diff options
author | Kostadin Damyanov <maxmight@gmail.com> | 2015-10-13 05:01:54 +0300 |
committer | Kostadin Damyanov <maxmight@gmail.com> | 2015-10-13 05:01:54 +0300 |
commit | 29caf2bb5be061cd1ab014cf938f2c71d0bd2663 (patch) | |
tree | 859a0c3d2805198672c1e22d4780c3eb68f55a57 /platform/windows/detect.py | |
parent | c5f574b914b3cb11d97ae616df4a0bced45bb17c (diff) | |
parent | 79e5ced7e668fa53567ac6aaf5a26393cea6c9a2 (diff) |
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/windows/detect.py')
-rw-r--r-- | platform/windows/detect.py | 752 |
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/platform/windows/detect.py b/platform/windows/detect.py index 0fe4f9f3b5..f0d2a7cc40 100644 --- a/platform/windows/detect.py +++ b/platform/windows/detect.py @@ -1,376 +1,376 @@ -#
-# tested on | Windows native | Linux cross-compilation
-# ------------------------+-------------------+---------------------------
-# MSVS C++ 2010 Express | WORKS | n/a
-# Mingw-w64 | WORKS | WORKS
-# Mingw-w32 | WORKS | WORKS
-# MinGW | WORKS | untested
-# Notes about MSVS C++ :
-# - MSVC2010-Express compiles to 32bits only.
-# Notes about Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Windows :
-# - both can be installed using the official installer :
-# http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/download.php#mingw-builds
-# - if you want to compile both 32bits and 64bits, don't forget to
-# run the installer twice to install them both.
-# - install them into a path that does not contain spaces
-# ( example : "C:/Mingw-w32", "C:/Mingw-w64" )
-# - if you want to compile faster using the "-j" option, don't forget
-# to install the appropriate version of the Pywin32 python extension
-# available from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/
-# - before running scons, you must add into the environment path
-# the path to the "/bin" directory of the Mingw version you want
-# to use :
-# set PATH=C:/Mingw-w32/bin;%PATH%
-# - then, scons should be able to detect gcc.
-# - Mingw-w32 only compiles 32bits.
-# - Mingw-w64 only compiles 64bits.
-# - it is possible to add them both at the same time into the PATH env,
-# if you also define the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment
-# variables.
-# For instance, you could store that set of commands into a .bat script
-# that you would run just before scons :
-# set PATH=C:\mingw-w32\bin;%PATH%
-# set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\bin;%PATH%
-# set MINGW32_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w32\bin\
-# set MINGW64_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w64\bin\
-# Notes about Mingw, Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Linux :
-# - default toolchain prefixes are :
-# "i586-mingw32msvc-" for MinGW
-# "i686-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w32
-# "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w64
-# - if both MinGW and Mingw-w32 are installed on your system
-# Mingw-w32 should take the priority over MinGW.
-# - it is possible to manually override prefixes by defining
-# the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment variables.
-# Notes about Mingw under Windows :
-# - this is the MinGW version from http://mingw.org/
-# - install it into a path that does not contain spaces
-# ( example : "C:/MinGW" )
-# - several DirectX headers might be missing. You can copy them into
-# the C:/MinGW/include" directory from this page :
-# https://code.google.com/p/mingw-lib/source/browse/trunk/working/avcodec_to_widget_5/directx_include/
-# - before running scons, add the path to the "/bin" directory :
-# set PATH=C:/MinGW/bin;%PATH%
-# - scons should be able to detect gcc.
-# TODO :
-# - finish to cleanup this script to remove all the remains of previous hacks and workarounds
-# - make it work with the Windows7 SDK that is supposed to enable 64bits compilation for MSVC2010-Express
-# - confirm it works well with other Visual Studio versions.
-# - update the wiki about the pywin32 extension required for the "-j" option under Windows.
-# - update the wiki to document MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX
-import os
-import sys
-def is_active():
- return True
-def get_name():
- return "Windows"
-def can_build():
- if (os.name=="nt"):
- #building natively on windows!
- if (os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")):
- return True
- else:
- print("\nMSVC not detected, attempting Mingw.")
