path: root/platform/android/java
diff options
authorfhuya <>2019-09-22 22:23:59 -0700
committerfhuya <>2019-09-24 06:18:21 -0700
commitef143447adc31eae038940efc8bc8dffbec5a18b (patch)
tree32808077c2508c80e3daf3c15f4de3fe1828dfda /platform/android/java
parent2e065d8ad07bb20fede0d0c0b2d33d6628033024 (diff)
Updates the Godot gradle tasks to enable manual runs of the `scons` command.
Example: To generate for the `release` build target and for the `armv7`, `arm64v8` and `x86` architectures, run the commands: ``` cd godot scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=armv7 scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=arm64v8 scons -j4 platform=android target=release android_arch=x86 cd platform/android/java ./gradlew generateGodotTemplates ``` Notes: - The generated build templates will be located in the `godot/bin` directory (i.e: `android_debug.apk`, `android_release.apk`, ``). - The gradle command will only generate templates for the target(s) with available native shared libraries. For example, running the commands above will only generate the `android_release.apk` and `` files. To delete the generated artifacts, the following commands can be used: ``` cd platform/android/java ./gradlew cleanGodotTemplates ```
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/android/java')
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/platform/android/java/build.gradle b/platform/android/java/build.gradle
index 99ffa937b0..2052017888 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/build.gradle
+++ b/platform/android/java/build.gradle
@@ -20,14 +20,33 @@ allprojects {
-def binDir = "../../../bin/"
+ext {
+ sconsExt = org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem.current().isWindows() ? ".bat" : ""
+ supportedAbis = ["armv7", "arm64v8", "x86", "x86_64"]
+ supportedTargets = ['release':"release", 'debug':"release_debug"]
+ // Used by gradle to specify which architecture to build for by default when running `./gradlew build`.
+ // This command is usually used by Android Studio.
+ // If building manually on the command line, it's recommended to use the
+ // `./gradlew generateGodotTemplates` build command instead after running the `scons` command.
+ // The defaultAbi must be one of the {supportedAbis} values.
+ defaultAbi = "arm64v8"
+def rootDir = "../../.."
+def binDir = "$rootDir/bin/"
+def getSconsTaskName(String buildType) {
+ return "compileGodotNativeLibs" + buildType.capitalize()
* Copy the generated 'android_debug.apk' binary template into the Godot bin directory.
* Depends on the app build task to ensure the binary is generated prior to copying.
task copyDebugBinaryToBin(type: Copy) {
- dependsOn ':app:build'
+ dependsOn ':app:assembleDebug'
@@ -38,7 +57,7 @@ task copyDebugBinaryToBin(type: Copy) {
* Depends on the app build task to ensure the binary is generated prior to copying.
task copyReleaseBinaryToBin(type: Copy) {
- dependsOn ':app:build'
+ dependsOn ':app:assembleRelease'
@@ -49,7 +68,7 @@ task copyReleaseBinaryToBin(type: Copy) {
* Depends on the library build task to ensure the AAR file is generated prior to copying.
task copyDebugAAR(type: Copy) {
- dependsOn ':lib:build'
+ dependsOn ':lib:assembleDebug'
@@ -60,7 +79,7 @@ task copyDebugAAR(type: Copy) {
* Depends on the library build task to ensure the AAR file is generated prior to copying.
task copyReleaseAAR(type: Copy) {
- dependsOn ':lib:build'
+ dependsOn ':lib:assembleRelease'
@@ -72,8 +91,10 @@ task copyReleaseAAR(type: Copy) {
* The zip file also includes some gradle tools to allow building of the custom build.
task zipCustomBuild(type: Zip) {
- dependsOn 'copyDebugAAR'
- dependsOn 'copyReleaseAAR'
+ dependsOn ':generateGodotTemplates'
+ doFirst {
+ logger.lifecycle("Generating Godot custom build template")
+ }
from(fileTree(dir: 'app', excludes: ['**/build/**', '**/.gradle/**', '**/*.iml']), fileTree(dir: '.', includes: ['','gradlew', 'gradlew.bat', 'gradle/**']))
include '**/*'
archiveName ''
@@ -84,12 +105,48 @@ task zipCustomBuild(type: Zip) {
* Master task used to coordinate the tasks defined above to generate the set of Godot templates.
task generateGodotTemplates(type: GradleBuild) {
- tasks = [
- // Copy the generated aar library files to the custom build directory.
