diff options
authorDaniel J. Ramirez <>2016-05-05 14:04:42 -0500
committerDaniel J. Ramirez <>2016-05-05 14:04:42 -0500
commitcb0be4adaac5c2d1715b70a6d2cbd65cb2855b06 (patch)
parented7c0a6caf35838efbf8799bdae7b591f5332ec9 (diff)
Documented @GlobalScope singletons and some keys
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/doc/base/classes.xml b/doc/base/classes.xml
index 529601c741..e28361f227 100644
--- a/doc/base/classes.xml
+++ b/doc/base/classes.xml
@@ -678,54 +678,79 @@
<member name="Performance" type="Performance">
+ [Performance] singleton
<member name="Globals" type="Globals">
+ [Globals] singleton
<member name="IP" type="IP">
+ [IP] singleton
<member name="Geometry" type="Geometry">
+ [Geometry] singleton
<member name="ResourceLoader" type="ResourceLoader">
+ [ResourceLoader] singleton
<member name="ResourceSaver" type="ResourceSaver">
+ [ResourceSaver] singleton
<member name="PathRemap" type="PathRemap">
+ [PathRemap] singleton
<member name="OS" type="OS">
+ [OS] singleton
<member name="Marshalls" type="Reference">
+ [Marshalls] singleton
<member name="TranslationServer" type="TranslationServer">
+ [TranslationServer] singleton
<member name="TS" type="TranslationServer">
+ [TranslationServer] singleton
<member name="Input" type="Input">
+ [Input] singleton
<member name="InputMap" type="InputMap">
+ [InputMap] singleton
<member name="VisualServer" type="VisualServer">
+ [VisualServer] singleton
<member name="VS" type="VisualServer">
+ [VisualServer] singleton
<member name="AudioServer" type="AudioServer">
+ [AudioServer] singleton
<member name="AS" type="AudioServer">
+ [AudioServer] singleton
<member name="PhysicsServer" type="PhysicsServer">
+ [PhysicsServer] singleton
<member name="PS" type="PhysicsServer">
+ [PhysicsServer] singleton
<member name="Physics2DServer" type="Physics2DServer">
+ [Physics2DServer] singleton
<member name="PS2D" type="Physics2DServer">
+ [Physics2DServer] singleton
<member name="SpatialSoundServer" type="SpatialSoundServer">
+ [SpatialSoundServer] singleton
<member name="SS" type="SpatialSoundServer">
+ [SpatialSoundServer] singleton
<member name="SpatialSound2DServer" type="SpatialSound2DServer">
+ [SpatialSound2DServer] singleton
<member name="SS2D" type="SpatialSound2DServer">
+ [SpatialSound2DServer] singleton
@@ -943,34 +968,45 @@
Number 9 on Numpad
<constant name="KEY_SUPER_L" value="16777260">
+ Super Left key (windows key)
<constant name="KEY_SUPER_R" value="16777261">
+ Super Left key (windows key)
<constant name="KEY_MENU" value="16777262">
+ Context menu key
<constant name="KEY_HYPER_L" value="16777263">
<constant name="KEY_HYPER_R" value="16777264">
<constant name="KEY_HELP" value="16777265">
+ Help key
<constant name="KEY_DIRECTION_L" value="16777266">
<constant name="KEY_DIRECTION_R" value="16777267">
<constant name="KEY_BACK" value="16777280">
+ Back key
<constant name="KEY_FORWARD" value="16777281">
+ Forward key
<constant name="KEY_STOP" value="16777282">
+ Stop key
<constant name="KEY_REFRESH" value="16777283">
+ Refresh key
<constant name="KEY_VOLUMEDOWN" value="16777284">
+ Volume down key
<constant name="KEY_VOLUMEMUTE" value="16777285">
+ Mute volume key
<constant name="KEY_VOLUMEUP" value="16777286">
+ Volume up key
<constant name="KEY_BASSBOOST" value="16777287">
@@ -983,20 +1019,28 @@
<constant name="KEY_TREBLEDOWN" value="16777291">
<constant name="KEY_MEDIAPLAY" value="16777292">
+ Media play key
<constant name="KEY_MEDIASTOP" value="16777293">
+ Media stop key
<constant name="KEY_MEDIAPREVIOUS" value="16777294">
+ Previous song key
<constant name="KEY_MEDIANEXT" value="16777295">
+ Next song key
<constant name="KEY_MEDIARECORD" value="16777296">
+ Media record key
<constant name="KEY_HOMEPAGE" value="16777297">
+ Home page key
<constant name="KEY_FAVORITES" value="16777298">
+ Favorites key
<constant name="KEY_SEARCH" value="16777299">
+ Search key
<constant name="KEY_STANDBY" value="16777300">
@@ -1044,34 +1088,49 @@
Space Key
<constant name="KEY_EXCLAM" value="33">
+ ! key
<constant name="KEY_QUOTEDBL" value="34">
+ " key
<constant name="KEY_NUMBERSIGN" value="35">
+ # key
<constant name="KEY_DOLLAR" value="36">
+ $ key
<constant name="KEY_PERCENT" value="37">
+ % key
<constant name="KEY_AMPERSAND" value="38">
+ & key
<constant name="KEY_APOSTROPHE" value="39">
+ ' key
<constant name="KEY_PARENLEFT" value="40">
+ ( key
<constant name="KEY_PARENRIGHT" value="41">
+ ) key
<constant name="KEY_ASTERISK" value="42">
+ * key
<constant name="KEY_PLUS" value="43">
+ + key
<constant name="KEY_COMMA" value="44">
+ , key
<constant name="KEY_MINUS" value="45">
+ - key
<constant name="KEY_PERIOD" value="46">