- mingw32 = ""
- mingw64 = ""
- if ( os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX") ) :
- mingw32 = os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
- if ( os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX") ) :
- mingw64 = os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
- test = "gcc --version > NUL 2>&1"
- if os.system(test)!= 0 and os.system(mingw32+test)!=0 and os.system(mingw64+test)!=0 :
- print("- could not detect gcc.")
- print("Please, make sure a path to a Mingw /bin directory is accessible into the environment PATH.\n")
- return False
- else:
- print("- gcc detected.")
- return True
- if (os.name=="posix"):
- mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-"
- mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-"
- mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-"
- if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")):
- mingw32=os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
- mingw = mingw32
- if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")):
- mingw64=os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
- test = "gcc --version >/dev/null"
- if os.system(mingw+test) == 0 or os.system(mingw64+test) ==0 or os.system(mingw32+test) ==0 :
- return True
- return False
-def get_opts():
- mingw=""
- mingw32=""
- mingw64=""
- if ( os.name == "posix" ):
- mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-"
- mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-"
- mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-"
- if os.system(mingw32+"gcc --version >/dev/null") != 0 :
- mingw32 = mingw
- if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")):
- mingw32=os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")
- mingw = mingw32
- if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")):
- mingw64=os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")
- return [
- ('mingw_prefix','Mingw Prefix',mingw32),
- ('mingw_prefix_64','Mingw Prefix 64 bits',mingw64),
- ]
-def get_flags():
- return [
- ('freetype','builtin'), #use builtin freetype
- ('openssl','builtin'), #use builtin openssl
- ('theora','no'),
- ]
-def configure(env):
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#platform/windows'])
- if (os.name=="nt" and os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")!=None):
- #build using visual studio
- env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP']
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#platform/windows/include'])
- env.Append(LIBPATH=['#platform/windows/lib'])
- if (env["freetype"]!="no"):
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype'])
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype/freetype/include'])
- if (env["target"]=="release"):
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup'])
- elif (env["target"]=="release_debug"):
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2','/DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
- elif (env["target"]=="debug_release"):
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Zi','/Od'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/DEBUG'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup'])
- elif (env["target"]=="debug"):
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/DEBUG'])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MT','/Gd','/GR','/nologo'])
- env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['/TP'])
- env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/DMSVC', '/GR', ])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/I'+os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir")+"/Include"])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DWIN32'])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DGLES2_ENABLED'])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DGLEW_ENABLED'])
- LIBS=['winmm','opengl32','dsound','kernel32','ole32','user32','gdi32', 'IPHLPAPI','Shlwapi', 'wsock32', 'shell32','advapi32']
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p+env["LIBSUFFIX"] for p in LIBS])
- env.Append(LIBPATH=[os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir")+"/Lib"])
- if (os.getenv("DXSDK_DIR")):
- else:
- DIRECTX_PATH="C:/Program Files/Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)"
- if (os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR")):
- else:
- VC_PATH=""
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I" + p for p in os.getenv("INCLUDE").split(";")])
- env.Append(LIBPATH=[p for p in os.getenv("LIB").split(";")])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I"+DIRECTX_PATH+"/Include"])
- env.Append(LIBPATH=[DIRECTX_PATH+"/Lib/x86"])
- env['ENV'] = os.environ;
- else:
- # Workaround for MinGW. See:
- # http://www.scons.org/wiki/LongCmdLinesOnWin32
- if (os.name=="nt"):
- import subprocess
- def mySubProcess(cmdline,env):
- #print "SPAWNED : " + cmdline
- startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
- startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell = False, env = env)
- data, err = proc.communicate()
- rv = proc.wait()
- if rv:
- print "====="
- print err
- print "====="
- return rv
- def mySpawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env):
- newargs = ' '.join(args[1:])
- cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs
- rv=0
- if len(cmdline) > 32000 and cmd.endswith("ar") :
- cmdline = cmd + " " + args[1] + " " + args[2] + " "
- for i in range(3,len(args)) :
- rv = mySubProcess( cmdline + args[i], env )
- if rv :
- break
- else:
- rv = mySubProcess( cmdline, env )
- return rv
- env['SPAWN'] = mySpawn
- #build using mingw
- if (os.name=="nt"):
- env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] #way to go scons, you can be so stupid sometimes
- else:
- env["PROGSUFFIX"]=env["PROGSUFFIX"]+".exe" # for linux cross-compilation
- mingw_prefix=""
- if (env["bits"]=="default"):
- env["bits"]="32"
- if (env["bits"]=="32"):
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libgcc'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libstdc++'])
- mingw_prefix=env["mingw_prefix"];
- else:
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static'])
- mingw_prefix=env["mingw_prefix_64"];
- nulstr=""
- if (os.name=="posix"):
- nulstr=">/dev/null"
- else:
- nulstr=">nul"
- # if os.system(mingw_prefix+"gcc --version"+nulstr)!=0:
- # #not really super consistent but..
