path: root/core
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authorBil Bas (Spooner) <>2015-02-19 02:00:50 +0000
committerBil Bas (Spooner) <>2015-02-19 02:00:50 +0000
commit3241b0181e9cff55d9e7593ebd044a598e09adcd (patch)
tree530dea7bd46da90b05cafc034b775bb55ab0d974 /core
parent33ed0efeefff16589888e3ed8010f47f044ff109 (diff)
parent5ef3f7392faf0d2d9c136fc176f7a08cb774fe40 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/math/math_2d.h b/core/math/math_2d.h
index fa40d305f5..5bc1b5f0be 100644
--- a/core/math/math_2d.h
+++ b/core/math/math_2d.h
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ struct Vector2 {
operator String() const { return String::num(x)+","+String::num(y); }
- inline Vector2(float p_x,float p_y) { x=p_x; y=p_y; }
- inline Vector2() { x=0; y=0; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2(float p_x,float p_y) { x=p_x; y=p_y; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2() { x=0; y=0; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 Vector2::plane_project(real_t p_d, const Vector2& p_vec) const {
@@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ Vector2 Vector2::linear_interpolate(const Vector2& p_a, const Vector2& p_b,float
typedef Vector2 Size2;
typedef Vector2 Point2;
+struct Matrix32;
struct Rect2 {
@@ -224,6 +226,8 @@ struct Rect2 {
return true;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool intersects_transformed(const Matrix32& p_xform, const Rect2& p_rect) const;
bool intersects_segment(const Point2& p_from, const Point2& p_to, Point2* r_pos=NULL, Point2* r_normal=NULL) const;
inline bool encloses(const Rect2& p_rect) const {
@@ -597,6 +601,160 @@ struct Matrix32 {
+bool Rect2::intersects_transformed(const Matrix32& p_xform, const Rect2& p_rect) const {
+ //SAT intersection between local and transformed rect2
+ Vector2 xf_points[4]={
+ p_xform.xform(p_rect.pos),
+ p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y)),
+ p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y)),
+ p_xform.xform(Vector2(p_rect.pos.x+p_rect.size.x,p_rect.pos.y+p_rect.size.y)),
+ };
+ real_t low_limit;
+ //base rect2 first (faster)
+ if (xf_points[0].y>pos.y)
+ goto next1;
+ if (xf_points[1].y>pos.y)
+ goto next1;
+ if (xf_points[2].y>pos.y)
+ goto next1;
+ if (xf_points[3].y>pos.y)
+ goto next1;
+ return false;
+ next1:
+ low_limit=pos.y+size.y;
+ if (xf_points[0].y<low_limit)
+ goto next2;
+ if (xf_points[1].y<low_limit)
+ goto next2;
+ if (xf_points[2].y<low_limit)
+ goto next2;
+ if (xf_points[3].y<low_limit)
+ goto next2;
+ return false;
+ next2:
+ if (xf_points[0].x>pos.x)
+ goto next3;
+ if (xf_points[1].x>pos.x)
+ goto next3;
+ if (xf_points[2].x>pos.x)
+ goto next3;
+ if (xf_points[3].x>pos.x)
+ goto next3;
+ return false;
+ next3:
+ low_limit=pos.x+size.x;
+ if (xf_points[0].x<low_limit)
+ goto next4;
+ if (xf_points[1].x<low_limit)
+ goto next4;
+ if (xf_points[2].x<low_limit)
+ goto next4;
+ if (xf_points[3].x<low_limit)
+ goto next4;
+ return false;
+ next4:
+ Vector2 xf_points2[4]={
+ pos,
+ Vector2(pos.x+size.x,pos.y),
+ Vector2(pos.x,pos.y+size.y),
+ Vector2(pos.x+size.x,pos.y+size.y),
+ };
+ real_t maxa=p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[0]);
+ real_t mina=maxa;
+ real_t dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[1]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[2]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points2[3]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ real_t maxb=p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[0]);
+ real_t minb=maxb;
+ dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[1]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[2]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[0].dot(xf_points[3]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ if ( mina > maxb )
+ return false;
+ if ( minb > maxa )
+ return false;
+ maxa=p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[0]);
+ mina=maxa;
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[1]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[2]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points2[3]);
+ maxa=MAX(dp,maxa);
+ mina=MIN(dp,mina);
+ maxb=p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[0]);
+ minb=maxb;
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[1]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[2]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ dp = p_xform.elements[1].dot(xf_points[3]);
+ maxb=MAX(dp,maxb);
+ minb=MIN(dp,minb);
+ if ( mina > maxb )
+ return false;
+ if ( minb > maxa )
+ return false;
+ return true;
Vector2 Matrix32::basis_xform(const Vector2& v) const {