path: root/demos/2d/isometric_light/
diff options
authorAnton Yabchinskiy <>2015-03-10 11:44:40 +0300
committerAnton Yabchinskiy <>2015-03-10 11:44:40 +0300
commit43713810deaadfec6a1656767cf5520073e58a06 (patch)
tree8b1c7e82562494e1889b1550b58b3d953f076696 /demos/2d/isometric_light/
parent19a99afa81354ed69e1c07b6050aeb438e4ee2cb (diff)
parent91744e9ed3124ca48e0837ee72bfe7182fd31701 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/2d/isometric_light/')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/2d/isometric_light/ b/demos/2d/isometric_light/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30c766936c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/2d/isometric_light/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+extends KinematicBody2D
+# member variables here, example:
+# var a=2
+# var b="textvar"
+const MAX_SPEED = 300.0
+const IDLE_SPEED = 10.0
+const ACCEL=5.0
+const VSCALE=0.5
+var speed=Vector2()
+var current_anim=""
+var current_mirror=false
+var shoot_countdown=0
+func _input(ev):
+ if (ev.type==InputEvent.MOUSE_BUTTON and ev.button_index==1 and ev.pressed and shoot_countdown<=0):
+ var pos = get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse() * ev.pos
+ var dir = (pos-get_global_pos()).normalized()
+ var bullet = preload("res://shoot.scn").instance()
+ bullet.advance_dir=dir
+ bullet.set_pos( get_global_pos() + dir * 60 )
+ get_parent().add_child(bullet)
+ shoot_countdown=SHOOT_INTERVAL
+func _fixed_process(delta):
+ shoot_countdown-=delta
+ var dir = Vector2()
+ if (Input.is_action_pressed("up")):
+ dir+=Vector2(0,-1)
+ if (Input.is_action_pressed("down")):
+ dir+=Vector2(0,1)
+ if (Input.is_action_pressed("left")):
+ dir+=Vector2(-1,0)
+ if (Input.is_action_pressed("right")):
+ dir+=Vector2(1,0)
+ if (dir!=Vector2()):
+ dir=dir.normalized()
+ speed = speed.linear_interpolate(dir*MAX_SPEED,delta*ACCEL)
+ var motion = speed * delta
+ motion.y*=VSCALE
+ motion=move(motion)
+ if (is_colliding()):
+ var n = get_collision_normal()
+ motion=n.slide(motion)
+ move(motion)
+ var next_anim=""
+ var next_mirror=false
+ if (dir==Vector2() and speed.length()<IDLE_SPEED):
+ next_anim="idle"
+ next_mirror=false
+ elif (speed.length()>IDLE_SPEED*0.1):
+ var angle = atan2(abs(speed.x),speed.y)
+ next_mirror = speed.x>0
+ if (angle<PI/8):
+ next_anim="bottom"
+ next_mirror=false
+ elif (angle<PI/4+PI/8):
+ next_anim="bottom_left"
+ elif (angle<PI*2/4+PI/8):
+ next_anim="left"
+ elif (angle<PI*3/4+PI/8):
+ next_anim="top_left"
+ else:
+ next_anim="top"
+ next_mirror=false
+ if (next_anim!=current_anim or next_mirror!=current_mirror):
+ get_node("frames").set_flip_h(next_mirror)
+ get_node("anim").play(next_anim)
+ current_anim=next_anim
+ current_mirror=next_mirror
+func _ready():
+ # Initialization here
+ set_fixed_process(true)
+ set_process_input(true)
+ pass