
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = globalContactsOut+ dstIdx;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = pairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = pairs[pairIndex].y;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA = -1;
+ c->m_childIndexB = -1;
+ for (int i=0;i<nReducedContacts;i++)
+ {
+ //this condition means: overwrite contact point, unless at index i==0 we have a valid 'mpr' contact
+ if (i>0||(mprContactIndex<0))
+ {
+ c->m_worldPosB[i] = pointsIn[contactIdx[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nReducedContacts;
+ }
+ }// if (numContactsOut>0)
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
+__kernel void clipCompoundsHullHullKernel( __global const int4* gpuCompoundPairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* convexShapes,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const float4* uniqueEdges,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global const b3GpuChildShape_t* gpuChildShapes,
+ __global const float4* gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut,
+ __global const int* gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* restrict globalContactsOut,
+ counter32_t nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int numCompoundPairs, int maxContactCapacity)
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ float4 worldVertsB1[64];
+ float4 worldVertsB2[64];
+ int capacityWorldVerts = 64;
+ float4 localContactsOut[64];
+ int localContactCapacity=64;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ if (i<numCompoundPairs)
+ {
+ if (gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i])
+ {
+ int bodyIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].y;
+ int childShapeIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].z;
+ int childShapeIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].w;
+ int collidableIndexA = -1;
+ int collidableIndexB = -1;
+ float4 ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ float4 ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ if (childShapeIndexA >= 0)
+ {
+ collidableIndexA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ float4 childPosA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childPosition;
+ float4 childOrnA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childOrientation;
+ float4 newPosA = qtRotate(ornA,childPosA)+posA;
+ float4 newOrnA = qtMul(ornA,childOrnA);
+ posA = newPosA;
+ ornA = newOrnA;
+ } else
+ {
+ collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ }
+ if (childShapeIndexB>=0)
+ {
+ collidableIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
+ float4 childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
+ float4 newPosB = transform(&childPosB,&posB,&ornB);
+ float4 newOrnB = qtMul(ornB,childOrnB);
+ posB = newPosB;
+ ornB = newOrnB;
+ } else
+ {
+ collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ }
+ int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ int numLocalContactsOut = clipHullAgainstHull(gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut[i],
+ &convexShapes[shapeIndexA], &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ vertices,faces,indices,
+ localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ if (numLocalContactsOut>0)
+ {
+ float4 normal = -gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut[i];
+ int nPoints = numLocalContactsOut;
+ float4* pointsIn = localContactsOut;
+ int contactIdx[4];// = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
+ contactIdx[0] = -1;
+ contactIdx[1] = -1;
+ contactIdx[2] = -1;
+ contactIdx[3] = -1;
+ int nReducedContacts = extractManifoldSequential(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, contactIdx);
+ int dstIdx;
+ AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if ((dstIdx+nReducedContacts) < maxContactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = globalContactsOut+ dstIdx;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = gpuCompoundPairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = gpuCompoundPairs[pairIndex].y;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA = childShapeIndexA;
+ c->m_childIndexB = childShapeIndexB;
+ for (int i=0;i<nReducedContacts;i++)
+ {
+ c->m_worldPosB[i] = pointsIn[contactIdx[i]];
+ }
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nReducedContacts;
+ }
+ }// if (numContactsOut>0)
+ }// if (gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i])
+ }// if (i<numCompoundPairs)
+__kernel void sphereSphereCollisionKernel( __global const int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* restrict globalContactsOut,
+ counter32_t nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity,
+ int numPairs)
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ if (collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE &&
+ collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)
+ {
+ //sphere-sphere
+ float radiusA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_radius;
+ float radiusB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_radius;
+ float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ float4 diff = posA-posB;
+ float len = length(diff);
+ ///iff distance positive, don't generate a new contact
+ if ( len <= (radiusA+radiusB))
+ {
+ ///distance (negative means penetration)
+ float dist = len - (radiusA+radiusB);
+ float4 normalOnSurfaceB = make_float4(1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f);
+ if (len > 0.00001)
+ {
+ normalOnSurfaceB = diff / len;
+ }
+ float4 contactPosB = posB + normalOnSurfaceB*radiusB;
+ contactPosB.w = dist;
+ int dstIdx;
+ AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if (dstIdx < contactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normalOnSurfaceB;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = pairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = pairs[pairIndex].y;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_worldPosB[0] = contactPosB;
+ c->m_childIndexA = -1;
+ c->m_childIndexB = -1;
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = 1;
+ }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
+ }//if ( len <= (radiusA+radiusB))
+ }//if (i<numPairs)
+__kernel void clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel( __global int4* concavePairsIn,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* convexShapes,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const float4* uniqueEdges,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global const b3GpuChildShape_t* gpuChildShapes,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* restrict globalContactsOut,
+ counter32_t nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity,
+ int numConcavePairs)
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ float4 worldVertsB1[64];
+ float4 worldVertsB2[64];
+ int capacityWorldVerts = 64;
+ float4 localContactsOut[64];
+ int localContactCapacity=64;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ if (i<numConcavePairs)
+ {
+ //negative value means that the pair is invalid
+ if (concavePairsIn[i].w<0)
+ return;
+ int bodyIndexA = concavePairsIn[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = concavePairsIn[i].y;
+ int f = concavePairsIn[i].z;
+ int childShapeIndexA = f;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ bool overlap = false;
+ b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t convexPolyhedronA;
+ //add 3 vertices of the triangle
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numVertices = 3;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_vertexOffset = 0;
+ float4 localCenter = make_float4(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f);
+ b3GpuFace_t face = faces[convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_faceOffset+f];
+ float4 verticesA[3];
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
+ {
+ int index = indices[face.m_indexOffset+i];
+ float4 vert = vertices[convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_vertexOffset+index];
+ verticesA[i] = vert;
+ localCenter += vert;
+ }
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ int localCC=0;
+ //a triangle has 3 unique edges
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numUniqueEdges = 3;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_uniqueEdgesOffset = 0;
+ float4 uniqueEdgesA[3];
+ uniqueEdgesA[0] = (verticesA[1]-verticesA[0]);
+ uniqueEdgesA[1] = (verticesA[2]-verticesA[1]);
+ uniqueEdgesA[2] = (verticesA[0]-verticesA[2]);
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_faceOffset = 0;
+ float4 normal = make_float4(face.m_plane.x,face.m_plane.y,face.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ int indicesA[3+3+2+2+2];
+ int curUsedIndices=0;
+ int fidx=0;
+ //front size of triangle
+ {
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[0] = 0;
+ indicesA[1] = 1;
+ indicesA[2] = 2;
+ curUsedIndices+=3;
+ float c = face.m_plane.w;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = normal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = normal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = normal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices=3;
+ }
+ fidx++;
+ //back size of triangle
+ {
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[3]=2;
+ indicesA[4]=1;
+ indicesA[5]=0;
+ curUsedIndices+=3;
+ float c = dot3F4(normal,verticesA[0]);
+ float c1 = -face.m_plane.w;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = -normal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = -normal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = -normal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices=3;
+ }
+ fidx++;
+ bool addEdgePlanes = true;
+ if (addEdgePlanes)
+ {
+ int numVertices=3;
+ int prevVertex = numVertices-1;
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
+ {
+ float4 v0 = verticesA[i];
+ float4 v1 = verticesA[prevVertex];
+ float4 edgeNormal = normalize(cross(normal,v1-v0));
+ float c = -dot3F4(edgeNormal,v0);
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices = 2;
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[curUsedIndices++]=i;
+ indicesA[curUsedIndices++]=prevVertex;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = edgeNormal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = edgeNormal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = edgeNormal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ fidx++;
+ prevVertex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numFaces = TRIANGLE_NUM_CONVEX_FACES;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_localCenter = localCenter*(1.f/3.f);
+ float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ posA.w = 0.f;
+ float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ posB.w = 0.f;
+ float4 ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ float4 ornB =rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ float4 sepAxis = separatingNormals[i];
+ int shapeTypeB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType;
+ int childShapeIndexB =-1;
+ {
+ ///////////////////
+ ///compound shape support
+ childShapeIndexB = concavePairsIn[pairIndex].w;
+ int childColIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ shapeIndexB = collidables[childColIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
+ float4 childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
+ float4 newPosB = transform(&childPosB,&posB,&ornB);
