path: root/scene/3d/navigation.h
diff options
authorRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2020-02-10 16:25:21 +0100
committerGitHub <>2020-02-10 16:25:21 +0100
commit2dd73b1ffad10824a9f66e3ac04f4e2a7d51a85e (patch)
tree683288f29c949e731bcc34c62212ed7f184ba76a /scene/3d/navigation.h
parent1dd0eb4f339a9f0ae78077aaac3dafeafdf78279 (diff)
parent383c583a0b46b36ab9b0de57d0f3f7bdecb62fc8 (diff)
Merge pull request #34776 from AndreaCatania/nav_pr
Integrated the new `NavigationServer` and `NavigationServer2D`
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/3d/navigation.h')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/scene/3d/navigation.h b/scene/3d/navigation.h
index 31dbc9d4b5..68e041ad73 100644
--- a/scene/3d/navigation.h
+++ b/scene/3d/navigation.h
@@ -31,154 +31,45 @@
-#include "scene/3d/navigation_mesh.h"
+#include "scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.h"
#include "scene/3d/spatial.h"
class Navigation : public Spatial {
GDCLASS(Navigation, Spatial);
- union Point {
- struct {
- int64_t x : 21;
- int64_t y : 22;
- int64_t z : 21;
- };
- uint64_t key;
- bool operator<(const Point &p_key) const { return key < p_key.key; }
- };
- struct EdgeKey {
- Point a;
- Point b;
- bool operator<(const EdgeKey &p_key) const {
- return (a.key == p_key.a.key) ? (b.key < p_key.b.key) : (a.key < p_key.a.key);
- };
- EdgeKey(const Point &p_a = Point(), const Point &p_b = Point()) :
- a(p_a),
- b(p_b) {
- if (a.key > b.key) {
- SWAP(a, b);
- }
- }
- };
- struct NavMesh;
- struct Polygon;
- struct ConnectionPending {
- Polygon *polygon;
- int edge;
- };
- struct Polygon {
- struct Edge {
- Point point;
- Polygon *C; //connection
- int C_edge;
- List<ConnectionPending>::Element *P;
- Edge() {
- C = NULL;
- C_edge = -1;
- P = NULL;
- }
- };
- Vector<Edge> edges;
- Vector3 center;
- Vector3 entry;
- float distance;
- int prev_edge;
- bool clockwise;
- NavMesh *owner;
- };
- struct Connection {
- Polygon *A;
- int A_edge;
- Polygon *B;
- int B_edge;
- List<ConnectionPending> pending;
- Connection() {
- A = NULL;
- B = NULL;
- A_edge = -1;
- B_edge = -1;
- }
- };
- Map<EdgeKey, Connection> connections;
- struct NavMesh {
- Object *owner;
- Transform xform;
- bool linked;
- Ref<NavigationMesh> navmesh;
- List<Polygon> polygons;
- };
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Point _get_point(const Vector3 &p_pos) const {
- int x = int(Math::floor(p_pos.x / cell_size));
- int y = int(Math::floor(p_pos.y / cell_size));
- int z = int(Math::floor(p_pos.z / cell_size));
- Point p;
- p.key = 0;
- p.x = x;
- p.y = y;
- p.z = z;
- return p;
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _get_vertex(const Point &p_point) const {
- return Vector3(p_point.x, p_point.y, p_point.z) * cell_size;
- }
- void _navmesh_link(int p_id);
- void _navmesh_unlink(int p_id);
- float cell_size;
- Map<int, NavMesh> navmesh_map;
- int last_id;
+ RID map;
Vector3 up;
- void _clip_path(Vector<Vector3> &path, Polygon *from_poly, const Vector3 &p_to_point, Polygon *p_to_poly);
+ real_t cell_size;
+ real_t edge_connection_margin;
static void _bind_methods();
+ void _notification(int p_what);
+ RID get_rid() const {
+ return map;
+ }
void set_up_vector(const Vector3 &p_up);
Vector3 get_up_vector() const;
- //API should be as dynamic as possible
- int navmesh_add(const Ref<NavigationMesh> &p_mesh, const Transform &p_xform, Object *p_owner = NULL);
- void navmesh_set_transform(int p_id, const Transform &p_xform);
- void navmesh_remove(int p_id);
+ void set_cell_size(float p_cell_size);
+ float get_cell_size() const {
+ return cell_size;
+ }
+ void set_edge_connection_margin(float p_edge_connection_margin);
+ float get_edge_connection_margin() const {
+ return edge_connection_margin;
+ }
Vector<Vector3> get_simple_path(const Vector3 &p_start, const Vector3 &p_end, bool p_optimize = true);
- Vector3 get_closest_point_to_segment(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, const bool &p_use_collision = false);
- Vector3 get_closest_point(const Vector3 &p_point);
- Vector3 get_closest_point_normal(const Vector3 &p_point);
- Object *get_closest_point_owner(const Vector3 &p_point);
+ ~Navigation();
#endif // NAVIGATION_H