path: root/drivers/webp/demux
diff options
authorRémi Verschelde <>2016-10-11 23:35:58 +0200
committerRémi Verschelde <>2016-10-15 11:50:39 +0200
commitee3cf211c6fd4d1e30617467cdbbe945798a68b3 (patch)
treed770150c48c806df4daca66770cde8d5b665a3ff /drivers/webp/demux
parentb1e8889d969f5f88539c47c2afac6c9ea2a2dc11 (diff)
webp: Make it a module and unbundle libwebp thirdparty files
Note that there are two Godot-specific changes made to libwebp for the javascript/HTML5 platform. They are documented in the
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/webp/demux')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1408 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/webp/demux/anim_decode.c b/drivers/webp/demux/anim_decode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 39cf3de197..0000000000
--- a/drivers/webp/demux/anim_decode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// AnimDecoder implementation.
-#include "webp/config.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "../utils/utils.h"
-#include "webp/decode.h"
-#include "webp/demux.h"
-#define NUM_CHANNELS 4
-typedef void (*BlendRowFunc)(uint32_t* const, const uint32_t* const, int);
-static void BlendPixelRowNonPremult(uint32_t* const src,
- const uint32_t* const dst, int num_pixels);
-static void BlendPixelRowPremult(uint32_t* const src, const uint32_t* const dst,
- int num_pixels);
-struct WebPAnimDecoder {
- WebPDemuxer* demux_; // Demuxer created from given WebP bitstream.
- WebPDecoderConfig config_; // Decoder config.
- // Note: we use a pointer to a function blending multiple pixels at a time to
- // allow possible inlining of per-pixel blending function.
- BlendRowFunc blend_func_; // Pointer to the chose blend row function.
- WebPAnimInfo info_; // Global info about the animation.
- uint8_t* curr_frame_; // Current canvas (not disposed).
- uint8_t* prev_frame_disposed_; // Previous canvas (properly disposed).
- int prev_frame_timestamp_; // Previous frame timestamp (milliseconds).
- WebPIterator prev_iter_; // Iterator object for previous frame.
- int prev_frame_was_keyframe_; // True if previous frame was a keyframe.
- int next_frame_; // Index of the next frame to be decoded
- // (starting from 1).
-static void DefaultDecoderOptions(WebPAnimDecoderOptions* const dec_options) {
- dec_options->color_mode = MODE_RGBA;
- dec_options->use_threads = 0;
-int WebPAnimDecoderOptionsInitInternal(WebPAnimDecoderOptions* dec_options,
- int abi_version) {
- if (dec_options == NULL ||
- return 0;
- }
- DefaultDecoderOptions(dec_options);
- return 1;
-static int ApplyDecoderOptions(const WebPAnimDecoderOptions* const dec_options,
- WebPAnimDecoder* const dec) {
- WebPDecoderConfig* config = &dec->config_;
- assert(dec_options != NULL);
- mode = dec_options->color_mode;
- if (mode != MODE_RGBA && mode != MODE_BGRA &&
- mode != MODE_rgbA && mode != MODE_bgrA) {
- return 0;
- }
- dec->blend_func_ = (mode == MODE_RGBA || mode == MODE_BGRA)
- ? &BlendPixelRowNonPremult
- : &BlendPixelRowPremult;
- WebPInitDecoderConfig(config);
- config->output.colorspace = mode;
- config->output.is_external_memory = 1;
- config->options.use_threads = dec_options->use_threads;
- // Note: config->output.u.RGBA is set at the time of decoding each frame.
- return 1;
-WebPAnimDecoder* WebPAnimDecoderNewInternal(
- const WebPData* webp_data, const WebPAnimDecoderOptions* dec_options,
- int abi_version) {
- WebPAnimDecoderOptions options;
- WebPAnimDecoder* dec = NULL;
- if (webp_data == NULL ||
- return NULL;
- }
- // Note: calloc() so that the pointer members are initialized to NULL.
- dec = (WebPAnimDecoder*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dec));
- if (dec == NULL) goto Error;
- if (dec_options != NULL) {
- options = *dec_options;
- } else {
- DefaultDecoderOptions(&options);
- }
- if (!ApplyDecoderOptions(&options, dec)) goto Error;
- dec->demux_ = WebPDemux(webp_data);
- if (dec->demux_ == NULL) goto Error;
- dec->info_.canvas_width = WebPDemuxGetI(dec->demux_, WEBP_FF_CANVAS_WIDTH);
- dec->info_.canvas_height = WebPDemuxGetI(dec->demux_, WEBP_FF_CANVAS_HEIGHT);
- dec->info_.loop_count = WebPDemuxGetI(dec->demux_, WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT);
- dec->info_.bgcolor = WebPDemuxGetI(dec->demux_, WEBP_FF_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- dec->info_.frame_count = WebPDemuxGetI(dec->demux_, WEBP_FF_FRAME_COUNT);
- {
- const int canvas_bytes =
- dec->info_.canvas_width * NUM_CHANNELS * dec->info_.canvas_height;
- // Note: calloc() because we fill frame with zeroes as well.
- dec->curr_frame_ = WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, canvas_bytes);
- if (dec->curr_frame_ == NULL) goto Error;
- dec->prev_frame_disposed_ = WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, canvas_bytes);
- if (dec->prev_frame_disposed_ == NULL) goto Error;
- }
- WebPAnimDecoderReset(dec);
- return dec;
- Error:
- WebPAnimDecoderDelete(dec);
- return NULL;
-int WebPAnimDecoderGetInfo(const WebPAnimDecoder* dec, WebPAnimInfo* info) {
- if (dec == NULL || info == NULL) return 0;
- *info = dec->info_;
- return 1;
-// Returns true if the frame covers the full canvas.
-static int IsFullFrame(int width, int height, int canvas_width,
- int canvas_height) {
- return (width == canvas_width && height == canvas_height);
-// Clear the canvas to transparent.
