diff options
authorEmmanuel Leblond <>2020-02-01 07:04:14 +0100
committerEmmanuel Leblond <>2021-10-30 13:11:01 +0200
commitf9ba2efe1e60fa919b0efe70994416149b54ee26 (patch)
parent78f86ff5152074bcd6a19d05b028d2306c57ed67 (diff)
Modify Dictionary::operator== to do real key/value comparison with recursive support (and add unittests)
15 files changed, 1033 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h b/core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h
index 7a17eeb644..4996b88190 100644
--- a/core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h
+++ b/core/templates/ordered_hash_map.h
@@ -207,8 +207,12 @@ public:
(*list_element)->get().second = p_value;
return Element(*list_element);
- typename InternalList::Element *new_element = list.push_back(Pair<const K *, V>(nullptr, p_value));
+ // Incorrectly set the first value of the pair with a value that will
+ // be invalid as soon as we leave this function...
+ typename InternalList::Element *new_element = list.push_back(Pair<const K *, V>(&p_key, p_value));
+ // ...this is needed here in case the hashmap recursively reference itself...
typename InternalMap::Element *e = map.set(p_key, new_element);
+ // we can set the right value !
new_element->get().first = &e->key();
return Element(new_element);
diff --git a/core/typedefs.h b/core/typedefs.h
index 8ca3d13e63..9ab874b2f0 100644
--- a/core/typedefs.h
+++ b/core/typedefs.h
@@ -277,6 +277,9 @@ struct BuildIndexSequence : BuildIndexSequence<N - 1, N - 1, Is...> {};
template <size_t... Is>
struct BuildIndexSequence<0, Is...> : IndexSequence<Is...> {};
+// Limit the depth of recursive algorithms when dealing with Array/Dictionary
+#define MAX_RECURSION 100
diff --git a/core/variant/array.cpp b/core/variant/array.cpp
index b4d6dffc6f..69a0fff1a1 100644
--- a/core/variant/array.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/array.cpp
@@ -97,11 +97,38 @@ void Array::clear() {
bool Array::operator==(const Array &p_array) const {
- return _p == p_array._p;
+ return recursive_equal(p_array, 0);
bool Array::operator!=(const Array &p_array) const {
- return !operator==(p_array);
+ return !recursive_equal(p_array, 0);
+bool Array::recursive_equal(const Array &p_array, int recursion_count) const {
+ // Cheap checks
+ if (_p == p_array._p) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const Vector<Variant> &a1 = _p->array;
+ const Vector<Variant> &a2 = p_array._p->array;
+ const int size = a1.size();
+ if (size != a2.size()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Heavy O(n) check
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return true;
+ }
+ recursion_count++;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (!a1[i].hash_compare(a2[i], recursion_count)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
bool Array::operator<(const Array &p_array) const {
@@ -132,10 +159,20 @@ bool Array::operator>=(const Array &p_array) const {
uint32_t Array::hash() const {
- uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_32(0);
+ return recursive_hash(0);
+uint32_t Array::recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const {
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_32(Variant::ARRAY);
+ recursion_count++;
for (int i = 0; i < _p->array.size(); i++) {
- h = hash_djb2_one_32(_p->array[i].hash(), h);
+ h = hash_djb2_one_32(_p->array[i].recursive_hash(recursion_count), h);
return h;
@@ -300,12 +337,29 @@ const Variant &Array::get(int p_idx) const {
Array Array::duplicate(bool p_deep) const {
+ return recursive_duplicate(p_deep, 0);
+Array Array::recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const {
Array new_arr;
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return new_arr;
+ }
int element_count = size();
new_arr._p->typed = _p->typed;
- for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
- new_arr[i] = p_deep ? get(i).duplicate(p_deep) : get(i);
+ if (p_deep) {
+ recursion_count++;
+ for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
+ new_arr[i] = get(i).recursive_duplicate(true, recursion_count);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
+ new_arr[i] = get(i);
+ }
return new_arr;
diff --git a/core/variant/array.h b/core/variant/array.h
index 4a1b25c4a9..bd39b8e0b1 100644
--- a/core/variant/array.h
+++ b/core/variant/array.h
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ public:
bool operator==(const Array &p_array) const;
bool operator!=(const Array &p_array) const;
+ bool recursive_equal(const Array &p_array, int recursion_count) const;
uint32_t hash() const;
+ uint32_t recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const;
void operator=(const Array &p_array);
void push_back(const Variant &p_value);
@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ public:
Variant pop_at(int p_pos);
Array duplicate(bool p_deep = false) const;
+ Array recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const;
Array slice(int p_begin, int p_end, int p_step = 1, bool p_deep = false) const;
Array filter(const Callable &p_callable) const;
diff --git a/core/variant/dictionary.cpp b/core/variant/dictionary.cpp
index 07b3a9a675..24d21386a7 100644
--- a/core/variant/dictionary.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/dictionary.cpp
@@ -188,11 +188,35 @@ bool Dictionary::erase(const Variant &p_key) {
bool Dictionary::operator==(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) const {
- return _p == p_dictionary._p;
+ return recursive_equal(p_dictionary, 0);
bool Dictionary::operator!=(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) const {
- return _p != p_dictionary._p;
