diff options
authorbruvzg <>2023-01-16 14:14:55 +0200
committerbruvzg <>2023-01-16 14:23:06 +0200
commit9ab6fd592ef24cb833462785c3c201360d750421 (patch)
parent0f0b853c988f2c3ff322d8eaf97dd4f8d5de46c8 (diff)
[Git hooks] Add AppleScript dialog script for macOS.
3 files changed, 95 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/misc/hooks/asmessage.applescript b/misc/hooks/asmessage.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15ba94dc37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/hooks/asmessage.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+on run argv
+ set vButtons to { "OK" }
+ set vButtonCodes to { 0 }
+ set vDbutton to "OK"
+ set vText to ""
+ set vTitle to ""
+ set vTimeout to -1
+ repeat with i from 1 to length of argv
+ try
+ set vArg to item i of argv
+ if vArg = "-buttons" then
+ set vButtonsAndCodes to my fSplit(item (i + 1) of argv, ",")
+ set vButtons to {}
+ set vButtonCodes to {}
+ repeat with j from 1 to length of vButtonsAndCodes
+ set vBtn to my fSplit(item j of vButtonsAndCodes, ":")
+ copy (item 1 of vBtn) to the end of the vButtons
+ copy (item 2 of vBtn) to the end of the vButtonCodes
+ end repeat
+ else if vArg = "-title" then
+ set vTitle to item (i + 1) of argv
+ else if vArg = "-center" then
+ -- not supported
+ else if vArg = "-default" then
+ set vDbutton to item (i + 1) of argv
+ else if vArg = "-geometry" then
+ -- not supported
+ else if vArg = "-nearmouse" then
+ -- not supported
+ else if vArg = "-timeout" then
+ set vTimeout to item (i + 1) of argv as integer
+ else if vArg = "-file" then
+ set vText to read (item (i + 1) of argv) as string
+ else if vArg = "-text" then
+ set vText to item (i + 1) of argv
+ end if
+ end try
+ end repeat
+ set vDlg to display dialog vText buttons vButtons default button vDbutton with title vTitle giving up after vTimeout with icon stop
+ set vRet to button returned of vDlg
+ repeat with i from 1 to length of vButtons
+ set vBtn to item i of vButtons
+ if vBtn = vRet
+ return item i of vButtonCodes
+ end if
+ end repeat
+ return 0
+end run
+on fSplit(vString, vDelimiter)
+ set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vDelimiter
+ set vArray to every text item of vString
+ set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
+ return vArray
+end fSplit
diff --git a/misc/hooks/pre-commit-black b/misc/hooks/pre-commit-black
index b7335685ae..bbad6a690a 100755
--- a/misc/hooks/pre-commit-black
+++ b/misc/hooks/pre-commit-black
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ XMSG=`which xmessage 2>/dev/null`
# Path to powershell (Windows only)
PWSH=`which powershell 2>/dev/null`
+# Path to osascript (macOS only)
+OSA=`which osascript 2>/dev/null`
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
@@ -69,6 +72,10 @@ if [ ! -x "$BLACK" ] ; then
elif [ -x "$XMSG" ] ; then
$XMSG -center -title "Error" "Error: black executable not found."
exit 1
+ elif [ -x "$OSA" ] ; then
+ asmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/asmessage.applescript")"
+ $OSA "$asmessage" -center -title "Error" --text "Error: black executable not found."
+ exit 1
elif [ \( \( "$OSTYPE" = "msys" \) -o \( "$OSTYPE" = "win32" \) \) -a \( -x "$PWSH" \) ]; then
winmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/winmessage.ps1")"
$PWSH -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "$winmessage" -center -title "Error" --text "Error: black executable not found."
@@ -159,6 +166,16 @@ while true; do
+ elif [ -x "$OSA" ] ; then
+ asmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/asmessage.applescript")"
+ choice=`$OSA "$asmessage" -file "$patch" -buttons "Apply":100,"Apply and stage":200,"Do not apply":0 -center -default "Do not apply" -geometry 800x600 -title "Do you want to apply that patch?"`
+ if [ "$choice" = "100" ] ; then
+ yn="Y"
+ elif [ "$choice" = "200" ] ; then
+ yn="S"
+ else
+ yn="N"
+ fi
elif [ \( \( "$OSTYPE" = "msys" \) -o \( "$OSTYPE" = "win32" \) \) -a \( -x "$PWSH" \) ]; then
winmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/winmessage.ps1")"
$PWSH -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "$winmessage" -file "$patch" -buttons "Apply":100,"Apply and stage":200,"Do not apply":0 -center -default "Do not apply" -geometry 800x600 -title "Do you want to apply that patch?"
@@ -171,7 +188,7 @@ while true; do
- printf "Error: zenity, xmessage, or powershell executable not found.\n"
+ printf "Error: zenity, xmessage, osascript, or powershell executable not found.\n"
exit 1
diff --git a/misc/hooks/pre-commit-clang-format b/misc/hooks/pre-commit-clang-format
index 9570d5120b..fd0213c175 100755
--- a/misc/hooks/pre-commit-clang-format
+++ b/misc/hooks/pre-commit-clang-format
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ XMSG=`which xmessage 2>/dev/null`
# Path to powershell (Windows only)
PWSH=`which powershell 2>/dev/null`
+# Path to osascript (macOS only)
+OSA=`which osascript 2>/dev/null`
# There should be no need to change anything below this line.
@@ -89,6 +92,10 @@ if [ ! -x "$CLANG_FORMAT" ] ; then
elif [ -x "$XMSG" ] ; then
$XMSG -center -title "Error" "$message"
exit 1
+ elif [ -x "$OSA" ] ; then
+ asmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/asmessage.applescript")"
+ $OSA "$asmessage" -center -title "Error" --text "$message"
+ exit 1
elif [ \( \( "$OSTYPE" = "msys" \) -o \( "$OSTYPE" = "win32" \) \) -a \( -x "$PWSH" \) ]; then
winmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/winmessage.ps1")"
$PWSH -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "$winmessage" -center -title "Error" --text "$message"
@@ -199,6 +206,16 @@ while true; do
+ elif [ -x "$OSA" ] ; then
+ asmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/asmessage.applescript")"
+ choice=`$OSA "$asmessage" -file "$patch" -buttons "Apply":100,"Apply and stage":200,"Do not apply":0 -center -default "Do not apply" -geometry 800x600 -title "Do you want to apply that patch?"`
+ if [ "$choice" = "100" ] ; then
+ yn="Y"
+ elif [ "$choice" = "200" ] ; then
+ yn="S"
+ else
+ yn="N"
+ fi
elif [ \( \( "$OSTYPE" = "msys" \) -o \( "$OSTYPE" = "win32" \) \) -a \( -x "$PWSH" \) ]; then
winmessage="$(canonicalize_filename "$(dirname -- "$0")/winmessage.ps1")"
$PWSH -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "$winmessage" -file "$patch" -buttons "Apply":100,"Apply and stage":200,"Do not apply":0 -center -default "Do not apply" -geometry 800x600 -title "Do you want to apply that patch?"
@@ -211,7 +228,7 @@ while true; do
- printf "Error: zenity, xmessage, or powershell executable not found.\n"
+ printf "Error: zenity, xmessage, osascript, or powershell executable not found.\n"
exit 1