-static void ZeroFillCanvas(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t canvas_width,
- uint32_t canvas_height) {
- memset(buf, 0, canvas_width * NUM_CHANNELS * canvas_height);
-// Clear given frame rectangle to transparent.
-static void ZeroFillFrameRect(uint8_t* buf, int buf_stride, int x_offset,
- int y_offset, int width, int height) {
- int j;
- assert(width * NUM_CHANNELS <= buf_stride);
- buf += y_offset * buf_stride + x_offset * NUM_CHANNELS;
- for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
- memset(buf, 0, width * NUM_CHANNELS);
- buf += buf_stride;
- }
-// Copy width * height pixels from 'src' to 'dst'.
-static void CopyCanvas(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
- uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
- assert(src != NULL && dst != NULL);
- memcpy(dst, src, width * NUM_CHANNELS * height);
-// Returns true if the current frame is a key-frame.
-static int IsKeyFrame(const WebPIterator* const curr,
- const WebPIterator* const prev,
- int prev_frame_was_key_frame,
- int canvas_width, int canvas_height) {
- if (curr->frame_num == 1) {
- return 1;
- } else if ((!curr->has_alpha || curr->blend_method == WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND) &&
- IsFullFrame(curr->width, curr->height,
- canvas_width, canvas_height)) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return (prev->dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) &&
- (IsFullFrame(prev->width, prev->height, canvas_width,
- canvas_height) ||
- prev_frame_was_key_frame);
- }
-// Blend a single channel of 'src' over 'dst', given their alpha channel values.
-// 'src' and 'dst' are assumed to be NOT pre-multiplied by alpha.
-static uint8_t BlendChannelNonPremult(uint32_t src, uint8_t src_a,
- uint32_t dst, uint8_t dst_a,
- uint32_t scale, int shift) {
- const uint8_t src_channel = (src >> shift) & 0xff;
- const uint8_t dst_channel = (dst >> shift) & 0xff;
- const uint32_t blend_unscaled = src_channel * src_a + dst_channel * dst_a;
- assert(blend_unscaled < (1ULL << 32) / scale);
- return (blend_unscaled * scale) >> 24;
-// Blend 'src' over 'dst' assuming they are NOT pre-multiplied by alpha.
-static uint32_t BlendPixelNonPremult(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst) {
- const uint8_t src_a = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
- if (src_a == 0) {
- return dst;
- } else {
- const uint8_t dst_a = (dst >> 24) & 0xff;
- // This is the approximate integer arithmetic for the actual formula:
- // dst_factor_a = (dst_a * (255 - src_a)) / 255.
- const uint8_t dst_factor_a = (dst_a * (256 - src_a)) >> 8;
- const uint8_t blend_a = src_a + dst_factor_a;
- const uint32_t scale = (1UL << 24) / blend_a;
- const uint8_t blend_r =
- BlendChannelNonPremult(src, src_a, dst, dst_factor_a, scale, 0);
- const uint8_t blend_g =
- BlendChannelNonPremult(src, src_a, dst, dst_factor_a, scale, 8);
- const uint8_t blend_b =
- BlendChannelNonPremult(src, src_a, dst, dst_factor_a, scale, 16);
- assert(src_a + dst_factor_a < 256);
- return (blend_r << 0) |
- (blend_g << 8) |
- (blend_b << 16) |
- ((uint32_t)blend_a << 24);
- }
-// Blend 'num_pixels' in 'src' over 'dst' assuming they are NOT pre-multiplied
-// by alpha.
-static void BlendPixelRowNonPremult(uint32_t* const src,
- const uint32_t* const dst, int num_pixels) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
- const uint8_t src_alpha = (src[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
- if (src_alpha != 0xff) {
- src[i] = BlendPixelNonPremult(src[i], dst[i]);
- }
- }
-// Individually multiply each channel in 'pix' by 'scale'.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ChannelwiseMultiply(uint32_t pix, uint32_t scale) {
- uint32_t mask = 0x00FF00FF;
- uint32_t rb = ((pix & mask) * scale) >> 8;
- uint32_t ag = ((pix >> 8) & mask) * scale;
- return (rb & mask) | (ag & ~mask);
-// Blend 'src' over 'dst' assuming they are pre-multiplied by alpha.
-static uint32_t BlendPixelPremult(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst) {
- const uint8_t src_a = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
- return src + ChannelwiseMultiply(dst, 256 - src_a);
-// Blend 'num_pixels' in 'src' over 'dst' assuming they are pre-multiplied by
-// alpha.
-static void BlendPixelRowPremult(uint32_t* const src, const uint32_t* const dst,
- int num_pixels) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
- const uint8_t src_alpha = (src[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
- if (src_alpha != 0xff) {
- src[i] = BlendPixelPremult(src[i], dst[i]);
- }
- }
-// Returns two ranges (<left, width> pairs) at row 'canvas_y', that belong to
-// 'src' but not 'dst'. A point range is empty if the corresponding width is 0.
-static void FindBlendRangeAtRow(const WebPIterator* const src,
- const WebPIterator* const dst, int canvas_y,
- int* const left1, int* const width1,
- int* const left2, int* const width2) {
- const int src_max_x = src->x_offset + src->width;
- const int dst_max_x = dst->x_offset + dst->width;
- const int dst_max_y = dst->y_offset + dst->height;
- assert(canvas_y >= src->y_offset && canvas_y < (src->y_offset + src->height));
- *left1 = -1;
- *width1 = 0;
- *left2 = -1;
- *width2 = 0;
- if (canvas_y < dst->y_offset || canvas_y >= dst_max_y ||
- src->x_offset >= dst_max_x || src_max_x <= dst->x_offset) {
- *left1 = src->x_offset;
- *width1 = src->width;
- return;
- }
- if (src->x_offset < dst->x_offset) {
- *left1 = src->x_offset;
- *width1 = dst->x_offset - src->x_offset;
- }
- if (src_max_x > dst_max_x) {
- *left2 = dst_max_x;
- *width2 = src_max_x - dst_max_x;
- }
-int WebPAnimDecoderGetNext(WebPAnimDecoder* dec,
- uint8_t** buf_ptr, int* timestamp_ptr) {
- WebPIterator iter;
- uint32_t width;
- uint32_t height;
- int is_key_frame;
- int timestamp;
- BlendRowFunc blend_row;
- if (dec == NULL || buf_ptr == NULL || timestamp_ptr == NULL) return 0;
- if (!WebPAnimDecoderHasMoreFrames(dec)) return 0;
- width = dec->info_.canvas_width;
- height = dec->info_.canvas_height;
- blend_row = dec->blend_func_;
- // Get compressed frame.