+ return !recursive_equal(p_dictionary, 0);
+bool Dictionary::recursive_equal(const Dictionary &p_dictionary, int recursion_count) const {
+ // Cheap checks
+ if (_p == p_dictionary._p) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (_p->variant_map.size() != p_dictionary._p->variant_map.size()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Heavy O(n) check
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return true;
+ }
+ recursion_count++;
+ for (OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::ConstElement this_E = ((const OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> *)&_p->variant_map)->front(); this_E; this_E = {
+ OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::ConstElement other_E = ((const OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> *)&p_dictionary._p->variant_map)->find(this_E.key());
+ if (!other_E || !this_E.value().hash_compare(other_E.value(), recursion_count)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
void Dictionary::_ref(const Dictionary &p_from) const {
@@ -225,11 +249,21 @@ void Dictionary::_unref() const {
uint32_t Dictionary::hash() const {
+ return recursive_hash(0);
+uint32_t Dictionary::recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const {
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return 0;
+ }
uint32_t h = hash_djb2_one_32(Variant::DICTIONARY);
+ recursion_count++;
for (OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::Element E = _p->variant_map.front(); E; E = {
- h = hash_djb2_one_32(E.key().hash(), h);
- h = hash_djb2_one_32(E.value().hash(), h);
+ h = hash_djb2_one_32(E.key().recursive_hash(recursion_count), h);
+ h = hash_djb2_one_32(E.value().recursive_hash(recursion_count), h);
return h;
@@ -286,10 +320,26 @@ const Variant *Dictionary::next(const Variant *p_key) const {
Dictionary Dictionary::duplicate(bool p_deep) const {
+ return recursive_duplicate(p_deep, 0);
+Dictionary Dictionary::recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const {
Dictionary n;
- for (OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::Element E = _p->variant_map.front(); E; E = {
- n[E.key()] = p_deep ? E.value().duplicate(true) : E.value();
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ return n;
+ }
+ if (p_deep) {
+ recursion_count++;
+ for (OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::Element E = _p->variant_map.front(); E; E = {
+ n[E.key().recursive_duplicate(true, recursion_count)] = E.value().recursive_duplicate(true, recursion_count);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (OrderedHashMap<Variant, Variant, VariantHasher, VariantComparator>::Element E = _p->variant_map.front(); E; E = {
+ n[E.key()] = E.value();
+ }
return n;
diff --git a/core/variant/dictionary.h b/core/variant/dictionary.h
index 4067ff9fd9..f8a2a7573f 100644
--- a/core/variant/dictionary.h
+++ b/core/variant/dictionary.h
@@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ public:
bool operator==(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) const;
bool operator!=(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) const;
+ bool recursive_equal(const Dictionary &p_dictionary, int recursion_count) const;
uint32_t hash() const;
+ uint32_t recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const;
void operator=(const Dictionary &p_dictionary);
const Variant *next(const Variant *p_key = nullptr) const;
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ public:
Array values() const;
Dictionary duplicate(bool p_deep = false) const;
+ Dictionary recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const;
const void *id() const;
diff --git a/core/variant/variant.cpp b/core/variant/variant.cpp
index 1d70d4c506..c43ff8626e 100644
--- a/core/variant/variant.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/variant.cpp
@@ -784,16 +784,11 @@ bool Variant::can_convert_strict(Variant::Type p_type_from, Variant::Type p_type
bool Variant::operator==(const Variant &p_variant) const {
- if (type != p_variant.type) { //evaluation of operator== needs to be more strict
- return false;
- }
- bool v;
- Variant r;
- evaluate(OP_EQUAL, *this, p_variant, r, v);
- return r;
+ return hash_compare(p_variant);
bool Variant::operator!=(const Variant &p_variant) const {
+ // Don't use `!hash_compare(p_variant)` given it makes use of OP_EQUAL
if (type != p_variant.type) { //evaluation of operator== needs to be more strict
return true;
@@ -1617,25 +1612,23 @@ struct _VariantStrPair {
Variant::operator String() const {
- List<const void *> stack;
- return stringify(stack);
+ return stringify(0);
template <class T>
-String stringify_vector(const T &vec, List<const void *> &stack) {
+String stringify_vector(const T &vec, int recursion_count) {
String str("[");
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
str += ", ";
- str = str + Variant(vec[i]).stringify(stack);
+ str = str + Variant(vec[i]).stringify(recursion_count);
str += "]";
return str;
-String Variant::stringify(List<const void *> &stack) const {
+String Variant::stringify(int recursion_count) const {
switch (type) {
case NIL:
return "null";
@@ -1679,23 +1672,22 @@ String Variant::stringify(List<const void *> &stack) const {
return operator Color();
const Dictionary &d = *reinterpret_cast<const Dictionary *>(_data._mem);
- if (stack.find( {
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
return "{...}";
- stack.push_back(;
- //const String *K=nullptr;
String str("{");
List<Variant> keys;
Vector<_VariantStrPair> pairs;
- for (const Variant &E : keys) {
+ recursion_count++;
