path: root/drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/
diff options
authorJuan Linietsky <>2014-08-01 22:10:38 -0300
committerJuan Linietsky <>2014-08-01 22:10:38 -0300
commit678948068bbde7f12a9c5f28a467b6cf4d127851 (patch)
tree75572f3a5cc6089a6ca3046e9307d0a7c0b72c51 /drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/
parent9ff6d55822647c87eef392147ea15641d0922d47 (diff)
Small Issues & Maintenance
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -Begin work on Navigation Meshes (simple pathfinding for now, will improve soon) -More doc on theme overriding -Upgraded OpenSSL to version without bugs -Misc bugfixes
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/ b/drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad7e65651c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/builtin_openssl2/crypto/rc4/asm/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ====================================================================
+# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
+# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
+# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
+# details see
+# ====================================================================
+# RC4 for PA-RISC.
+# June 2009.
+# Performance is 33% better than gcc 3.2 generated code on PA-7100LC.
+# For reference, [4x] unrolled loop is >40% faster than folded one.
+# It's possible to unroll loop 8 times on PA-RISC 2.0, but improvement
+# is believed to be not sufficient to justify the effort...
+# Special thanks to for providing HP-UX account.
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+$flavour = shift;
+$output = shift;
+open STDOUT,">$output";
+if ($flavour =~ /64/) {
+ $LEVEL ="2.0W";
+ $SIZE_T =8;
+ $SAVED_RP =16;
+ $PUSH ="std";
+ $PUSHMA ="std,ma";
+ $POP ="ldd";
+ $POPMB ="ldd,mb";
+} else {
+ $LEVEL ="1.0";
+ $SIZE_T =4;
+ $SAVED_RP =20;
+ $PUSH ="stw";
+ $PUSHMA ="stwm";
+ $POP ="ldw";
+ $POPMB ="ldwm";
+$FRAME=4*$SIZE_T+$FRAME_MARKER; # 4 saved regs + frame marker
+ # [+ argument transfer]
+$SZ=1; # defaults to RC4_CHAR
+if (open CONF,"<${dir}../../opensslconf.h") {
+ while(<CONF>) {
+ if (m/#\s*define\s+RC4_INT\s+(.*)/) {
+ $SZ = ($1=~/char$/) ? 1 : 4;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close CONF;
+if ($SZ==1) { # RC4_CHAR
+ $LD="ldb";
+ $LDX="ldbx";
+ $MKX="addl";
+ $ST="stb";
+} else { # RC4_INT (~5% faster than RC4_CHAR on PA-7100LC)
+ $LD="ldw";
+ $LDX="ldwx,s";
+ $MKX="sh2addl";
+ $ST="stw";
+sub unrolledloopbody {
+for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
+ ldo 1($XX[0]),$XX[1]
+ `sprintf("$LDX %$TY(%$key),%$dat1") if ($i>0)`
+ and $mask,$XX[1],$XX[1]
+ $LDX $YY($key),$TY
+ $MKX $YY,$key,$ix
+ $LDX $XX[1]($key),$TX[1]
+ $MKX $XX[0],$key,$iy
+ $ST $TX[0],0($ix)
+ comclr,<> $XX[1],$YY,%r0 ; conditional
+ copy $TX[0],$TX[1] ; move
+ `sprintf("%sdep %$dat1,%d,8,%$acc",$i==1?"z":"",8*($i-1)+7) if ($i>0)`
+ $ST $TY,0($iy)
+ addl $TX[0],$TY,$TY
+ addl $TX[1],$YY,$YY
+ and $mask,$TY,$TY
+ and $mask,$YY,$YY
+push(@TX,shift(@TX)); push(@XX,shift(@XX)); # "rotate" registers
+} }
+sub foldedloop {
+my ($label,$count)=@_;
+ $MKX $YY,$key,$iy
+ $LDX $YY($key),$TY
+ $MKX $XX[0],$key,$ix
+ $ST $TX[0],0($iy)
+ ldo 1($XX[0]),$XX[0]
+ $ST $TY,0($ix)
+ addl $TX[0],$TY,$TY
+ ldbx $inp($out),$dat1
+ and $mask,$TY,$TY
+ and $mask,$XX[0],$XX[0]
+ $LDX $TY($key),$acc
+ $LDX $XX[0]($key),$TX[0]
+ ldo 1($out),$out
+ xor $dat1,$acc,$acc
+ addl $TX[0],$YY,$YY
+ stb $acc,-1($out)
+ addib,<> -1,$count,$label ; $count is always small
+ and $mask,$YY,$YY
+ $PUSH %r2,-$SAVED_RP(%sp) ; standard prologue
+ $PUSHMA %r3,$FRAME(%sp)
+ $PUSH %r4,`-$FRAME+1*$SIZE_T`(%sp)
+ $PUSH %r5,`-$FRAME+2*$SIZE_T`(%sp)
+ $PUSH %r6,`-$FRAME+3*$SIZE_T`(%sp)
+ cmpib,*= 0,$len,L\$abort
+ sub $inp,$out,$inp ; distance between $inp and $out
+ $LD `0*$SZ`($key),$XX[0]
+ $LD `1*$SZ`($key),$YY
+ ldo `2*$SZ`($key),$key
+ ldi 0xff,$mask
+ ldi 3,$dat0
+ ldo 1($XX[0]),$XX[0] ; warm up loop
+ and $mask,$XX[0],$XX[0]
+ $LDX $XX[0]($key),$TX[0]
+ addl $TX[0],$YY,$YY
+ cmpib,*>>= 6,$len,L\$oop1 ; is $len large enough to bother?