+ . key
<constant name="KEY_SLASH" value="47">
+ / key
<constant name="KEY_0" value="48">
Number 0
@@ -1104,18 +1163,25 @@
Number 9
<constant name="KEY_COLON" value="58">
+ : key
<constant name="KEY_SEMICOLON" value="59">
+ ; key
<constant name="KEY_LESS" value="60">
+ Lower than key
<constant name="KEY_EQUAL" value="61">
+ = key
<constant name="KEY_GREATER" value="62">
+ Greater than key
<constant name="KEY_QUESTION" value="63">
+ ? key
<constant name="KEY_AT" value="64">
+ @ key
<constant name="KEY_A" value="65">
A Key
@@ -1196,30 +1262,40 @@
Z Key
<constant name="KEY_BRACKETLEFT" value="91">
+ [ key
<constant name="KEY_BACKSLASH" value="92">
+ \ key
<constant name="KEY_BRACKETRIGHT" value="93">
+ ] key
<constant name="KEY_ASCIICIRCUM" value="94">
+ ^ key
<constant name="KEY_UNDERSCORE" value="95">
+ _ key
<constant name="KEY_QUOTELEFT" value="96">
<constant name="KEY_BRACELEFT" value="123">
+ { key
<constant name="KEY_BAR" value="124">
+ | key
<constant name="KEY_BRACERIGHT" value="125">
+ } key
<constant name="KEY_ASCIITILDE" value="126">
+ ~ key
<constant name="KEY_NOBREAKSPACE" value="160">
<constant name="KEY_EXCLAMDOWN" value="161">
<constant name="KEY_CENT" value="162">
+ ¢ key
<constant name="KEY_STERLING" value="163">
@@ -1228,42 +1304,58 @@
<constant name="KEY_YEN" value="165">
<constant name="KEY_BROKENBAR" value="166">
+ ¦ key
<constant name="KEY_SECTION" value="167">
+ § key
<constant name="KEY_DIAERESIS" value="168">
+ ¨ key
<constant name="KEY_COPYRIGHT" value="169">
+ © key
<constant name="KEY_ORDFEMININE" value="170">
<constant name="KEY_GUILLEMOTLEFT" value="171">
+ « key
<constant name="KEY_NOTSIGN" value="172">
+ » key
<constant name="KEY_HYPHEN" value="173">
+ ‐ key
<constant name="KEY_REGISTERED" value="174">
+ ® key
<constant name="KEY_MACRON" value="175">
<constant name="KEY_DEGREE" value="176">
+ ° key
<constant name="KEY_PLUSMINUS" value="177">
+ ± key
<constant name="KEY_TWOSUPERIOR" value="178">
+ ² key
<constant name="KEY_THREESUPERIOR" value="179">
+ ³ key
<constant name="KEY_ACUTE" value="180">
+ ´ key
<constant name="KEY_MU" value="181">
+ µ key
<constant name="KEY_PARAGRAPH" value="182">
<constant name="KEY_PERIODCENTERED" value="183">
+ · key
<constant name="KEY_CEDILLA" value="184">
+ ¬ key
<constant name="KEY_ONESUPERIOR" value="185">
@@ -1274,6 +1366,7 @@
<constant name="KEY_ONEQUARTER" value="188">
<constant name="KEY_ONEHALF" value="189">
+ ½ key
<constant name="KEY_THREEQUARTERS" value="190">
@@ -1375,12 +1468,16 @@
Middle Mouse Button
<constant name="BUTTON_WHEEL_UP" value="4">
+ Mouse wheel up
<constant name="BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN" value="5">
+ Mouse wheel down
<constant name="BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT" value="6">
+ Mouse wheel left button
<constant name="BUTTON_WHEEL_RIGHT" value="7">
+ Mouse wheel right button
<constant name="BUTTON_MASK_LEFT" value="1">
@@ -1440,36 +1537,52 @@
Joystick Button 16
<constant name="JOY_SNES_A" value="1">
+ Super Nintendo Entertaiment System controller A button
<constant name="JOY_SNES_B" value="0">
+ Super Nintendo Entertaiment System controller B button
<constant name="JOY_SNES_X" value="3">
+ Super Nintendo Entertaiment System controller X button
<constant name="JOY_SNES_Y" value="2">
+ Super Nintendo Entertaiment System controller Y button
<constant name="JOY_SONY_CIRCLE" value="1">
+ DUALSHOCK circle button
<constant name="JOY_SONY_X" value="0">
+ DUALSHOCK X button
<constant name="JOY_SONY_SQUARE" value="2">
+ DUALSHOCK square button
<constant name="JOY_SONY_TRIANGLE" value="3">
+ DUALSHOCK triangle button
<constant name="JOY_SEGA_B" value="1">
+ SEGA controller B button
<constant name="JOY_SEGA_A" value="0">
+ SEGA controller A button
<constant name="JOY_SEGA_X" value="2">
+ SEGA controller X button
<constant name="JOY_SEGA_Y" value="3">
+ SEGA controller Y button
<constant name="JOY_XBOX_B" value="1">
+ XBOX controller B button
<constant name="JOY_XBOX_A" value="0">
+ XBOX controller A button
<constant name="JOY_XBOX_X" value="2">
+ XBOX controller X button
<constant name="JOY_XBOX_Y" value="3">
+ XBOX controller Y button
<constant name="JOY_DS_A" value="1">
@@ -1721,13 +1834,13 @@
Variable is of type nil (only applied for null).
<constant name="TYPE_BOOL" value="1">
- Variable is of type bool.
+ Variable is of type [bool].
<constant name="TYPE_INT" value="2">
- Variable is of type integer.
+ Variable is of type [int].
<constant name="TYPE_REAL" value="3">
- Variable is of type float/real.
+ Variable is of type [float]/real.
<constant name="TYPE_STRING" value="4">
Variable is of type [String].