+ for (List<Variant>::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
_VariantStrPair sp;
- sp.key = E.stringify(stack);
- sp.value = d[E].stringify(stack);
+ sp.key = E->get().stringify(recursion_count);
+ sp.value = d[E->get()].stringify(recursion_count);
@@ -1710,46 +1702,43 @@ String Variant::stringify(List<const void *> &stack) const {
str += "}";
- stack.erase(;
return str;
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Vector2>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Vector2>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Vector3>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Vector3>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Color>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<Color>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<String>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<String>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<uint8_t>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<uint8_t>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<int32_t>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<int32_t>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<int64_t>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<int64_t>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<float>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<float>(), recursion_count);
} break;
- return stringify_vector(operator Vector<double>(), stack);
+ return stringify_vector(operator Vector<double>(), recursion_count);
} break;
case ARRAY: {
Array arr = operator Array();
- if (stack.find( {
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
return "[...]";
- stack.push_back(;
- String str = stringify_vector(arr, stack);
- stack.erase(;
+ String str = stringify_vector(arr, recursion_count);
return str;
} break;
@@ -2768,6 +2757,10 @@ Variant::Variant(const Variant &p_variant) {
uint32_t Variant::hash() const {
+ return recursive_hash(0);
+uint32_t Variant::recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const {
switch (type) {
case NIL: {
return 0;
@@ -2895,7 +2888,7 @@ uint32_t Variant::hash() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const NodePath *>(_data._mem)->hash();
} break;
- return reinterpret_cast<const Dictionary *>(_data._mem)->hash();
+ return reinterpret_cast<const Dictionary *>(_data._mem)->recursive_hash(recursion_count);
} break;
case CALLABLE: {
@@ -2909,7 +2902,7 @@ uint32_t Variant::hash() const {
} break;
case ARRAY: {
const Array &arr = *reinterpret_cast<const Array *>(_data._mem);
- return arr.hash();
+ return arr.recursive_hash(recursion_count);
} break;
@@ -3083,7 +3076,7 @@ uint32_t Variant::hash() const {
return true
-bool Variant::hash_compare(const Variant &p_variant) const {
+bool Variant::hash_compare(const Variant &p_variant, int recursion_count) const {
if (type != p_variant.type) {
return false;
@@ -3214,14 +3207,19 @@ bool Variant::hash_compare(const Variant &p_variant) const {
const Array &l = *(reinterpret_cast<const Array *>(_data._mem));
const Array &r = *(reinterpret_cast<const Array *>(p_variant._data._mem));
- if (l.size() != r.size()) {
+ if (!l.recursive_equal(r, recursion_count + 1)) {
return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
- if (!l[i].hash_compare(r[i])) {
- return false;
- }
+ return true;
+ } break;
+ case DICTIONARY: {
+ const Dictionary &l = *(reinterpret_cast<const Dictionary *>(_data._mem));
+ const Dictionary &r = *(reinterpret_cast<const Dictionary *>(p_variant._data._mem));
+ if (!l.recursive_equal(r, recursion_count + 1)) {
+ return false;
return true;
diff --git a/core/variant/variant.h b/core/variant/variant.h
index d3f694e7ca..8ce5e7dcd2 100644
--- a/core/variant/variant.h
+++ b/core/variant/variant.h
@@ -481,7 +481,8 @@ public:
static PTROperatorEvaluator get_ptr_operator_evaluator(Operator p_operator, Type p_type_a, Type p_type_b);
void zero();
- Variant duplicate(bool deep = false) const;
+ Variant duplicate(bool p_deep = false) const;
+ Variant recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const;
static void blend(const Variant &a, const Variant &b, float c, Variant &r_dst);
static void interpolate(const Variant &a, const Variant &b, float c, Variant &r_dst);
@@ -659,10 +660,11 @@ public:
bool operator!=(const Variant &p_variant) const;
bool operator<(const Variant &p_variant) const;
uint32_t hash() const;
+ uint32_t recursive_hash(int recursion_count) const;
- bool hash_compare(const Variant &p_variant) const;
+ bool hash_compare(const Variant &p_variant, int recursion_count = 0) const;
bool booleanize() const;
- String stringify(List<const void *> &stack) const;
+ String stringify(int recursion_count = 0) const;
String to_json_string() const;
void static_assign(const Variant &p_variant);
diff --git a/core/variant/variant_parser.cpp b/core/variant/variant_parser.cpp
index 221a8c4f98..3c19c2c706 100644
--- a/core/variant/variant_parser.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/variant_parser.cpp
@@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ static String rtos_fix(double p_value) {
-Error VariantWriter::write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_string_func, void *p_store_string_ud, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud) {
+Error VariantWriter::write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_string_func, void *p_store_string_ud, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud, int recursion_count) {
switch (p_variant.get_type()) {
case Variant::NIL: {
p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "null");