+ and $mask,$YY,$YY
+ and,<> $out,$dat0,$rem ; is $out aligned?
+ b L\$alignedout
+ subi 4,$rem,$rem
+ sub $len,$rem,$len
+&foldedloop("L\$alignout",$rem); # process till $out is aligned
+L\$alignedout ; $len is at least 4 here
+ and,<> $inp,$dat0,$acc ; is $inp aligned?
+ b L\$oop4
+ sub $inp,$acc,$rem ; align $inp
+ sh3addl $acc,%r0,$acc
+ subi 32,$acc,$acc
+ mtctl $acc,%cr11 ; load %sar with vshd align factor
+ ldwx $rem($out),$dat0
+ ldo 4($rem),$rem
+ $LDX $TY($key),$ix
+ ldwx $rem($out),$dat1
+ ldo -4($len),$len
+ or $ix,$acc,$acc ; last piece, no need to dep
+ vshd $dat0,$dat1,$iy ; align data
+ copy $dat1,$dat0
+ xor $iy,$acc,$acc
+ stw $acc,0($out)
+ cmpib,*<< 3,$len,L\$oop4misalignedinp
+ ldo 4($out),$out
+ cmpib,*= 0,$len,L\$done
+ nop
+ b L\$oop1
+ nop
+ .ALIGN 8
+ $LDX $TY($key),$ix
+ ldwx $inp($out),$dat0
+ ldo -4($len),$len
+ or $ix,$acc,$acc ; last piece, no need to dep
+ xor $dat0,$acc,$acc
+ stw $acc,0($out)
+ cmpib,*<< 3,$len,L\$oop4
+ ldo 4($out),$out
+ cmpib,*= 0,$len,L\$done
+ nop
+ $POP `-$FRAME-$SAVED_RP`(%sp),%r2
+ ldo -1($XX[0]),$XX[0] ; chill out loop
+ sub $YY,$TX[0],$YY
+ and $mask,$XX[0],$XX[0]
+ and $mask,$YY,$YY
+ $ST $XX[0],`-2*$SZ`($key)
+ $ST $YY,`-1*$SZ`($key)
+ $POP `-$FRAME+1*$SIZE_T`(%sp),%r4
+ $POP `-$FRAME+2*$SIZE_T`(%sp),%r5
+ $POP `-$FRAME+3*$SIZE_T`(%sp),%r6
+ bv (%r2)
+ $POPMB -$FRAME(%sp),%r3
+ .EXPORT private_RC4_set_key,ENTRY,ARGW0=GR,ARGW1=GR,ARGW2=GR
+ .ALIGN 8
+ $ST %r0,`0*$SZ`($key)
+ $ST %r0,`1*$SZ`($key)
+ ldo `2*$SZ`($key),$key
+ copy %r0,@XX[0]
+ $ST @XX[0],0($key)
+ ldo 1(@XX[0]),@XX[0]
+ bb,>= @XX[0],`31-8`,L\$1st ; @XX[0]<256
+ ldo $SZ($key),$key
+ ldo `-256*$SZ`($key),$key ; rewind $key
+ addl $len,$inp,$inp ; $inp to point at the end
+ sub %r0,$len,%r23 ; inverse index
+ copy %r0,@XX[0]
+ copy %r0,@XX[1]
+ ldi 0xff,$mask
+ $LDX @XX[0]($key),@TX[0]
+ ldbx %r23($inp),@TX[1]
+ addi,nuv 1,%r23,%r23 ; increment and conditional
+ sub %r0,$len,%r23 ; inverse index
+ addl @TX[0],@XX[1],@XX[1]
+ addl @TX[1],@XX[1],@XX[1]
+ and $mask,@XX[1],@XX[1]
+ $MKX @XX[0],$key,$TY
+ $LDX @XX[1]($key),@TX[1]
+ $MKX @XX[1],$key,$YY
+ ldo 1(@XX[0]),@XX[0]
+ $ST @TX[0],0($YY)
+ bb,>= @XX[0],`31-8`,L\$2nd ; @XX[0]<256
+ $ST @TX[1],0($TY)
+ bv,n (%r2)
+ nop
+ .EXPORT RC4_options,ENTRY
+ .ALIGN 8
+ blr %r0,%r28
+ ldi 3,%r1
+ andcm %r28,%r1,%r28
+ bv (%r2)
+ ldo L\$opts-L\$pic(%r28),%r28
+ .ALIGN 8
+ .STRINGZ "rc4(4x,`$SZ==1?"char":"int"`)"
+ .STRINGZ "RC4 for PA-RISC, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
+$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
+$code =~ s/cmpib,\*/comib,/gm if ($SIZE_T==4);
+$code =~ s/\bbv\b/bve/gm if ($SIZE_T==8);
+print $code;
+close STDOUT;