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authorMicky <>2022-08-15 19:55:38 +0200
committerRĂ©mi Verschelde <>2022-09-07 11:58:30 +0200
commitf577bae76f85575c3bebebbc90c7a0120a66a8db (patch)
parentfffdbb38e390a11d0dc0672ce1755148deee3e90 (diff)
Rename `legible_unique_name` param to `force_readable_name`
With the introduction of Scene Unique Nodes, `is_unique_in_owner`, "Unique Name in Scene" and other descriptions related to the feature, the second parameter of add_child() and add_simbling() could be misunderstood to be related, at first glance.
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/doc/classes/Node.xml b/doc/classes/Node.xml
index 87edc7de0a..a0c5bfd4bb 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Node.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Node.xml
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@
<method name="add_child">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="node" type="Node" />
- <param index="1" name="legible_unique_name" type="bool" default="false" />
+ <param index="1" name="force_readable_name" type="bool" default="false" />
<param index="2" name="internal" type="int" enum="Node.InternalMode" default="0" />
- Adds a child node. Nodes can have any number of children, but every child must have a unique name. Child nodes are automatically deleted when the parent node is deleted, so an entire scene can be removed by deleting its topmost node.
- If [param legible_unique_name] is [code]true[/code], the child node will have a human-readable name based on the name of the node being instantiated instead of its type.
+ Adds a child [param node]. Nodes can have any number of children, but every child must have a unique name. Child nodes are automatically deleted when the parent node is deleted, so an entire scene can be removed by deleting its topmost node.
+ If [param force_readable_name] is [code]true[/code], improves the readability of the added [param node]. If not named, the [param node] is renamed to its type, and if it shares [member name] with a sibling, a number is suffixed more appropriately. This operation is very slow. As such, it is recommended leaving this to [code]false[/code], which assigns a dummy name featuring [code]@[/code] in both situations.
If [param internal] is different than [constant INTERNAL_MODE_DISABLED], the child will be added as internal node. Such nodes are ignored by methods like [method get_children], unless their parameter [code]include_internal[/code] is [code]true[/code].The intended usage is to hide the internal nodes from the user, so the user won't accidentally delete or modify them. Used by some GUI nodes, e.g. [ColorPicker]. See [enum InternalMode] for available modes.
[b]Note:[/b] If the child node already has a parent, the function will fail. Use [method remove_child] first to remove the node from its current parent. For example:
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@
<method name="add_sibling">
<return type="void" />
<param index="0" name="sibling" type="Node" />
- <param index="1" name="legible_unique_name" type="bool" default="false" />
+ <param index="1" name="force_readable_name" type="bool" default="false" />
Adds a [param sibling] node to current's node parent, at the same level as that node, right below it.
- If [param legible_unique_name] is [code]true[/code], the child node will have a human-readable name based on the name of the node being instantiated instead of its type.
+ If [param force_readable_name] is [code]true[/code], improves the readability of the added [param sibling]. If not named, the [param sibling] is renamed to its type, and if it shares [member name] with a sibling, a number is suffixed more appropriately. This operation is very slow. As such, it is recommended leaving this to [code]false[/code], which assigns a dummy name featuring [code]@[/code] in both situations.
Use [method add_child] instead of this method if you don't need the child node to be added below a specific node in the list of children.
[b]Note:[/b] If this node is internal, the new sibling will be internal too (see [code]internal[/code] parameter in [method add_child]).
diff --git a/scene/main/node.cpp b/scene/main/node.cpp
index 289e963077..99ab7c03ac 100644
--- a/scene/main/node.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/node.cpp
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ void Node::_add_child_nocheck(Node *p_child, const StringName &p_name) {
-void Node::add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name, InternalMode p_internal) {
+void Node::add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_force_readable_name, InternalMode p_internal) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_child == this, vformat("Can't add child '%s' to itself.", p_child->get_name())); // adding to itself!
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_child->data.parent, vformat("Can't add child '%s' to '%s', already has a parent '%s'.", p_child->get_name(), get_name(), p_child->data.parent->get_name())); //Fail if node has a parent
@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ void Node::add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name, InternalMode p_i
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(data.blocked > 0, "Parent node is busy setting up children, add_node() failed. Consider using call_deferred(\"add_child\", child) instead.");
- _validate_child_name(p_child, p_legible_unique_name);
+ _validate_child_name(p_child, p_force_readable_name);
_add_child_nocheck(p_child, p_child->;
if (p_internal == INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT) {
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ void Node::add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name, InternalMode p_i
-void Node::add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_legible_unique_name) {
+void Node::add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_force_readable_name) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_sibling == this, vformat("Can't add sibling '%s' to itself.", p_sibling->get_name())); // adding to itself!
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ void Node::add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_legible_unique_name) {
- data.parent->add_child(p_sibling, p_legible_unique_name, internal);
+ data.parent->add_child(p_sibling, p_force_readable_name, internal);
data.parent->_move_child(p_sibling, get_index() + 1);
@@ -2787,11 +2787,11 @@ void Node::_bind_methods() {
GLOBAL_DEF("editor/node_naming/name_casing", NAME_CASING_PASCAL_CASE);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("editor/node_naming/name_casing", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "editor/node_naming/name_casing", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "PascalCase,camelCase,snake_case"));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_sibling", "sibling", "legible_unique_name"), &Node::add_sibling, DEFVAL(false));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_sibling", "sibling", "force_readable_name"), &Node::add_sibling, DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_name", "name"), &Node::set_name);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_name"), &Node::get_name);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_child", "node", "legible_unique_name", "internal"), &Node::add_child, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(0));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_child", "node", "force_readable_name", "internal"), &Node::add_child, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(0));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_child", "node"), &Node::remove_child);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_child_count", "include_internal"), &Node::get_child_count, DEFVAL(false)); // Note that the default value bound for include_internal is false, while the method is declared with true. This is because internal nodes are irrelevant for GDSCript.
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_children", "include_internal"), &Node::_get_children, DEFVAL(false));
diff --git a/scene/main/node.h b/scene/main/node.h
index ae6a997579..6f402644b9 100644
--- a/scene/main/node.h
+++ b/scene/main/node.h
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ public:
StringName get_name() const;
void set_name(const String &p_name);
- void add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name = false, InternalMode p_internal = INTERNAL_MODE_DISABLED);
- void add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_legible_unique_name = false);
+ void add_child(Node *p_child, bool p_force_readable_name = false, InternalMode p_internal = INTERNAL_MODE_DISABLED);
+ void add_sibling(Node *p_sibling, bool p_force_readable_name = false);
void remove_child(Node *p_child);
int get_child_count(bool p_include_internal = true) const;