- if (!WebPDemuxGetFrame(dec->demux_, dec->next_frame_, &iter)) {
- return 0;
- }
- timestamp = dec->prev_frame_timestamp_ + iter.duration;
- // Initialize.
- is_key_frame = IsKeyFrame(&iter, &dec->prev_iter_,
- dec->prev_frame_was_keyframe_, width, height);
- if (is_key_frame) {
- ZeroFillCanvas(dec->curr_frame_, width, height);
- } else {
- CopyCanvas(dec->prev_frame_disposed_, dec->curr_frame_, width, height);
- }
- // Decode.
- {
- const uint8_t* in = iter.fragment.bytes;
- const size_t in_size = iter.fragment.size;
- const size_t out_offset =
- (iter.y_offset * width + iter.x_offset) * NUM_CHANNELS;
- WebPDecoderConfig* const config = &dec->config_;
- WebPRGBABuffer* const buf = &config->output.u.RGBA;
- buf->stride = NUM_CHANNELS * width;
- buf->size = buf->stride * iter.height;
- buf->rgba = dec->curr_frame_ + out_offset;
- if (WebPDecode(in, in_size, config) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- goto Error;
- }
- }
- // During the decoding of current frame, we may have set some pixels to be
- // transparent (i.e. alpha < 255). However, the value of each of these
- // pixels should have been determined by blending it against the value of
- // that pixel in the previous frame if blending method of is WEBP_MUX_BLEND.
- if (iter.frame_num > 1 && iter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_BLEND &&
- !is_key_frame) {
- if (dec->prev_iter_.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE) {
- int y;
- // Blend transparent pixels with pixels in previous canvas.
- for (y = 0; y < iter.height; ++y) {
- const size_t offset =
- (iter.y_offset + y) * width + iter.x_offset;
- blend_row((uint32_t*)dec->curr_frame_ + offset,
- (uint32_t*)dec->prev_frame_disposed_ + offset, iter.width);
- }
- } else {
- int y;
- assert(dec->prev_iter_.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND);
- // We need to blend a transparent pixel with its value just after
- // initialization. That is, blend it with:
- // * Fully transparent pixel if it belongs to prevRect <-- No-op.
- // * The pixel in the previous canvas otherwise <-- Need alpha-blending.
- for (y = 0; y < iter.height; ++y) {
- const int canvas_y = iter.y_offset + y;
- int left1, width1, left2, width2;
- FindBlendRangeAtRow(&iter, &dec->prev_iter_, canvas_y, &left1, &width1,
- &left2, &width2);
- if (width1 > 0) {
- const size_t offset1 = canvas_y * width + left1;
- blend_row((uint32_t*)dec->curr_frame_ + offset1,
- (uint32_t*)dec->prev_frame_disposed_ + offset1, width1);
- }
- if (width2 > 0) {
- const size_t offset2 = canvas_y * width + left2;
- blend_row((uint32_t*)dec->curr_frame_ + offset2,
- (uint32_t*)dec->prev_frame_disposed_ + offset2, width2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Update info of the previous frame and dispose it for the next iteration.
- dec->prev_frame_timestamp_ = timestamp;
- dec->prev_iter_ = iter;
- dec->prev_frame_was_keyframe_ = is_key_frame;
- CopyCanvas(dec->curr_frame_, dec->prev_frame_disposed_, width, height);
- if (dec->prev_iter_.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) {
- ZeroFillFrameRect(dec->prev_frame_disposed_, width * NUM_CHANNELS,
- dec->prev_iter_.x_offset, dec->prev_iter_.y_offset,
- dec->prev_iter_.width, dec->prev_iter_.height);
- }
- ++dec->next_frame_;
- // All OK, fill in the values.
- *buf_ptr = dec->curr_frame_;
- *timestamp_ptr = timestamp;
- return 1;
- Error:
- WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(&iter);
- return 0;
-int WebPAnimDecoderHasMoreFrames(const WebPAnimDecoder* dec) {
- if (dec == NULL) return 0;
- return (dec->next_frame_ <= (int)dec->info_.frame_count);
-void WebPAnimDecoderReset(WebPAnimDecoder* dec) {
- if (dec != NULL) {
- dec->prev_frame_timestamp_ = 0;
- memset(&dec->prev_iter_, 0, sizeof(dec->prev_iter_));
- dec->prev_frame_was_keyframe_ = 0;
- dec->next_frame_ = 1;
- }
-const WebPDemuxer* WebPAnimDecoderGetDemuxer(const WebPAnimDecoder* dec) {
- if (dec == NULL) return NULL;
- return dec->demux_;
-void WebPAnimDecoderDelete(WebPAnimDecoder* dec) {
- if (dec != NULL) {
- WebPDemuxDelete(dec->demux_);
- WebPSafeFree(dec->curr_frame_);
- WebPSafeFree(dec->prev_frame_disposed_);
- WebPSafeFree(dec);
- }
diff --git a/drivers/webp/demux/demux.c b/drivers/webp/demux/demux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df93c5b379..0000000000
--- a/drivers/webp/demux/demux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,966 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
-// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
-// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// WebP container demux.
-#include "webp/config.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "../utils/utils.h"
-#include "webp/decode.h" // WebPGetFeatures
-#include "webp/demux.h"
-#include "webp/format_constants.h"
-typedef struct {
- size_t start_; // start location of the data
- size_t end_; // end location
- size_t riff_end_; // riff chunk end location, can be > end_.