@@ -1639,41 +1639,56 @@ Error VariantWriter::write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_str
case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
Dictionary dict = p_variant;
- List<Variant> keys;
- dict.get_key_list(&keys);
- keys.sort();
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{\n");
- for (List<Variant>::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- /*
- if (!_check_type(dict[E]))
- continue;
- */
- write(E->get(), p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud);
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ": ");
- write(dict[E->get()], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud);
- if (E->next()) {
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ",\n");
- } else {
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "\n");
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{}");
+ } else {
+ recursion_count++;
+ List<Variant> keys;
+ dict.get_key_list(&keys);
+ keys.sort();
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{\n");
+ for (List<Variant>::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ /*
+ if (!_check_type(dict[E->get()]))
+ continue;
+ */
+ write(E->get(), p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ": ");
+ write(dict[E->get()], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);
+ if (E->next()) {
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ",\n");
+ } else {
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "\n");
+ }
- }
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "}");
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "}");
+ }
} break;
case Variant::ARRAY: {
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "[");
- Array array = p_variant;
- int len = array.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
+ if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
+ ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "[]");
+ } else {
+ recursion_count++;
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "[");
+ Array array = p_variant;
+ int len = array.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
+ }
+ write(array[i], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);
- write(array[i], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud);
+ p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "]");
- p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "]");
} break;
diff --git a/core/variant/variant_parser.h b/core/variant/variant_parser.h
index 1ba26db6ed..2e4baa6fff 100644
--- a/core/variant/variant_parser.h
+++ b/core/variant/variant_parser.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
typedef Error (*StoreStringFunc)(void *ud, const String &p_string);
typedef String (*EncodeResourceFunc)(void *ud, const RES &p_resource);
- static Error write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_string_func, void *p_store_string_ud, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud);
+ static Error write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_string_func, void *p_store_string_ud, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud, int recursion_count = 0);
static Error write_to_string(const Variant &p_variant, String &r_string, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func = nullptr, void *p_encode_res_ud = nullptr);
diff --git a/core/variant/variant_setget.cpp b/core/variant/variant_setget.cpp
index 4abb51ca7c..2530d77c62 100644
--- a/core/variant/variant_setget.cpp
+++ b/core/variant/variant_setget.cpp
@@ -1824,11 +1824,15 @@ Variant Variant::iter_get(const Variant &r_iter, bool &r_valid) const {
return Variant();
-Variant Variant::duplicate(bool deep) const {
+Variant Variant::duplicate(bool p_deep) const {
+ return recursive_duplicate(p_deep, 0);
+Variant Variant::recursive_duplicate(bool p_deep, int recursion_count) const {
switch (type) {
case OBJECT: {
/* breaks stuff :(
- if (deep && !_get_obj().ref.is_null()) {
+ if (p_deep && !_get_obj().ref.is_null()) {
Ref<Resource> resource = _get_obj().ref;
if (resource.is_valid()) {
return resource->duplicate(true);
@@ -1838,9 +1842,9 @@ Variant Variant::duplicate(bool deep) const {
return *this;
} break;
- return operator Dictionary().duplicate(deep);
+ return operator Dictionary().recursive_duplicate(p_deep, recursion_count);
case ARRAY:
- return operator Array().duplicate(deep);
+ return operator Array().recursive_duplicate(p_deep, recursion_count);
return operator Vector<uint8_t>().duplicate();
diff --git a/tests/test_array.h b/tests/test_array.h
index 3bd476fd27..05b4eaea2a 100644
--- a/tests/test_array.h
+++ b/tests/test_array.h
@@ -43,6 +43,25 @@
namespace TestArray {
+static inline Array build_array() {
+ return Array();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Array build_array(Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Array a = build_array(Fargs...);
+ a.push_front(item);
+ return a;
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary() {
+ return Dictionary();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary(Variant key, Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(Fargs...);
+ d[key] = item;
+ return d;
TEST_CASE("[Array] size(), clear(), and is_empty()") {
Array arr;
CHECK(arr.size() == 0);
@@ -232,6 +251,221 @@ TEST_CASE("[Array] max() and min()") {
CHECK(max == 5);
CHECK(min == 2);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Duplicate array") {
+ // a = [1, [2, 2], {3: 3}]
+ Array a = build_array(1, build_array(2, 2), build_dictionary(3, 3));
+ // Deep copy
