path: root/core/vector.h
diff options
authorHein-Pieter van Braam <>2018-07-26 01:26:46 +0200
committerGitHub <>2018-07-26 01:26:46 +0200
commit832e2bfcd38965a01a9149d509169dd197e42f58 (patch)
tree18b7ff35f1eeee39031a16e9c1d834ebf03d44cf /core/vector.h
parent9423f23ffb80c946dec380f73f3f313ec44d0d18 (diff)
parent0e29f7974b59e4440cf02e1388fb9d8ab2b5c5fd (diff)
Merge pull request #20137 from hpvb/reduce-vector-cow
Reduce unnecessary COW on Vector by make writing explicit
Diffstat (limited to 'core/vector.h')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/core/vector.h b/core/vector.h
index c026448ddd..7e3da34be0 100644
--- a/core/vector.h
+++ b/core/vector.h
@@ -36,131 +36,69 @@
* @author Juan Linietsky
* Vector container. Regular Vector Container. Use with care and for smaller arrays when possible. Use PoolVector for large arrays.
+#include "cowdata.h"
#include "error_macros.h"
#include "os/memory.h"
-#include "safe_refcount.h"
#include "sort.h"
template <class T>
-class Vector {
- mutable T *_ptr;
- // internal helpers
- _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t *_get_refcount() const {
- if (!_ptr)
- return NULL;
+class VectorWriteProxy {
+ friend class Vector<T>;
+ Vector<T> &_parent;
- return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(_ptr) - 2;
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t *_get_size() const {
- if (!_ptr)
- return NULL;
- return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(_ptr) - 1;
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ T *_get_data() const {
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ VectorWriteProxy(Vector<T> &parent) :
+ _parent(parent){};
+ VectorWriteProxy(const VectorWriteProxy<T> &p_other);
- if (!_ptr)
- return NULL;
- return reinterpret_cast<T *>(_ptr);
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ size_t _get_alloc_size(size_t p_elements) const {
- //return nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_elements*sizeof(T)+sizeof(SafeRefCount)+sizeof(int));
- return next_power_of_2(p_elements * sizeof(T));
- }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ T &operator[](int p_index) {
+ CRASH_BAD_INDEX(p_index, _parent.size());
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _get_alloc_size_checked(size_t p_elements, size_t *out) const {
-#if defined(_add_overflow) && defined(_mul_overflow)
- size_t o;
- size_t p;
- if (_mul_overflow(p_elements, sizeof(T), &o)) return false;
- *out = next_power_of_2(o);
- if (_add_overflow(o, static_cast<size_t>(32), &p)) return false; //no longer allocated here
- return true;
- // Speed is more important than correctness here, do the operations unchecked
- // and hope the best
- *out = _get_alloc_size(p_elements);
- return true;
+ return _parent.ptrw()[p_index];
- void _unref(void *p_data);
+template <class T>
+class Vector {
+ friend class VectorWriteProxy<T>;
- void _copy_from(const Vector &p_from);
- void _copy_on_write();
+ CowData<T> _cowdata;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ T *ptrw() {
- if (!_ptr) return NULL;
- _copy_on_write();
- return (T *)_get_data();
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ const T *ptr() const {
- if (!_ptr) return NULL;
- return _get_data();
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void clear() { resize(0); }
+ VectorWriteProxy<T> write;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ int size() const {
- uint32_t *size = (uint32_t *)_get_size();
- if (size)
- return *size;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool empty() const { return _ptr == 0; }
- Error resize(int p_size);
bool push_back(const T &p_elem);
- void remove(int p_index);
+ void remove(int p_index) { _cowdata.remove(p_index); }
void erase(const T &p_val) {
int idx = find(p_val);
if (idx >= 0) remove(idx);
void invert();
- template <class T_val>
- int find(const T_val &p_val, int p_from = 0) const;
- void set(int p_index, const T &p_elem);
- T get(int p_index) const;
- inline T &operator[](int p_index) {
- CRASH_BAD_INDEX(p_index, size());
- _copy_on_write(); // wants to write, so copy on write.
- return _get_data()[p_index];
- }
- inline const T &operator[](int p_index) const {
- CRASH_BAD_INDEX(p_index, size());
- // no cow needed, since it's reading
- return _get_data()[p_index];
- }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ T *ptrw() { return _cowdata.ptrw(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const T *ptr() const { return _cowdata.ptr(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void clear() { resize(0); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool empty() const { return _cowdata.empty(); }
- Error insert(int p_pos, const T &p_val);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ T get(int p_index) { return _cowdata.get(p_index); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const T get(int p_index) const { return _cowdata.get(p_index); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set(int p_index, const T &p_elem) { _cowdata.set(p_index, p_elem); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ int size() const { return _cowdata.size(); }
+ Error resize(int p_size) { return _cowdata.resize(p_size); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const T &operator[](int p_index) const { return _cowdata.get(p_index); }
+ Error insert(int p_pos, const T &p_val) { return _cowdata.insert(p_pos, p_val); }
void append_array(const Vector<T> &p_other);
template <class C>
void sort_custom() {
- int len = size();
+ int len = _cowdata.size();
if (len == 0)
- T *data = &operator[](0);
+ T *data = ptrw();
SortArray<T, C> sorter;
sorter.sort(data, len);
@@ -172,7 +110,7 @@ public:
void ordered_insert(const T &p_val) {
int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < _cowdata.size(); i++) {