- size_t buf_size_; // size of the buffer
- const uint8_t* buf_;
-} MemBuffer;
-typedef struct {
- size_t offset_;
- size_t size_;
-} ChunkData;
-typedef struct Frame {
- int x_offset_, y_offset_;
- int width_, height_;
- int has_alpha_;
- int duration_;
- WebPMuxAnimDispose dispose_method_;
- WebPMuxAnimBlend blend_method_;
- int frame_num_;
- int complete_; // img_components_ contains a full image.
- ChunkData img_components_[2]; // 0=VP8{,L} 1=ALPH
- struct Frame* next_;
-} Frame;
-typedef struct Chunk {
- ChunkData data_;
- struct Chunk* next_;
-} Chunk;
-struct WebPDemuxer {
- MemBuffer mem_;
- WebPDemuxState state_;
- int is_ext_format_;
- uint32_t feature_flags_;
- int canvas_width_, canvas_height_;
- int loop_count_;
- uint32_t bgcolor_;
- int num_frames_;
- Frame* frames_;
- Frame** frames_tail_;
- Chunk* chunks_; // non-image chunks
- Chunk** chunks_tail_;
-typedef enum {
-} ParseStatus;
-typedef struct ChunkParser {
- uint8_t id[4];
- ParseStatus (*parse)(WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
- int (*valid)(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
-} ChunkParser;
-static ParseStatus ParseSingleImage(WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
-static ParseStatus ParseVP8X(WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
-static int IsValidSimpleFormat(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
-static int IsValidExtendedFormat(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux);
-static const ChunkParser kMasterChunks[] = {
- { { 'V', 'P', '8', ' ' }, ParseSingleImage, IsValidSimpleFormat },
- { { 'V', 'P', '8', 'L' }, ParseSingleImage, IsValidSimpleFormat },
- { { 'V', 'P', '8', 'X' }, ParseVP8X, IsValidExtendedFormat },
- { { '0', '0', '0', '0' }, NULL, NULL },
-int WebPGetDemuxVersion(void) {
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MemBuffer
-static int RemapMemBuffer(MemBuffer* const mem,
- const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
- if (size < mem->buf_size_) return 0; // can't remap to a shorter buffer!
- mem->buf_ = data;
- mem->end_ = mem->buf_size_ = size;
- return 1;
-static int InitMemBuffer(MemBuffer* const mem,
- const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
- memset(mem, 0, sizeof(*mem));
- return RemapMemBuffer(mem, data, size);
-// Return the remaining data size available in 'mem'.
-static WEBP_INLINE size_t MemDataSize(const MemBuffer* const mem) {
- return (mem->end_ - mem->start_);
-// Return true if 'size' exceeds the end of the RIFF chunk.
-static WEBP_INLINE int SizeIsInvalid(const MemBuffer* const mem, size_t size) {
- return (size > mem->riff_end_ - mem->start_);
-static WEBP_INLINE void Skip(MemBuffer* const mem, size_t size) {
- mem->start_ += size;
-static WEBP_INLINE void Rewind(MemBuffer* const mem, size_t size) {
- mem->start_ -= size;
-static WEBP_INLINE const uint8_t* GetBuffer(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- return mem->buf_ + mem->start_;
-// Read from 'mem' and skip the read bytes.
-static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t ReadByte(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- const uint8_t byte = mem->buf_[mem->start_];
- Skip(mem, 1);
- return byte;
-static WEBP_INLINE int ReadLE16s(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- const uint8_t* const data = mem->buf_ + mem->start_;
- const int val = GetLE16(data);
- Skip(mem, 2);
- return val;
-static WEBP_INLINE int ReadLE24s(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- const uint8_t* const data = mem->buf_ + mem->start_;
- const int val = GetLE24(data);
- Skip(mem, 3);
- return val;
-static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t ReadLE32(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- const uint8_t* const data = mem->buf_ + mem->start_;
- const uint32_t val = GetLE32(data);
- Skip(mem, 4);
- return val;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Secondary chunk parsing
-static void AddChunk(WebPDemuxer* const dmux, Chunk* const chunk) {
- *dmux->chunks_tail_ = chunk;
- chunk->next_ = NULL;
- dmux->chunks_tail_ = &chunk->next_;
-// Add a frame to the end of the list, ensuring the last frame is complete.
-// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
-static int AddFrame(WebPDemuxer* const dmux, Frame* const frame) {
- const Frame* const last_frame = *dmux->frames_tail_;
- if (last_frame != NULL && !last_frame->complete_) return 0;
- *dmux->frames_tail_ = frame;
- frame->next_ = NULL;
- dmux->frames_tail_ = &frame->next_;
- return 1;
-static void SetFrameInfo(size_t start_offset, size_t size,
- int frame_num, int complete,
- const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features,
- Frame* const frame) {
- frame->img_components_[0].offset_ = start_offset;
- frame->img_components_[0].size_ = size;
- frame->width_ = features->width;
- frame->height_ = features->height;
- frame->has_alpha_ |= features->has_alpha;
- frame->frame_num_ = frame_num;
- frame->complete_ = complete;
-// Store image bearing chunks to 'frame'.
