path: root/tests
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authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2022-08-30 14:06:28 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-08-30 14:06:28 +0200
commit0bf3f7915780f30fab4db323e843b35bf9210548 (patch)
tree14390176bc1ad83f43af8d27684e3f841565ff6e /tests
parentebe4f8d3a4a706c5eb1b7a8283883c63c131cad7 (diff)
parentd4555ef5fbf706c43faccf5fdb3f023696197727 (diff)
Merge pull request #63902 from dalexeev/string-cases
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/tests/core/string/test_string.h b/tests/core/string/test_string.h
index 2cd837bcc9..d97da05c04 100644
--- a/tests/core/string/test_string.h
+++ b/tests/core/string/test_string.h
@@ -466,11 +466,6 @@ TEST_CASE("[String] String to float") {
-TEST_CASE("[String] CamelCase to underscore") {
- CHECK(String("TestTestStringGD").camelcase_to_underscore(false) == String("Test_Test_String_GD"));
- CHECK(String("TestTestStringGD").camelcase_to_underscore(true) == String("test_test_string_gd"));
TEST_CASE("[String] Slicing") {
String s = "Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus";
@@ -1096,8 +1091,36 @@ TEST_CASE("[String] IPVX address to string") {
TEST_CASE("[String] Capitalize against many strings") {
- String input = "bytes2var";
- String output = "Bytes 2 Var";
+ String input = "2D";
+ String output = "2d";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "2d";
+ output = "2d";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "2db";
+ output = "2 Db";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "HTML5 Html5 html5 html_5";
+ output = "Html 5 Html 5 Html 5 Html 5";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "Node2D Node2d NODE2D NODE_2D node_2d";
+ output = "Node 2d Node 2d Node 2d Node 2d Node 2d";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "Node2DPosition";
+ output = "Node 2d Position";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "Number2Digits";
+ output = "Number 2 Digits";
+ CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+ input = "bytes2var";
+ output = "Bytes 2 Var";
CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
input = "linear2db";
@@ -1112,10 +1135,6 @@ TEST_CASE("[String] Capitalize against many strings") {
output = "Sha 256";
CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
- input = "2db";
- output = "2 Db";
- CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
input = "PascalCase";
output = "Pascal Case";
CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
@@ -1153,6 +1172,50 @@ TEST_CASE("[String] Capitalize against many strings") {
CHECK(input.capitalize() == output);
+struct StringCasesTestCase {
+ const char *input;
+ const char *camel_case;
+ const char *pascal_case;
+ const char *snake_case;
+TEST_CASE("[String] Checking case conversion methods") {
+ StringCasesTestCase test_cases[] = {
+ /* clang-format off */
+ { "2D", "2d", "2d", "2d" },
+ { "2d", "2d", "2d", "2d" },
+ { "2db", "2Db", "2Db", "2_db" },
+ { "Vector3", "vector3", "Vector3", "vector_3" },
+ { "sha256", "sha256", "Sha256", "sha_256" },
+ { "Node2D", "node2d", "Node2d", "node_2d" },
+ { "RichTextLabel", "richTextLabel", "RichTextLabel", "rich_text_label" },
+ { "HTML5", "html5", "Html5", "html_5" },
+ { "Node2DPosition", "node2dPosition", "Node2dPosition", "node_2d_position" },
+ { "Number2Digits", "number2Digits", "Number2Digits", "number_2_digits" },
+ { "get_property_list", "getPropertyList", "GetPropertyList", "get_property_list" },
+ { "get_camera_2d", "getCamera2d", "GetCamera2d", "get_camera_2d" },
+ { "_physics_process", "physicsProcess", "PhysicsProcess", "_physics_process" },
+ { "bytes2var", "bytes2Var", "Bytes2Var", "bytes_2_var" },
+ { "linear2db", "linear2Db", "Linear2Db", "linear_2_db" },
+ { "sha256sum", "sha256Sum", "Sha256Sum", "sha_256_sum" },
+ { "camelCase", "camelCase", "CamelCase", "camel_case" },
+ { "PascalCase", "pascalCase", "PascalCase", "pascal_case" },
+ { "snake_case", "snakeCase", "SnakeCase", "snake_case" },
+ { "Test TEST test", "testTestTest", "TestTestTest", "test_test_test" },
+ { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
+ /* clang-format on */
+ };
+ int idx = 0;
+ while (test_cases[idx].input != nullptr) {
+ String input = test_cases[idx].input;
+ CHECK(input.to_camel_case() == test_cases[idx].camel_case);
+ CHECK(input.to_pascal_case() == test_cases[idx].pascal_case);
+ CHECK(input.to_snake_case() == test_cases[idx].snake_case);
+ idx++;
+ }
TEST_CASE("[String] Checking string is empty when it should be") {
bool state = true;
bool success;
@@ -1663,7 +1726,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[String] Variant ptr indexed set") {
TEST_CASE("[Stress][String] Empty via ' == String()'") {
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
String str = "Hello World!";
- if (str.is_empty()) {
+ if (str == String()) {