+ float4 newOrnB = qtMul(ornB,childOrnB);
+ posB = newPosB;
+ ornB = newOrnB;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////
+ int numLocalContactsOut = clipHullAgainstHullLocalA(sepAxis,
+ &convexPolyhedronA, &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ &verticesA,&facesA,&indicesA,
+ vertices,faces,indices,
+ localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ if (numLocalContactsOut>0)
+ {
+ float4 normal = -separatingNormals[i];
+ int nPoints = numLocalContactsOut;
+ float4* pointsIn = localContactsOut;
+ int contactIdx[4];// = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
+ contactIdx[0] = -1;
+ contactIdx[1] = -1;
+ contactIdx[2] = -1;
+ contactIdx[3] = -1;
+ int nReducedContacts = extractManifoldSequential(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, contactIdx);
+ int dstIdx;
+ AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if (dstIdx<contactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = globalContactsOut+ dstIdx;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = concavePairsIn[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = concavePairsIn[pairIndex].y;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA = childShapeIndexA;
+ c->m_childIndexB = childShapeIndexB;
+ for (int i=0;i<nReducedContacts;i++)
+ {
+ c->m_worldPosB[i] = pointsIn[contactIdx[i]];
+ }
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nReducedContacts;
+ }
+ }// if (numContactsOut>0)
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
+int findClippingFaces(const float4 separatingNormal,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullB,
+ const float4 posA, const Quaternion ornA,const float4 posB, const Quaternion ornB,
+ __global float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB1,
+ int capacityWorldVerts,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global int4* clippingFaces, int pairIndex)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
+ int closestFaceB=-1;
+ float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
+ {
+ for(int face=0;face<hullB->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const float4 WorldNormal = qtRotate(ornB, Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
+ if (d > dmax)
+ {
+ dmax = d;
+ closestFaceB = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const b3GpuFace_t polyB = faces[hullB->m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
+ const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 b = vertices[hullB->m_vertexOffset+indices[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsB1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVerts+numWorldVertsB1++] = transform(&b,&posB,&ornB);
+ }
+ }
+ int closestFaceA=-1;
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const float4 Normal = make_float4(
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
+ faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,
+ 0.f);
+ const float4 faceANormalWS = qtRotate(ornA,Normal);
+ float d = dot3F4(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
+ if (d < dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ closestFaceA = face;
+ worldNormalsA1[pairIndex] = faceANormalWS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int numVerticesA = faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA].m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 a = vertices[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indices[faces[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA].m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVerts+e0] = transform(&a, &posA,&ornA);
+ }
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].x = closestFaceA;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].y = closestFaceB;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].z = numVerticesA;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].w = numWorldVertsB1;
+ return numContactsOut;
+int clipFaces(__global float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB2,
+ int capacityWorldVertsB2,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ __global int4* clippingFaces,
+ int pairIndex)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int closestFaceA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].x;
+ int closestFaceB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].y;
+ int numVertsInA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].z;
+ int numVertsInB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].w;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ if (closestFaceA<0)
+ return numContactsOut;
+ __global float4* pVtxIn = &worldVertsB1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ __global float4* pVtxOut = &worldVertsB2[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertsInA;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 aw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+e0];
+ const float4 bw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+((e0+1)%numVertsInA)];
+ const float4 WorldEdge0 = aw - bw;
+ float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ float4 planeNormalWS1 = -cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ float4 worldA1 = aw;
+ float planeEqWS1 = -dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ numVertsOut = clipFaceGlobal(pVtxIn, numVertsInB, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ __global float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsInB = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ //float4 planeNormalWS = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ //float planeEqWS=-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2]);
+ /*for (int i=0;i<numVertsInB;i++)
+ {
+ pVtxOut[i] = pVtxIn[i];
+ }*/