+ Array deep_a = a.duplicate(true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE( !=, "Should create a new array");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Array(deep_a[1]).id() != Array(a[1]).id(), "Should clone nested array");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Dictionary(deep_a[2]).id() != Dictionary(a[2]).id(), "Should clone nested dictionary");
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_a, a);
+ deep_a.push_back(1);
+ CHECK_NE(deep_a, a);
+ deep_a.pop_back();
+ Array(deep_a[1]).push_back(1);
+ CHECK_NE(deep_a, a);
+ Array(deep_a[1]).pop_back();
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_a, a);
+ // Shallow copy
+ Array shallow_a = a.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE( !=, "Should create a new array");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Array(shallow_a[1]).id() == Array(a[1]).id(), "Should keep nested array");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Dictionary(shallow_a[2]).id() == Dictionary(a[2]).id(), "Should keep nested dictionary");
+ CHECK_EQ(shallow_a, a);
+ Array(shallow_a).push_back(1);
+ CHECK_NE(shallow_a, a);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Duplicate recursive array") {
+ // Self recursive
+ Array a;
+ a.push_back(a);
+ Array a_shallow = a.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(a, a_shallow);
+ // Deep copy of recursive array endup with recursion limit and return
+ // an invalid result (multiple nested arrays), the point is we should
+ // not end up with a segfault and an error log should be printed
+ a.duplicate(true);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Array a1;
+ Array a2;
+ a2.push_back(a1);
+ a1.push_back(a2);
+ Array a1_shallow = a1.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a1_shallow);
+ // Same deep copy issue as above
+ a1.duplicate(true);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Array teardown will leak memory
+ a.clear();
+ a1.clear();
+ a2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Hash array") {
+ // a = [1, [2, 2], {3: 3}]
+ Array a = build_array(1, build_array(2, 2), build_dictionary(3, 3));
+ uint32_t original_hash = a.hash();
+ a.push_back(1);
+ CHECK_NE(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ a.pop_back();
+ CHECK_EQ(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ Array(a[1]).push_back(1);
+ CHECK_NE(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ Array(a[1]).pop_back();
+ CHECK_EQ(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ (Dictionary(a[2]))[1] = 1;
+ CHECK_NE(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ Dictionary(a[2]).erase(1);
+ CHECK_EQ(a.hash(), original_hash);
+ Array a2 = a.duplicate(true);
+ CHECK_EQ(a2.hash(), a.hash());
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Hash recursive array") {
+ Array a1;
+ a1.push_back(a1);
+ Array a2;
+ a2.push_back(a2);
+ // Hash should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(a1.hash(), a2.hash());
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Array teardown will leak memory
+ a1.clear();
+ a2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Empty comparison") {
+ Array a1;
+ Array a2;
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Flat comparison") {
+ Array a1 = build_array(1);
+ Array a2 = build_array(1);
+ Array other_a = build_array(2);
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a1);
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+ CHECK_NE(a1, other_a); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 == other_a);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Nested array comparison") {
+ // a1 = [[[1], 2], 3]
+ Array a1 = build_array(build_array(build_array(1), 2), 3);
+ Array a2 = a1.duplicate(true);
+ // other_a = [[[1, 0], 2], 3]
+ Array other_a = build_array(build_array(build_array(1, 0), 2), 3);
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a1);
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+ CHECK_NE(a1, other_a); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 == other_a);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Nested dictionary comparison") {
+ // a1 = [{1: 2}, 3]
+ Array a1 = build_array(build_dictionary(1, 2), 3);
+ Array a2 = a1.duplicate(true);
+ // other_a = [{1: 0}, 3]
+ Array other_a = build_array(build_dictionary(1, 0), 3);
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a1);
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+ CHECK_NE(a1, other_a); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 == other_a);
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Recursive comparison") {
+ Array a1;
+ a1.push_back(a1);
+ Array a2;
+ a2.push_back(a2);
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+ a1.push_back(1);
+ a2.push_back(1);
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a2);
+ a1.push_back(1);
+ a2.push_back(2);
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_NE(a1, a2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 == a2);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Array tearndown will leak memory
+ a1.clear();
+ a2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Array] Recursive self comparison") {
+ Array a1;
+ Array a2;
+ a2.push_back(a1);
+ a1.push_back(a2);
+ CHECK_EQ(a1, a1);
+ CHECK_FALSE(a1 != a1);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Array tearndown will leak memory
+ a1.clear();
+ a2.clear();
} // namespace TestArray
#endif // TEST_ARRAY_H
diff --git a/tests/test_dictionary.h b/tests/test_dictionary.h
index b94cf36109..64d1d68e21 100644
--- a/tests/test_dictionary.h
+++ b/tests/test_dictionary.h
@@ -39,6 +39,25 @@
namespace TestDictionary {
+static inline Array build_array() {