if (p_val < operator[](i)) {
@@ -181,235 +119,42 @@ public:
insert(i, p_val);
- void operator=(const Vector &p_from);
- Vector(const Vector &p_from);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector();
- _FORCE_INLINE_ ~Vector();
+ int find(const T &p_val, int p_from = 0) const {
+ int ret = -1;
+ if (p_from < 0 || size() == 0)
+ return ret;
-template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::_unref(void *p_data) {
+ for (int i = p_from; i < size(); i++) {
- if (!p_data)
- return;
- uint32_t *refc = _get_refcount();
- if (atomic_decrement(refc) > 0)
- return; // still in use
- // clean up
- uint32_t *count = _get_size();
- T *data = (T *)(count + 1);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < *count; i++) {
- // call destructors
- data[i].~T();
- }
- // free mem
- Memory::free_static((uint8_t *)p_data, true);
-template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::_copy_on_write() {
- if (!_ptr)
- return;
- uint32_t *refc = _get_refcount();
- if (*refc > 1) {
- /* in use by more than me */
- uint32_t current_size = *_get_size();
- uint32_t *mem_new = (uint32_t *)Memory::alloc_static(_get_alloc_size(current_size), true);
- *(mem_new - 2) = 1; //refcount
- *(mem_new - 1) = current_size; //size
- T *_data = (T *)(mem_new);
- // initialize new elements
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
- memnew_placement(&_data[i], T(_get_data()[i]));
- }
- _unref(_ptr);
- _ptr = _data;
- }
-template <class T>
-template <class T_val>
-int Vector<T>::find(const T_val &p_val, int p_from) const {
- int ret = -1;
- if (p_from < 0 || size() == 0)
- return ret;
- for (int i = p_from; i < size(); i++) {
- if (operator[](i) == p_val) {
- ret = i;
- break;
+ if (ptr()[i] == p_val) {
+ ret = i;
+ break;
+ };
- };
- return ret;
-template <class T>
-Error Vector<T>::resize(int p_size) {
- if (p_size == size())
- return OK;
- if (p_size == 0) {
- // wants to clean up
- _unref(_ptr);
- _ptr = NULL;
- return OK;
+ return ret;
- // possibly changing size, copy on write
- _copy_on_write();
- size_t alloc_size;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_get_alloc_size_checked(p_size, &alloc_size), ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
- if (p_size > size()) {
- if (size() == 0) {
- // alloc from scratch
- uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t *)Memory::alloc_static(alloc_size, true);
- *(ptr - 1) = 0; //size, currently none
- *(ptr - 2) = 1; //refcount
- _ptr = (T *)ptr;
- } else {
- void *_ptrnew = (T *)Memory::realloc_static(_ptr, alloc_size, true);
- _ptr = (T *)(_ptrnew);
- }
- // construct the newly created elements
- T *elems = _get_data();
- for (int i = *_get_size(); i < p_size; i++) {
- memnew_placement(&elems[i], T);
- }
- *_get_size() = p_size;
- } else if (p_size < size()) {
- // deinitialize no longer needed elements
- for (uint32_t i = p_size; i < *_get_size(); i++) {
- T *t = &_get_data()[i];
- t->~T();
- }
- void *_ptrnew = (T *)Memory::realloc_static(_ptr, alloc_size, true);
- _ptr = (T *)(_ptrnew);
- *_get_size() = p_size;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector() :
+ write(VectorWriteProxy<T>(*this)) {}
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector(const Vector &p_from) :
+ write(VectorWriteProxy<T>(*this)) { _cowdata._ref(p_from._cowdata); }
+ inline Vector &operator=(const Vector &p_from) {
+ _cowdata._ref(p_from._cowdata);
+ return *this;
- return OK;
template <class T>
void Vector<T>::invert() {
for (int i = 0; i < size() / 2; i++) {
- SWAP(operator[](i), operator[](size() - i - 1));
- }
-template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::set(int p_index, const T &p_elem) {
- operator[](p_index) = p_elem;
-template <class T>
-T Vector<T>::get(int p_index) const {
- return operator[](p_index);
-template <class T>
-bool Vector<T>::push_back(const T &p_elem) {
- Error err = resize(size() + 1);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, true)
- set(size() - 1, p_elem);
- return false;
-template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::remove(int p_index) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, size());
- T *p = ptrw();
- int len = size();
- for (int i = p_index; i < len - 1; i++) {
- p[i] = p[i + 1];
- };
- resize(len - 1);
-template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::_copy_from(const Vector &p_from) {
- if (_ptr == p_from._ptr)
- return; // self assign, do nothing.
- _unref(_ptr);
- _ptr = NULL;
- if (!p_from._ptr)
- return; //nothing to do
- if (atomic_conditional_increment(p_from._get_refcount()) > 0) { // could reference
- _ptr = p_from._ptr;
+ T *p = ptrw();
+ SWAP(p[i], p[size() - i - 1]);
template <class T>
-void Vector<T>::operator=(const Vector &p_from) {
- _copy_from(p_from);
-template <class T>
-Error Vector<T>::insert(int p_pos, const T &p_val) {
- resize(size() + 1);
- for (int i = (size() - 1); i > p_pos; i--)
- set(i, get(i - 1));
- set(p_pos, p_val);
- return OK;
-template <class T>
void Vector<T>::append_array(const Vector<T> &p_other) {
const int ds = p_other.size();
if (ds == 0)
@@ -417,26 +162,17 @@ void Vector<T>::append_array(const Vector<T> &p_other) {
const int bs = size();
resize(bs + ds);
for (int i = 0; i < ds; ++i)
- operator[](bs + i) = p_other[i];
-template <class T>
-Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector &p_from) {
- _ptr = NULL;
- _copy_from(p_from);
+ ptrw()[bs + i] = p_other[i];
template <class T>
-Vector<T>::Vector() {
- _ptr = NULL;
+bool Vector<T>::push_back(const T &p_elem) {
-template <class T>
-Vector<T>::~Vector() {
+ Error err = resize(size() + 1);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, true)
+ set(size() - 1, p_elem);
- _unref(_ptr);
+ return false;