-static ParseStatus StoreFrame(int frame_num, uint32_t min_size,
- MemBuffer* const mem, Frame* const frame) {
- int alpha_chunks = 0;
- int image_chunks = 0;
- int done = (MemDataSize(mem) < min_size);
- ParseStatus status = PARSE_OK;
- if (done) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- do {
- const size_t chunk_start_offset = mem->start_;
- const uint32_t fourcc = ReadLE32(mem);
- const uint32_t payload_size = ReadLE32(mem);
- const uint32_t payload_size_padded = payload_size + (payload_size & 1);
- const size_t payload_available = (payload_size_padded > MemDataSize(mem))
- ? MemDataSize(mem) : payload_size_padded;
- const size_t chunk_size = CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE + payload_available;
- if (payload_size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, payload_size_padded)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (payload_size_padded > MemDataSize(mem)) status = PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- switch (fourcc) {
- case MKFOURCC('A', 'L', 'P', 'H'):
- if (alpha_chunks == 0) {
- ++alpha_chunks;
- frame->img_components_[1].offset_ = chunk_start_offset;
- frame->img_components_[1].size_ = chunk_size;
- frame->has_alpha_ = 1;
- frame->frame_num_ = frame_num;
- Skip(mem, payload_available);
- } else {
- goto Done;
- }
- break;
- case MKFOURCC('V', 'P', '8', 'L'):
- if (alpha_chunks > 0) return PARSE_ERROR; // VP8L has its own alpha
- // fall through
- case MKFOURCC('V', 'P', '8', ' '):
- if (image_chunks == 0) {
- // Extract the bitstream features, tolerating failures when the data
- // is incomplete.
- WebPBitstreamFeatures features;
- const VP8StatusCode vp8_status =
- WebPGetFeatures(mem->buf_ + chunk_start_offset, chunk_size,
- &features);
- if (status == PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA &&
- vp8_status == VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA) {
- } else if (vp8_status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- // We have enough data, and yet WebPGetFeatures() failed.
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- ++image_chunks;
- SetFrameInfo(chunk_start_offset, chunk_size, frame_num,
- status == PARSE_OK, &features, frame);
- Skip(mem, payload_available);
- } else {
- goto Done;
- }
- break;
- Done:
- default:
- // Restore fourcc/size when moving up one level in parsing.
- Rewind(mem, CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE);
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (mem->start_ == mem->riff_end_) {
- done = 1;
- } else if (MemDataSize(mem) < CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) {
- }
- } while (!done && status == PARSE_OK);
- return status;
-// Creates a new Frame if 'actual_size' is within bounds and 'mem' contains
-// enough data ('min_size') to parse the payload.
-// Returns PARSE_OK on success with *frame pointing to the new Frame.
-// Returns PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA with insufficient data, PARSE_ERROR otherwise.
-static ParseStatus NewFrame(const MemBuffer* const mem,
- uint32_t min_size, uint32_t actual_size,
- Frame** frame) {
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, min_size)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (actual_size < min_size) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < min_size) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- *frame = (Frame*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(**frame));
- return (*frame == NULL) ? PARSE_ERROR : PARSE_OK;
-// Parse a 'ANMF' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
-// 'frame_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
-static ParseStatus ParseAnimationFrame(
- WebPDemuxer* const dmux, uint32_t frame_chunk_size) {
- const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
- const uint32_t anmf_payload_size = frame_chunk_size - ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE;
- int added_frame = 0;
- int bits;
- MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
- Frame* frame;
- ParseStatus status =
- NewFrame(mem, ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE, frame_chunk_size, &frame);
- if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;
- frame->x_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
- frame->y_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
- frame->width_ = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
- frame->height_ = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
- frame->duration_ = ReadLE24s(mem);
- bits = ReadByte(mem);
- frame->dispose_method_ =
- frame->blend_method_ = (bits & 2) ? WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND : WEBP_MUX_BLEND;
- if (frame->width_ * (uint64_t)frame->height_ >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
- WebPSafeFree(frame);
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- // Store a frame only if the animation flag is set there is some data for
- // this frame is available.
- status = StoreFrame(dmux->num_frames_ + 1, anmf_payload_size, mem, frame);
- if (status != PARSE_ERROR && is_animation && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
- added_frame = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
- if (added_frame) {
- ++dmux->num_frames_;
- } else {
- status = PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (!added_frame) WebPSafeFree(frame);
- return status;
-// General chunk storage, starting with the header at 'start_offset', allowing
-// the user to request the payload via a fourcc string. 'size' includes the
-// header and the unpadded payload size.
-// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
-static int StoreChunk(WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
- size_t start_offset, uint32_t size) {
- Chunk* const chunk = (Chunk*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*chunk));
- if (chunk == NULL) return 0;
- chunk->data_.offset_ = start_offset;
- chunk->data_.size_ = size;
- AddChunk(dmux, chunk);
- return 1;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Primary chunk parsing
-static ParseStatus ReadHeader(MemBuffer* const mem) {
- const size_t min_size = RIFF_HEADER_SIZE + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- uint32_t riff_size;
- // Basic file level validation.
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < min_size) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- if (memcmp(GetBuffer(mem), "RIFF", CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES) ||
- memcmp(GetBuffer(mem) + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, "WEBP", CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES)) {
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- riff_size = GetLE32(GetBuffer(mem) + TAG_SIZE);
- if (riff_size < CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (riff_size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) return PARSE_ERROR;
- // There's no point in reading past the end of the RIFF chunk
- mem->riff_end_ = riff_size + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- if (mem->buf_size_ > mem->riff_end_) {
- mem->buf_size_ = mem->end_ = mem->riff_end_;
- }
- Skip(mem, RIFF_HEADER_SIZE);
- return PARSE_OK;
-static ParseStatus ParseSingleImage(WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
- const size_t min_size = CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
- Frame* frame;
- ParseStatus status;
- int image_added = 0;
- if (dmux->frames_ != NULL) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, min_size)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < min_size) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- frame = (Frame*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*frame));
- if (frame == NULL) return PARSE_ERROR;
- // For the single image case we allow parsing of a partial frame, but we need
- // at least CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE for parsing.
- status = StoreFrame(1, CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE, &dmux->mem_, frame);
- if (status != PARSE_ERROR) {
- const int has_alpha = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ALPHA_FLAG);
- // Clear any alpha when the alpha flag is missing.
- if (!has_alpha && frame->img_components_[1].size_ > 0) {
- frame->img_components_[1].offset_ = 0;
- frame->img_components_[1].size_ = 0;
- frame->has_alpha_ = 0;
- }
- // Use the frame width/height as the canvas values for non-vp8x files.
- // Also, set ALPHA_FLAG if this is a lossless image with alpha.