+ return Array();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Array build_array(Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Array a = build_array(Fargs...);
+ a.push_front(item);
+ return a;
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary() {
+ return Dictionary();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary(Variant key, Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(Fargs...);
+ d[key] = item;
+ return d;
TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Assignment using bracket notation ([])") {
Dictionary map;
map["Hello"] = 0;
@@ -61,15 +80,6 @@ TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Assignment using bracket notation ([])") {
CHECK(int(map[false]) == 128);
-TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] == and != operators") {
- Dictionary map1;
- Dictionary map2;
- CHECK(map1 != map2);
- map1[1] = 3;
- map2 = map1;
- CHECK(map1 == map2);
TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] get_key_lists()") {
Dictionary map;
List<Variant> keys;
@@ -155,5 +165,344 @@ TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] keys() and values()") {
CHECK(int(keys[0]) == 1);
CHECK(int(values[0]) == 3);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Duplicate dictionary") {
+ // d = {1: {1: 1}, {2: 2}: [2], [3]: 3}
+ Dictionary k2 = build_dictionary(2, 2);
+ Array k3 = build_array(3);
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(1, build_dictionary(1, 1), k2, build_array(2), k3, 3);
+ // Deep copy
+ Dictionary deep_d = d.duplicate(true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE( !=, "Should create a new dictionary");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Dictionary(deep_d[1]).id() != Dictionary(d[1]).id(), "Should clone nested dictionary");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Array(deep_d[k2]).id() != Array(d[k2]).id(), "Should clone nested array");
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_d, d);
+ deep_d[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(deep_d, d);
+ deep_d.erase(0);
+ Dictionary(deep_d[1]).operator[](0) = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(deep_d, d);
+ Dictionary(deep_d[1]).erase(0);
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_d, d);
+ // Keys should also be copied
+ k2[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(deep_d, d);
+ k2.erase(0);
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_d, d);
+ k3.push_back(0);
+ CHECK_NE(deep_d, d);
+ k3.pop_back();
+ CHECK_EQ(deep_d, d);
+ // Shallow copy
+ Dictionary shallow_d = d.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE( !=, "Should create a new array");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Dictionary(shallow_d[1]).id() == Dictionary(d[1]).id(), "Should keep nested dictionary");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(Array(shallow_d[2]).id() == Array(d[2]).id(), "Should keep nested array");
+ CHECK_EQ(shallow_d, d);
+ shallow_d[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(shallow_d, d);
+ shallow_d.erase(0);
+#if 0 // TODO: recursion in dict key currently is buggy
+ // Keys should also be shallowed
+ k2[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_EQ(shallow_d, d);
+ k2.erase(0);
+ k3.push_back(0);
+ CHECK_EQ(shallow_d, d);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Duplicate recursive dictionary") {
+ // Self recursive
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[1] = d;
+ Dictionary d_shallow = d.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(d, d_shallow);
+ // Deep copy of recursive dictionary endup with recursion limit and return
+ // an invalid result (multiple nested dictionaries), the point is we should
+ // not end up with a segfault and an error log should be printed
+ d.duplicate(true);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d1[2] = d2;
+ d2[1] = d1;
+ Dictionary d1_shallow = d1.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1_shallow);
+ // Same deep copy issue as above
+ d1.duplicate(true);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+#if 0 // TODO: duplicate recursion in dict key is currently buggy
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Duplicate recursive dictionary on keys") {
+ // Self recursive
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[d] = d;
+ Dictionary d_shallow = d.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(d, d_shallow);
+ // Deep copy of recursive dictionary endup with recursion limit and return
+ // an invalid result (multiple nested dictionaries), the point is we should
+ // not end up with a segfault and an error log should be printed
+ d.duplicate(true);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d1[d2] = d2;
+ d2[d1] = d1;
+ Dictionary d1_shallow = d1.duplicate(false);
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1_shallow);
+ // Same deep copy issue as above
+ d1.duplicate(true);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Hash dictionary") {
+ // d = {1: {1: 1}, {2: 2}: [2], [3]: 3}
+ Dictionary k2 = build_dictionary(2, 2);
+ Array k3 = build_array(3);
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(1, build_dictionary(1, 1), k2, build_array(2), k3, 3);
+ uint32_t original_hash = d.hash();
+ // Modify dict change the hash
+ d[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ d.erase(0);
+ CHECK_EQ(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ // Modify nested item change the hash
+ Dictionary(d[1]).operator[](0) = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ Dictionary(d[1]).erase(0);
+ Array(d[k2]).push_back(0);