+ //numVertsInB=0;
+ float4 planeNormalWS = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ float planeEqWS=-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2]);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsInB;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ pVtxOut[numContactsOut++] = make_float4(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].w =numContactsOut;
+ return numContactsOut;
+__kernel void findClippingFacesKernel( __global const int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* convexShapes,
+ __global const float4* vertices,
+ __global const float4* uniqueEdges,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global int4* clippingFacesOut,
+ __global float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB1,
+ int capacityWorldVerts,
+ int numPairs
+ )
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+ int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ int numLocalContactsOut = findClippingFaces(separatingNormals[i],
+ &convexShapes[shapeIndexA], &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos,rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat,
+ rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos,rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat,
+ worldVertsA1,
+ worldNormalsA1,
+ worldVertsB1,capacityWorldVerts,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ vertices,faces,indices,
+ clippingFacesOut,i);
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
+__kernel void clipFacesAndFindContactsKernel( __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global int4* clippingFacesOut,
+ __global float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB1,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB2,
+ int vertexFaceCapacity,
+ int numPairs,
+ int debugMode
+ )
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+// int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ // int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int numLocalContactsOut = 0;
+ int capacityWorldVertsB2 = vertexFaceCapacity;
+ __global float4* pVtxIn = &worldVertsB1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ __global float4* pVtxOut = &worldVertsB2[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ {
+ __global int4* clippingFaces = clippingFacesOut;
+ int closestFaceA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].x;
+ int closestFaceB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].y;
+ int numVertsInA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].z;
+ int numVertsInB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].w;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ if (closestFaceA>=0)
+ {
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertsInA;e0++)
+ {
+ const float4 aw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+e0];
+ const float4 bw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+((e0+1)%numVertsInA)];
+ const float4 WorldEdge0 = aw - bw;
+ float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ float4 planeNormalWS1 = -cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ float4 worldA1 = aw;
+ float planeEqWS1 = -dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ numVertsOut = clipFaceGlobal(pVtxIn, numVertsInB, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ __global float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsInB = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ float4 planeNormalWS = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ float planeEqWS=-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2]);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsInB;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ pVtxOut[numLocalContactsOut++] = make_float4(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].w =numLocalContactsOut;
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<numLocalContactsOut;i++)
+ pVtxIn[i] = pVtxOut[i];
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
+__kernel void newContactReductionKernel( __global int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* globalContactsOut,
+ __global int4* clippingFaces,
+ __global float4* worldVertsB2,
+ volatile __global int* nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int vertexFaceCapacity,
+ int contactCapacity,
+ int numPairs
+ )
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ int pairIndex = i;
+ int4 contactIdx;
+ contactIdx=make_int4(0,1,2,3);
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+ int nPoints = clippingFaces[pairIndex].w;
+ if (nPoints>0)
+ {
+ __global float4* pointsIn = &worldVertsB2[pairIndex*vertexFaceCapacity];
+ float4 normal = -separatingNormals[i];
+ int nReducedContacts = extractManifoldSequentialGlobal(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, &contactIdx);
+ int mprContactIndex = pairs[pairIndex].z;
+ int dstIdx = mprContactIndex;
+ if (dstIdx<0)
+ {
+ AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ }
+//#if 0
+ if (dstIdx < contactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = pairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = pairs[pairIndex].y;
+ pairs[pairIndex].w = dstIdx;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA =-1;
+ c->m_childIndexB =-1;
+ switch (nReducedContacts)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ c->m_worldPosB[3] = pointsIn[contactIdx.w];
+ case 3:
+ c->m_worldPosB[2] = pointsIn[contactIdx.z];
+ case 2:
+ c->m_worldPosB[1] = pointsIn[contactIdx.y];
+ case 1:
+ if (mprContactIndex<0)//test
+ c->m_worldPosB[0] = pointsIn[contactIdx.x];
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nReducedContacts;
+ }
+ }// if (numContactsOut>0)
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)