- if (!dmux->is_ext_format_ && frame->width_ > 0 && frame->height_ > 0) {
- dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_PARSED_HEADER;
- dmux->canvas_width_ = frame->width_;
- dmux->canvas_height_ = frame->height_;
- dmux->feature_flags_ |= frame->has_alpha_ ? ALPHA_FLAG : 0;
- }
- if (!AddFrame(dmux, frame)) {
- status = PARSE_ERROR; // last frame was left incomplete
- } else {
- image_added = 1;
- dmux->num_frames_ = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!image_added) WebPSafeFree(frame);
- return status;
-static ParseStatus ParseVP8XChunks(WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
- const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
- MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
- int anim_chunks = 0;
- ParseStatus status = PARSE_OK;
- do {
- int store_chunk = 1;
- const size_t chunk_start_offset = mem->start_;
- const uint32_t fourcc = ReadLE32(mem);
- const uint32_t chunk_size = ReadLE32(mem);
- const uint32_t chunk_size_padded = chunk_size + (chunk_size & 1);
- if (chunk_size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, chunk_size_padded)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- switch (fourcc) {
- case MKFOURCC('V', 'P', '8', 'X'): {
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('A', 'L', 'P', 'H'):
- case MKFOURCC('V', 'P', '8', ' '):
- case MKFOURCC('V', 'P', '8', 'L'): {
- // check that this isn't an animation (all frames should be in an ANMF).
- if (anim_chunks > 0 || is_animation) return PARSE_ERROR;
- Rewind(mem, CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE);
- status = ParseSingleImage(dmux);
- break;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('A', 'N', 'I', 'M'): {
- if (chunk_size_padded < ANIM_CHUNK_SIZE) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < chunk_size_padded) {
- } else if (anim_chunks == 0) {
- ++anim_chunks;
- dmux->bgcolor_ = ReadLE32(mem);
- dmux->loop_count_ = ReadLE16s(mem);
- Skip(mem, chunk_size_padded - ANIM_CHUNK_SIZE);
- } else {
- store_chunk = 0;
- goto Skip;
- }
- break;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('A', 'N', 'M', 'F'): {
- if (anim_chunks == 0) return PARSE_ERROR; // 'ANIM' precedes frames.
- status = ParseAnimationFrame(dmux, chunk_size_padded);
- break;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('I', 'C', 'C', 'P'): {
- store_chunk = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ICCP_FLAG);
- goto Skip;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('E', 'X', 'I', 'F'): {
- store_chunk = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & EXIF_FLAG);
- goto Skip;
- }
- case MKFOURCC('X', 'M', 'P', ' '): {
- store_chunk = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & XMP_FLAG);
- goto Skip;
- }
- Skip:
- default: {
- if (chunk_size_padded <= MemDataSize(mem)) {
- if (store_chunk) {
- // Store only the chunk header and unpadded size as only the payload
- // will be returned to the user.
- if (!StoreChunk(dmux, chunk_start_offset,
- CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE + chunk_size)) {
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
- }
- Skip(mem, chunk_size_padded);
- } else {
- }
- }
- }
- if (mem->start_ == mem->riff_end_) {
- break;
- } else if (MemDataSize(mem) < CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) {
- }
- } while (status == PARSE_OK);
- return status;
-static ParseStatus ParseVP8X(WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
- MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
- uint32_t vp8x_size;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- dmux->is_ext_format_ = 1;
- Skip(mem, TAG_SIZE); // VP8X
- vp8x_size = ReadLE32(mem);
- if (vp8x_size > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (vp8x_size < VP8X_CHUNK_SIZE) return PARSE_ERROR;
- vp8x_size += vp8x_size & 1;
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, vp8x_size)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < vp8x_size) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- dmux->feature_flags_ = ReadByte(mem);
- Skip(mem, 3); // Reserved.
- dmux->canvas_width_ = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
- dmux->canvas_height_ = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
- if (dmux->canvas_width_ * (uint64_t)dmux->canvas_height_ >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
- return PARSE_ERROR; // image final dimension is too large
- }
- Skip(mem, vp8x_size - VP8X_CHUNK_SIZE); // skip any trailing data.
- dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_PARSED_HEADER;
- if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE)) return PARSE_ERROR;
- if (MemDataSize(mem) < CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;
- return ParseVP8XChunks(dmux);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Format validation
-static int IsValidSimpleFormat(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
- const Frame* const frame = dmux->frames_;
- if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_PARSING_HEADER) return 1;
- if (dmux->canvas_width_ <= 0 || dmux->canvas_height_ <= 0) return 0;
- if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_DONE && frame == NULL) return 0;
- if (frame->width_ <= 0 || frame->height_ <= 0) return 0;
- return 1;
-// If 'exact' is true, check that the image resolution matches the canvas.
-// If 'exact' is false, check that the x/y offsets do not exceed the canvas.
-static int CheckFrameBounds(const Frame* const frame, int exact,
- int canvas_width, int canvas_height) {
- if (exact) {
- if (frame->x_offset_ != 0 || frame->y_offset_ != 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (frame->width_ != canvas_width || frame->height_ != canvas_height) {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (frame->x_offset_ < 0 || frame->y_offset_ < 0) return 0;
- if (frame->width_ + frame->x_offset_ > canvas_width) return 0;
- if (frame->height_ + frame->y_offset_ > canvas_height) return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static int IsValidExtendedFormat(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
- const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
- const int is_fragmented = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & FRAGMENTS_FLAG);
- const Frame* f = dmux->frames_;
- if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_PARSING_HEADER) return 1;
- if (dmux->canvas_width_ <= 0 || dmux->canvas_height_ <= 0) return 0;
- if (dmux->loop_count_ < 0) return 0;
- if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_DONE && dmux->frames_ == NULL) return 0;
- if (is_fragmented) return 0;
- while (f != NULL) {
- const int cur_frame_set = f->frame_num_;
- int frame_count = 0;
- // Check frame properties.