+ CHECK_NE(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ Array(d[k2]).pop_back();
+ // Modify a key change the hash
+ k2[0] = 0;
+ CHECK_NE(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ k2.erase(0);
+ CHECK_EQ(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ k3.push_back(0);
+ CHECK_NE(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ k3.pop_back();
+ CHECK_EQ(d.hash(), original_hash);
+ // Duplication doesn't change the hash
+ Dictionary d2 = d.duplicate(true);
+ CHECK_EQ(d2.hash(), original_hash);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Hash recursive dictionary") {
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[1] = d;
+ // Hash should reach recursion limit, we just make sure this doesn't blow up
+ d.hash();
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+#if 0 // TODO: recursion in dict key is currently buggy
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Hash recursive dictionary on keys") {
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[d] = 1;
+ // Hash should reach recursion limit, we just make sure this doesn't blow up
+ d.hash();
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Empty comparison") {
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Flat comparison") {
+ Dictionary d1 = build_dictionary(1, 1);
+ Dictionary d2 = build_dictionary(1, 1);
+ Dictionary other_d = build_dictionary(2, 1);
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d1);
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ CHECK_NE(d1, other_d); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 == other_d);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Nested dictionary comparison") {
+ // d1 = {1: {2: {3: 4}}}
+ Dictionary d1 = build_dictionary(1, build_dictionary(2, build_dictionary(3, 4)));
+ Dictionary d2 = d1.duplicate(true);
+ // other_d = {1: {2: {3: 0}}}
+ Dictionary other_d = build_dictionary(1, build_dictionary(2, build_dictionary(3, 0)));
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d1);
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ CHECK_NE(d1, other_d); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 == other_d);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Nested array comparison") {
+ // d1 = {1: [2, 3]}
+ Dictionary d1 = build_dictionary(1, build_array(2, 3));
+ Dictionary d2 = d1.duplicate(true);
+ // other_d = {1: [2, 0]}
+ Dictionary other_d = build_dictionary(1, build_array(2, 0));
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1); // compare self
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d1);
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2); // different equivalent arrays
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ CHECK_NE(d1, other_d); // different arrays with different content
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 == other_d);
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Recursive comparison") {
+ Dictionary d1;
+ d1[1] = d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d2[1] = d2;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ d1[2] = 2;
+ d2[2] = 2;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ d1[3] = 3;
+ d2[3] = 0;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_NE(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 == d2);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+#if 0 // TODO: recursion in dict key is currently buggy
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Recursive comparison on keys") {
+ Dictionary d1;
+ // Hash computation should reach recursion limit
+ d1[d1] = 1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ // Hash computation should reach recursion limit
+ d2[d2] = 1;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ d1[2] = 2;
+ d2[2] = 2;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d2);
+ d1[3] = 3;
+ d2[3] = 0;
+ // Comparison should reach recursion limit
+ CHECK_NE(d1, d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 == d2);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Dictionary] Recursive self comparison") {
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d1[1] = d2;
+ d2[1] = d1;
+ CHECK_EQ(d1, d1);
+ CHECK_FALSE(d1 != d1);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary teardown will leak memory
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
} // namespace TestDictionary
diff --git a/tests/test_macros.h b/tests/test_macros.h
index 2f0bc6dcfa..6968f9df1f 100644
--- a/tests/test_macros.h
+++ b/tests/test_macros.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "core/object/callable_method_pointer.h"
#include "core/object/class_db.h"
+#include "core/string/print_string.h"
#include "core/templates/map.h"
#include "core/variant/variant.h"
diff --git a/tests/test_variant.h b/tests/test_variant.h
index 598fe488d7..0d16fa092c 100644
--- a/tests/test_variant.h
+++ b/tests/test_variant.h
@@ -38,6 +38,25 @@
namespace TestVariant {
+static inline Array build_array() {
+ return Array();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Array build_array(Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Array a = build_array(Fargs...);
+ a.push_front(item);
+ return a;
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary() {
+ return Dictionary();
+template <typename... Targs>
+static inline Dictionary build_dictionary(Variant key, Variant item, Targs... Fargs) {
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(Fargs...);
+ d[key] = item;
+ return d;
TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer and parser integer") {
int64_t a32 = 2147483648; // 2^31, so out of bounds for 32-bit signed int [-2^31, +2^31-1].