- 'copyDebugAAR', 'copyReleaseAAR',
- // Zip the custom build directory.
- 'zipCustomBuild',
- // Copy the prebuilt binary templates to the bin directory.
- 'copyDebugBinaryToBin', 'copyReleaseBinaryToBin',
- ]
+ // We exclude these gradle tasks so we can run the scons command manually.
+ for (String buildType : supportedTargets.keySet()) {
+ startParameter.excludedTaskNames += ":lib:" + getSconsTaskName(buildType)
+ }
+ tasks = []
+ // Only build the apks and aar files for which we have native shared libraries.
+ for (String target : supportedTargets.keySet()) {
+ File targetLibs = new File("lib/libs/" + target)
+ if (targetLibs != null && targetLibs.isDirectory()) {
+ File[] targetLibsContents = targetLibs.listFiles()
+ if (targetLibsContents != null && targetLibsContents.length > 0) {
+ // Copy the generated aar library files to the custom build directory.
+ tasks += "copy" + target.capitalize() + "AAR"
+ // Copy the prebuilt binary templates to the bin directory.
+ tasks += "copy" + target.capitalize() + "BinaryToBin"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finalizedBy 'zipCustomBuild'
+ * Clean the generated artifacts.
+ */
+task cleanGodotTemplates(type: Delete) {
+ // Delete the generated native libs
+ delete("lib/libs")
+ // Delete the library generated AAR files
+ delete("lib/build/outputs/aar")
+ // Delete the app libs directory contents
+ delete("app/libs")
+ // Delete the generated binary apks
+ delete("app/build/outputs/apk")
+ // Delete the Godot templates in the Godot bin directory
+ delete("$binDir/android_debug.apk")
+ delete("$binDir/android_release.apk")
+ delete("$binDir/")
diff --git a/platform/android/java/lib/build.gradle b/platform/android/java/lib/build.gradle
index 6d07504e45..13a14422ed 100644
--- a/platform/android/java/lib/build.gradle
+++ b/platform/android/java/lib/build.gradle
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ dependencies {
def pathToRootDir = "../../../../"
-// Note: Only keep the abis you support to speed up the gradle 'assemble' task.
-def supportedAbis = ["armv7", "arm64v8", "x86", "x86_64"]
android {
compileSdkVersion versions.compileSdk
@@ -56,27 +54,20 @@ android {
// files is only setup for editing support.
gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += taskPrefix + "externalNativeBuild" + buildType
- // Create tasks to generate the Godot native libraries.
- def taskName = "compileGodotNativeLibs" + buildType
- def releaseTarget = "release"
- if (buildType == "Debug") {
- releaseTarget += "_debug"
+ def releaseTarget = supportedTargets[buildType.toLowerCase()]
+ if (releaseTarget == null || releaseTarget == "") {
+ throw new GradleException("Invalid build type: " + buildType)
- def abiTaskNames = []
- // Creating gradle tasks to generate the native libraries for the supported abis.
- supportedAbis.each { abi ->
- def abiTaskName = taskName + abi.capitalize()
- abiTaskNames += abiTaskName
- tasks.create(name: abiTaskName, type: Exec) {
- executable "scons"
- args "--directory=${pathToRootDir}", "platform=android", "target=${releaseTarget}", "android_arch=${abi}"
- }
+ if (!supportedAbis.contains(defaultAbi)) {
+ throw new GradleException("Invalid default abi: " + defaultAbi)
- // Creating gradle task to run all of the previously generated tasks.
- tasks.create(name: taskName, type: GradleBuild) {
- tasks = abiTaskNames
+ // Creating gradle task to generate the native libraries for the default abi.
+ def taskName = getSconsTaskName(buildType)
+ tasks.create(name: taskName, type: Exec) {
+ executable "scons" + sconsExt
+ args "--directory=${pathToRootDir}", "platform=android", "target=${releaseTarget}", "android_arch=${defaultAbi}", "-j" + Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
// Schedule the tasks so the generated libs are present before the aar file is packaged.