- for (; f != NULL && f->frame_num_ == cur_frame_set; f = f->next_) {
- const ChunkData* const image = f->img_components_;
- const ChunkData* const alpha = f->img_components_ + 1;
- if (!is_animation && f->frame_num_ > 1) return 0;
- if (f->complete_) {
- if (alpha->size_ == 0 && image->size_ == 0) return 0;
- // Ensure alpha precedes image bitstream.
- if (alpha->size_ > 0 && alpha->offset_ > image->offset_) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (f->width_ <= 0 || f->height_ <= 0) return 0;
- } else {
- // There shouldn't be a partial frame in a complete file.
- if (dmux->state_ == WEBP_DEMUX_DONE) return 0;
- // Ensure alpha precedes image bitstream.
- if (alpha->size_ > 0 && image->size_ > 0 &&
- alpha->offset_ > image->offset_) {
- return 0;
- }
- // There shouldn't be any frames after an incomplete one.
- if (f->next_ != NULL) return 0;
- }
- if (f->width_ > 0 && f->height_ > 0 &&
- !CheckFrameBounds(f, !is_animation,
- dmux->canvas_width_, dmux->canvas_height_)) {
- return 0;
- }
- ++frame_count;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// WebPDemuxer object
-static void InitDemux(WebPDemuxer* const dmux, const MemBuffer* const mem) {
- dmux->loop_count_ = 1;
- dmux->bgcolor_ = 0xFFFFFFFF; // White background by default.
- dmux->canvas_width_ = -1;
- dmux->canvas_height_ = -1;
- dmux->frames_tail_ = &dmux->frames_;
- dmux->chunks_tail_ = &dmux->chunks_;
- dmux->mem_ = *mem;
-static ParseStatus CreateRawImageDemuxer(MemBuffer* const mem,
- WebPDemuxer** demuxer) {
- WebPBitstreamFeatures features;
- const VP8StatusCode status =
- WebPGetFeatures(mem->buf_, mem->buf_size_, &features);
- *demuxer = NULL;
- if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- }
- {
- WebPDemuxer* const dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dmux));
- Frame* const frame = (Frame*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*frame));
- if (dmux == NULL || frame == NULL) goto Error;
- InitDemux(dmux, mem);
- SetFrameInfo(0, mem->buf_size_, 1 /*frame_num*/, 1 /*complete*/, &features,
- frame);
- if (!AddFrame(dmux, frame)) goto Error;
- dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_DONE;
- dmux->canvas_width_ = frame->width_;
- dmux->canvas_height_ = frame->height_;
- dmux->feature_flags_ |= frame->has_alpha_ ? ALPHA_FLAG : 0;
- dmux->num_frames_ = 1;
- assert(IsValidSimpleFormat(dmux));
- *demuxer = dmux;
- return PARSE_OK;
- Error:
- WebPSafeFree(dmux);
- WebPSafeFree(frame);
- return PARSE_ERROR;
- }
-WebPDemuxer* WebPDemuxInternal(const WebPData* data, int allow_partial,
- WebPDemuxState* state, int version) {
- const ChunkParser* parser;
- int partial;
- ParseStatus status = PARSE_ERROR;
- MemBuffer mem;
- WebPDemuxer* dmux;
- if (state != NULL) *state = WEBP_DEMUX_PARSE_ERROR;
- if (data == NULL || data->bytes == NULL || data->size == 0) return NULL;
- if (!InitMemBuffer(&mem, data->bytes, data->size)) return NULL;
- status = ReadHeader(&mem);
- if (status != PARSE_OK) {
- // If parsing of the webp file header fails attempt to handle a raw
- // VP8/VP8L frame. Note 'allow_partial' is ignored in this case.
- if (status == PARSE_ERROR) {
- status = CreateRawImageDemuxer(&mem, &dmux);
- if (status == PARSE_OK) {
- if (state != NULL) *state = WEBP_DEMUX_DONE;
- return dmux;
- }
- }
- if (state != NULL) {
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- partial = (mem.buf_size_ < mem.riff_end_);
- if (!allow_partial && partial) return NULL;
- dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dmux));
- if (dmux == NULL) return NULL;
- InitDemux(dmux, &mem);
- status = PARSE_ERROR;
- for (parser = kMasterChunks; parser->parse != NULL; ++parser) {
- if (!memcmp(parser->id, GetBuffer(&dmux->mem_), TAG_SIZE)) {
- status = parser->parse(dmux);
- if (status == PARSE_OK) dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_DONE;
- if (status == PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA && !partial) status = PARSE_ERROR;
- if (status != PARSE_ERROR && !parser->valid(dmux)) status = PARSE_ERROR;
- if (status == PARSE_ERROR) dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_PARSE_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (state != NULL) *state = dmux->state_;
- if (status == PARSE_ERROR) {
- WebPDemuxDelete(dmux);
- return NULL;
- }
- return dmux;
-void WebPDemuxDelete(WebPDemuxer* dmux) {
- Chunk* c;
- Frame* f;
- if (dmux == NULL) return;
- for (f = dmux->frames_; f != NULL;) {
- Frame* const cur_frame = f;
- f = f->next_;
- WebPSafeFree(cur_frame);
- }
- for (c = dmux->chunks_; c != NULL;) {
- Chunk* const cur_chunk = c;
- c = c->next_;
- WebPSafeFree(cur_chunk);
- }
- WebPSafeFree(dmux);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-uint32_t WebPDemuxGetI(const WebPDemuxer* dmux, WebPFormatFeature feature) {
- if (dmux == NULL) return 0;
- switch (feature) {
- case WEBP_FF_FORMAT_FLAGS: return dmux->feature_flags_;
- case WEBP_FF_CANVAS_WIDTH: return (uint32_t)dmux->canvas_width_;
- case WEBP_FF_CANVAS_HEIGHT: return (uint32_t)dmux->canvas_height_;
- case WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT: return (uint32_t)dmux->loop_count_;
- case WEBP_FF_BACKGROUND_COLOR: return dmux->bgcolor_;
- case WEBP_FF_FRAME_COUNT: return (uint32_t)dmux->num_frames_;
- }
- return 0;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Frame iteration
-static const Frame* GetFrame(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux, int frame_num) {
- const Frame* f;
- for (f = dmux->frames_; f != NULL; f = f->next_) {
- if (frame_num == f->frame_num_) break;
- }
- return f;
-static const uint8_t* GetFramePayload(const uint8_t* const mem_buf,
- const Frame* const frame,
- size_t* const data_size) {
- *data_size = 0;
- if (frame != NULL) {
- const ChunkData* const image = frame->img_components_;
- const ChunkData* const alpha = frame->img_components_ + 1;
- size_t start_offset = image->offset_;
- *data_size = image->size_;
- // if alpha exists it precedes image, update the size allowing for
- // intervening chunks.