- # print("Can't find Windows compiler: "+mingw_prefix)
- # sys.exit(255)
- if (env["target"]=="release"):
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3','-ffast-math','-fomit-frame-pointer','-msse2'])
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,--subsystem,windows'])
- elif (env["target"]=="release_debug"):
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O2','-DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
- elif (env["target"]=="debug"):
- if (env["freetype"]!="no"):
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype'])
- env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype/freetype/include'])
- env["CC"]=mingw_prefix+"gcc"
- env['AS']=mingw_prefix+"as"
- env['CXX'] = mingw_prefix+"g++"
- env['AR'] = mingw_prefix+"ar"
- env['RANLIB'] = mingw_prefix+"ranlib"
- env['LD'] = mingw_prefix+"g++"
- #env['CC'] = "winegcc"
- #env['CXX'] = "wineg++"
- env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DWINDOWS_ENABLED','-mwindows'])
- env.Append(LIBS=['mingw32','opengl32', 'dsound', 'ole32', 'd3d9','winmm','gdi32','iphlpapi','shlwapi','wsock32','kernel32'])
- # if (env["bits"]=="32"):
-# # env.Append(LIBS=['gcc_s'])
- # #--with-arch=i686
- # env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-march=i686'])
- # env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-march=i686'])
- #'d3dx9d'
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-g'])
- import methods
- env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL120' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_legacygl_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } )
- env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_glsl_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } )
- env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'HLSL9' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_hlsl_dx9_headers, suffix = 'hlsl.h',src_suffix = '.hlsl') } )
- env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL120GLES' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_gles2_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } )
+# +# tested on | Windows native | Linux cross-compilation +# ------------------------+-------------------+--------------------------- +# MSVS C++ 2010 Express | WORKS | n/a +# Mingw-w64 | WORKS | WORKS +# Mingw-w32 | WORKS | WORKS +# MinGW | WORKS | untested +# +##### +# Notes about MSVS C++ : +# +# - MSVC2010-Express compiles to 32bits only. +# +##### +# Notes about Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Windows : +# +# - both can be installed using the official installer : +# http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/download.php#mingw-builds +# +# - if you want to compile both 32bits and 64bits, don't forget to +# run the installer twice to install them both. +# +# - install them into a path that does not contain spaces +# ( example : "C:/Mingw-w32", "C:/Mingw-w64" ) +# +# - if you want to compile faster using the "-j" option, don't forget +# to install the appropriate version of the Pywin32 python extension +# available from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/ +# +# - before running scons, you must add into the environment path +# the path to the "/bin" directory of the Mingw version you want +# to use : +# +# set PATH=C:/Mingw-w32/bin;%PATH% +# +# - then, scons should be able to detect gcc. +# - Mingw-w32 only compiles 32bits. +# - Mingw-w64 only compiles 64bits. +# +# - it is possible to add them both at the same time into the PATH env, +# if you also define the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment +# variables. +# For instance, you could store that set of commands into a .bat script +# that you would run just before scons : +# +# set PATH=C:\mingw-w32\bin;%PATH% +# set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\bin;%PATH% +# set MINGW32_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w32\bin\ +# set MINGW64_PREFIX=C:\mingw-w64\bin\ +# +##### +# Notes about Mingw, Mingw-w64 and Mingw-w32 under Linux : +# +# - default toolchain prefixes are : +# "i586-mingw32msvc-" for MinGW +# "i686-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w32 +# "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" for Mingw-w64 +# +# - if both MinGW and Mingw-w32 are installed on your system +# Mingw-w32 should take the priority over MinGW. +# +# - it is possible to manually override prefixes by defining +# the MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX environment variables. +# +##### +# Notes about Mingw under Windows : +# +# - this is the MinGW version from http://mingw.org/ +# - install it into a path that does not contain spaces +# ( example : "C:/MinGW" ) +# - several DirectX headers might be missing. You can copy them into +# the C:/MinGW/include" directory from this page : +# https://code.google.com/p/mingw-lib/source/browse/trunk/working/avcodec_to_widget_5/directx_include/ +# - before running scons, add the path to the "/bin" directory : +# set PATH=C:/MinGW/bin;%PATH% +# - scons should be able to detect gcc. +# + +##### +# TODO : +# +# - finish to cleanup this script to remove all the remains of previous hacks and workarounds +# - make it work with the Windows7 SDK that is supposed to enable 64bits compilation for MSVC2010-Express +# - confirm it works well with other Visual Studio versions. +# - update the wiki about the pywin32 extension required for the "-j" option under Windows. +# - update the wiki to document MINGW32_PREFIX and MINGW64_PREFIX +# + +import os + +import sys + + +def is_active(): + return True + +def get_name(): + return "Windows" + +def can_build(): + + if (os.name=="nt"): + #building natively on windows! + if (os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")): + return True + else: + print("\nMSVC not detected, attempting Mingw.") + mingw32 = "" + mingw64 = "" + if ( os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX") ) : + mingw32 = os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX") + if ( os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX") ) : + mingw64 = os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX") + + test = "gcc --version > NUL 2>&1" + if os.system(test)!= 0 and os.system(mingw32+test)!=0 and os.system(mingw64+test)!=0 : + print("- could not detect gcc.") + print("Please, make sure a path to a Mingw /bin directory is accessible into the environment PATH.\n") + return False + else: + print("- gcc detected.") + + return True + + if (os.name=="posix"): + + mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-" + mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" + mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-" + + if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")): + mingw32=os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX") + mingw = mingw32 + if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")): + mingw64=os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX") + + test = "gcc --version &>/dev/null" + if (os.system(mingw+test) == 0 or os.system(mingw64+test) == 0 or os.system(mingw32+test) == 0): + return True + + return False + +def get_opts(): + + mingw="" + mingw32="" + mingw64="" + if ( os.name == "posix" ): + mingw = "i586-mingw32msvc-" + mingw32 = "i686-w64-mingw32-" + mingw64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" + + if os.system(mingw32+"gcc --version &>/dev/null") != 0 : + mingw32 = mingw + + if (os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX")): + mingw32=os.getenv("MINGW32_PREFIX") + mingw = mingw32 + if (os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX")): + mingw64=os.getenv("MINGW64_PREFIX") + + + return [ + ('mingw_prefix','Mingw Prefix',mingw32), + ('mingw_prefix_64','Mingw Prefix 64 bits',mingw64), + ] + +def get_flags(): + + return [ + ('freetype','builtin'), #use builtin freetype + ('openssl','builtin'), #use builtin openssl + ('theora','no'), + ] + + + +def configure(env): + + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#platform/windows']) + + + if (os.name=="nt" and os.getenv("VSINSTALLDIR")!=None): + #build using visual studio + env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#platform/windows/include']) + env.Append(LIBPATH=['#platform/windows/lib']) + + if (env["freetype"]!="no"): + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DFREETYPE_ENABLED']) + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype']) + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype/freetype/include']) + + if (env["target"]=="release"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup']) + + elif (env["target"]=="release_debug"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2','/DDEBUG_ENABLED']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE']) + elif (env["target"]=="debug_release"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Zi','/Od']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/DEBUG']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup']) + + elif (env["target"]=="debug"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Zi','/DDEBUG_ENABLED','/DDEBUG_MEMORY_ENABLED','/DD3D_DEBUG_INFO','/Od']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/DEBUG']) + + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MT','/Gd','/GR','/nologo']) + env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['/TP']) + env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['/DMSVC', '/GR', ]) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/I'+os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir")+"/Include"]) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DWINDOWS_ENABLED']) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DRTAUDIO_ENABLED']) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DWIN32']) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DTYPED_METHOD_BIND']) + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DGLES2_ENABLED']) + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/DGLEW_ENABLED']) + LIBS=['winmm','opengl32','dsound','kernel32','ole32','user32','gdi32', 'IPHLPAPI','Shlwapi', 'wsock32', 'shell32','advapi32'] + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p+env["LIBSUFFIX"] for