String a32_str;
@@ -700,6 +719,198 @@ TEST_CASE("[Variant] Assignment To Color from Bool,Int,Float,String,Vec2,Vec2i,V
vec3i_v = col_v;
CHECK(vec3i_v.get_type() == Variant::COLOR);
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer and parser array") {
+ Array a = build_array(1, String("hello"), build_array(Variant()));
+ String a_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(a, a_str);
+ CHECK_EQ(a_str, "[1, \"hello\", [null]]");
+ VariantParser::StreamString ss;
+ String errs;
+ int line;
+ Variant a_parsed;
+ ss.s = a_str;
+ VariantParser::parse(&ss, a_parsed, errs, line);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(a_parsed == Variant(a), "Should parse back.");
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer recursive array") {
+ // There is no way to accurately represent a recursive array,
+ // the only thing we can do is make sure the writer doesn't blow up
+ // Self recursive
+ Array a;
+ a.push_back(a);
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the array
+ String a_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(a, a_str);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Array a1;
+ Array a2;
+ a1.push_back(a2);
+ a2.push_back(a1);
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the array
+ String a1_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(a1, a1_str);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary tearndown will leak memory
+ a.clear();
+ a1.clear();
+ a2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer and parser dictionary") {
+ // d = {{1: 2}: 3, 4: "hello", 5: {null: []}}
+ Dictionary d = build_dictionary(build_dictionary(1, 2), 3, 4, String("hello"), 5, build_dictionary(Variant(), build_array()));
+ String d_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(d, d_str);
+ CHECK_EQ(d_str, "{\n4: \"hello\",\n5: {\nnull: []\n},\n{\n1: 2\n}: 3\n}");
+ VariantParser::StreamString ss;
+ String errs;
+ int line;
+ Variant d_parsed;
+ ss.s = d_str;
+ VariantParser::parse(&ss, d_parsed, errs, line);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(d_parsed == Variant(d), "Should parse back.");
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer recursive dictionary") {
+ // There is no way to accurately represent a recursive dictionary,
+ // the only thing we can do is make sure the writer doesn't blow up
+ // Self recursive
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[1] = d;
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the dictionary
+ String d_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(d, d_str);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d1[2] = d2;
+ d2[1] = d1;
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the dictionary
+ String d1_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(d1, d1_str);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary tearndown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+#if 0 // TODO: recursion in dict key is currently buggy
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Writer recursive dictionary on keys") {
+ // There is no way to accurately represent a recursive dictionary,
+ // the only thing we can do is make sure the writer doesn't blow up
+ // Self recursive
+ Dictionary d;
+ d[d] = 1;
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the dictionary
+ String d_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(d, d_str);
+ // Nested recursive
+ Dictionary d1;
+ Dictionary d2;
+ d1[d2] = 2;
+ d2[d1] = 1;
+ // Writer should it recursion limit while visiting the dictionary
+ String d1_str;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(d1, d1_str);
+ // Break the recursivity otherwise Dictionary tearndown will leak memory
+ d.clear();
+ d1.clear();
+ d2.clear();
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Basic comparison") {
+ CHECK_EQ(Variant(1), Variant(1));
+ CHECK_FALSE(Variant(1) != Variant(1));
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(1), Variant(2));
+ CHECK_EQ(Variant(String("foo")), Variant(String("foo")));
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(String("foo")), Variant(String("bar")));
+ // Check "empty" version of different types are not equivalents
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(0), Variant());
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(String()), Variant());
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(Array()), Variant());
+ CHECK_NE(Variant(Dictionary()), Variant());
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Nested array comparison") {
+ Array a1 = build_array(1, build_array(2, 3));
+ Array a2 = build_array(1, build_array(2, 3));
+ Array a_other = build_array(1, build_array(2, 4));
+ Variant v_a1 = a1;
+ Variant v_a1_ref2 = a1;
+ Variant v_a2 = a2;
+ Variant v_a_other = a_other;
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(v_a1, v_a1);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_a1 != v_a1);
+ CHECK_EQ(v_a1, v_a1_ref2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_a1 != v_a1_ref2);
+ CHECK_EQ(v_a1, v_a2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_a1 != v_a2);
+ CHECK_NE(v_a1, v_a_other);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_a1 == v_a_other);
+TEST_CASE("[Variant] Nested dictionary comparison") {
+ Dictionary d1 = build_dictionary(build_dictionary(1, 2), build_dictionary(3, 4));
+ Dictionary d2 = build_dictionary(build_dictionary(1, 2), build_dictionary(3, 4));
+ Dictionary d_other_key = build_dictionary(build_dictionary(1, 0), build_dictionary(3, 4));
+ Dictionary d_other_val = build_dictionary(build_dictionary(1, 2), build_dictionary(3, 0));
+ Variant v_d1 = d1;
+ Variant v_d1_ref2 = d1;
+ Variant v_d2 = d2;
+ Variant v_d_other_key = d_other_key;
+ Variant v_d_other_val = d_other_val;
+ // test both operator== and operator!=
+ CHECK_EQ(v_d1, v_d1);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_d1 != v_d1);
+ CHECK_EQ(v_d1, v_d1_ref2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_d1 != v_d1_ref2);
+ CHECK_EQ(v_d1, v_d2);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_d1 != v_d2);
+ CHECK_NE(v_d1, v_d_other_key);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_d1 == v_d_other_key);
+ CHECK_NE(v_d1, v_d_other_val);
+ CHECK_FALSE(v_d1 == v_d_other_val);
} // namespace TestVariant
#endif // TEST_VARIANT_H