- if (alpha->size_ > 0) {
- const size_t inter_size = (image->offset_ > 0)
- ? image->offset_ - (alpha->offset_ + alpha->size_)
- : 0;
- start_offset = alpha->offset_;
- *data_size += alpha->size_ + inter_size;
- }
- return mem_buf + start_offset;
- }
- return NULL;
-// Create a whole 'frame' from VP8 (+ alpha) or lossless.
-static int SynthesizeFrame(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
- const Frame* const frame,
- WebPIterator* const iter) {
- const uint8_t* const mem_buf = dmux->mem_.buf_;
- size_t payload_size = 0;
- const uint8_t* const payload = GetFramePayload(mem_buf, frame, &payload_size);
- if (payload == NULL) return 0;
- assert(frame != NULL);
- iter->frame_num = frame->frame_num_;
- iter->num_frames = dmux->num_frames_;
- iter->x_offset = frame->x_offset_;
- iter->y_offset = frame->y_offset_;
- iter->width = frame->width_;
- iter->height = frame->height_;
- iter->has_alpha = frame->has_alpha_;
- iter->duration = frame->duration_;
- iter->dispose_method = frame->dispose_method_;
- iter->blend_method = frame->blend_method_;
- iter->complete = frame->complete_;
- iter->fragment.bytes = payload;
- iter->fragment.size = payload_size;
- return 1;
-static int SetFrame(int frame_num, WebPIterator* const iter) {
- const Frame* frame;
- const WebPDemuxer* const dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)iter->private_;
- if (dmux == NULL || frame_num < 0) return 0;
- if (frame_num > dmux->num_frames_) return 0;
- if (frame_num == 0) frame_num = dmux->num_frames_;
- frame = GetFrame(dmux, frame_num);
- if (frame == NULL) return 0;
- return SynthesizeFrame(dmux, frame, iter);
-int WebPDemuxGetFrame(const WebPDemuxer* dmux, int frame, WebPIterator* iter) {
- if (iter == NULL) return 0;
- memset(iter, 0, sizeof(*iter));
- iter->private_ = (void*)dmux;
- return SetFrame(frame, iter);
-int WebPDemuxNextFrame(WebPIterator* iter) {
- if (iter == NULL) return 0;
- return SetFrame(iter->frame_num + 1, iter);
-int WebPDemuxPrevFrame(WebPIterator* iter) {
- if (iter == NULL) return 0;
- if (iter->frame_num <= 1) return 0;
- return SetFrame(iter->frame_num - 1, iter);
-void WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(WebPIterator* iter) {
- (void)iter;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Chunk iteration
-static int ChunkCount(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux, const char fourcc[4]) {
- const uint8_t* const mem_buf = dmux->mem_.buf_;
- const Chunk* c;
- int count = 0;
- for (c = dmux->chunks_; c != NULL; c = c->next_) {
- const uint8_t* const header = mem_buf + c->data_.offset_;
- if (!memcmp(header, fourcc, TAG_SIZE)) ++count;
- }
- return count;
-static const Chunk* GetChunk(const WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
- const char fourcc[4], int chunk_num) {
- const uint8_t* const mem_buf = dmux->mem_.buf_;
- const Chunk* c;
- int count = 0;
- for (c = dmux->chunks_; c != NULL; c = c->next_) {
- const uint8_t* const header = mem_buf + c->data_.offset_;
- if (!memcmp(header, fourcc, TAG_SIZE)) ++count;
- if (count == chunk_num) break;
- }
- return c;
-static int SetChunk(const char fourcc[4], int chunk_num,
- WebPChunkIterator* const iter) {
- const WebPDemuxer* const dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)iter->private_;
- int count;
- if (dmux == NULL || fourcc == NULL || chunk_num < 0) return 0;
- count = ChunkCount(dmux, fourcc);
- if (count == 0) return 0;
- if (chunk_num == 0) chunk_num = count;
- if (chunk_num <= count) {
- const uint8_t* const mem_buf = dmux->mem_.buf_;
- const Chunk* const chunk = GetChunk(dmux, fourcc, chunk_num);
- iter->chunk.bytes = mem_buf + chunk->data_.offset_ + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- iter->chunk.size = chunk->data_.size_ - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- iter->num_chunks = count;
- iter->chunk_num = chunk_num;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int WebPDemuxGetChunk(const WebPDemuxer* dmux,
- const char fourcc[4], int chunk_num,
- WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
- if (iter == NULL) return 0;
- memset(iter, 0, sizeof(*iter));
- iter->private_ = (void*)dmux;
- return SetChunk(fourcc, chunk_num, iter);
-int WebPDemuxNextChunk(WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
- if (iter != NULL) {
- const char* const fourcc =
- (const char*)iter->chunk.bytes - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num + 1, iter);
- }
- return 0;
-int WebPDemuxPrevChunk(WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
- if (iter != NULL && iter->chunk_num > 1) {
- const char* const fourcc =
- (const char*)iter->chunk.bytes - CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
- return SetChunk(fourcc, iter->chunk_num - 1, iter);
- }
- return 0;
-void WebPDemuxReleaseChunkIterator(WebPChunkIterator* iter) {
- (void)iter;