p in LIBS]) + + env.Append(LIBPATH=[os.getenv("WindowsSdkDir")+"/Lib"]) + if (os.getenv("DXSDK_DIR")): + DIRECTX_PATH=os.getenv("DXSDK_DIR") + else: + DIRECTX_PATH="C:/Program Files/Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)" + + if (os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR")): + VC_PATH=os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR") + else: + VC_PATH="" + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I" + p for p in os.getenv("INCLUDE").split(";")]) + env.Append(LIBPATH=[p for p in os.getenv("LIB").split(";")]) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/I"+DIRECTX_PATH+"/Include"]) + env.Append(LIBPATH=[DIRECTX_PATH+"/Lib/x86"]) + env['ENV'] = os.environ; + else: + + # Workaround for MinGW. See: + # http://www.scons.org/wiki/LongCmdLinesOnWin32 + if (os.name=="nt"): + import subprocess + + def mySubProcess(cmdline,env): + #print "SPAWNED : " + cmdline + startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() + startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW + proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell = False, env = env) + data, err = proc.communicate() + rv = proc.wait() + if rv: + print "=====" + print err + print "=====" + return rv + + def mySpawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env): + + newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) + cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs + + rv=0 + if len(cmdline) > 32000 and cmd.endswith("ar") : + cmdline = cmd + " " + args[1] + " " + args[2] + " " + for i in range(3,len(args)) : + rv = mySubProcess( cmdline + args[i], env ) + if rv : + break + else: + rv = mySubProcess( cmdline, env ) + + return rv + + env['SPAWN'] = mySpawn + + #build using mingw + if (os.name=="nt"): + env['ENV']['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] #way to go scons, you can be so stupid sometimes + else: + env["PROGSUFFIX"]=env["PROGSUFFIX"]+".exe" # for linux cross-compilation + + mingw_prefix="" + + if (env["bits"]=="default"): + env["bits"]="32" + + if (env["bits"]=="32"): + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libgcc']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libstdc++']) + mingw_prefix=env["mingw_prefix"]; + else: + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static']) + mingw_prefix=env["mingw_prefix_64"]; + + nulstr="" + + if (os.name=="posix"): + nulstr=">/dev/null" + else: + nulstr=">nul" + + + + # if os.system(mingw_prefix+"gcc --version"+nulstr)!=0: + # #not really super consistent but.. + # print("Can't find Windows compiler: "+mingw_prefix) + # sys.exit(255) + + if (env["target"]=="release"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3','-ffast-math','-fomit-frame-pointer','-msse2']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,--subsystem,windows']) + + elif (env["target"]=="release_debug"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O2','-DDEBUG_ENABLED']) + + elif (env["target"]=="debug"): + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-Wall','-DDEBUG_ENABLED','-DDEBUG_MEMORY_ENABLED']) + + if (env["freetype"]!="no"): + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DFREETYPE_ENABLED']) + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype']) + env.Append(CPPPATH=['#tools/freetype/freetype/include']) + + env["CC"]=mingw_prefix+"gcc" + env['AS']=mingw_prefix+"as" + env['CXX'] = mingw_prefix+"g++" + env['AR'] = mingw_prefix+"ar" + env['RANLIB'] = mingw_prefix+"ranlib" + env['LD'] = mingw_prefix+"g++" + + #env['CC'] = "winegcc" + #env['CXX'] = "wineg++" + + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DWINDOWS_ENABLED','-mwindows']) + env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DRTAUDIO_ENABLED']) + env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DGLES2_ENABLED','-DGLEW_ENABLED']) + env.Append(LIBS=['mingw32','opengl32', 'dsound', 'ole32', 'd3d9','winmm','gdi32','iphlpapi','shlwapi','wsock32','kernel32']) + + # if (env["bits"]=="32"): +# # env.Append(LIBS=['gcc_s']) + # #--with-arch=i686 + # env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-march=i686']) + # env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-march=i686']) + + + + + #'d3dx9d' + env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DMINGW_ENABLED']) + env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-g']) + + import methods + env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL120' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_legacygl_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } ) + env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_glsl_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } ) + env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'HLSL9' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_hlsl_dx9_headers, suffix = 'hlsl.h',src_suffix = '.hlsl') } ) + env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL120GLES' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_gles2_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } ) + + + |