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authorAleksandar Danilovic <>2016-04-10 02:59:51 +0200
committerAleksandar Danilovic <>2016-04-10 03:36:58 +0200
commit7762e1afe60d6cf3ae310a4cf0af0e25ae5d18c6 (patch)
parentd454e64f429affb89de036eed6daa5c6e5278492 (diff)
Fixes 64 bit MSVC builds, disables bits parameter
Also Enables automatic detection of architecture for the MSVC compilers. Builds without assembly optimisations for x64 Closes issue #3098 Signed-off-by: Aleksandar Danilovic <>
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/platform/windows/ b/platform/windows/
index 689cad8343..d01a5a114d 100644
--- a/platform/windows/
+++ b/platform/windows/
@@ -262,7 +262,33 @@ def configure(env):
env['ENV'] = os.environ;
+ # This detection function needs the tools env (that is env['ENV'], not SCons's env), and that is why it's this far bellow in the code
+ compiler_version_str = detect_visual_c_compiler_version(env['ENV'])
+ # Note: this detection/override code from here onward should be here instead of in SConstruct because it's platform and compiler specific (MSVC/Windows)
+ if(env["bits"] != "default"):
+ print "Error: bits argument is disabled for MSVC"
+ print ("Bits argument is not supported for MSVC compilation. Architecture depends on the Native/Cross Compile Tools Prompt/Developer Console (or Visual Studio settings)"
+ +" that is being used to run SCons. As a consequence, bits argument is disabled. Run scons again without bits argument (example: scons p=windows) and SCons will attempt to detect what MSVC compiler"
+ +" will be executed and inform you.")
+ sys.exit()
+ # Forcing bits argument because MSVC does not have a flag to set this through SCons... it's different compilers (cl.exe's) called from the propper command prompt
+ # that decide the architecture that is build for. Scons can only detect the os.getenviron (because vsvarsall.bat sets a lot of stuff for cl.exe to work with)
+ env["bits"]="32"
+ print "Detected MSVC compiler: "+compiler_version_str
+ # If building for 64bit architecture, disable assembly optimisations for 32 bit builds (theora as of writting)... vc compiler for 64bit can not compile _asm
+ if(compiler_version_str == "amd64" or compiler_version_str == "x86_amd64"):
+ env["bits"]="64"
+ env["x86_opt_vc"]=False
+ print "Compiled program architecture will be a 64 bit executable (forcing bits=64)."
+ elif (compiler_version_str=="x86" or compiler_version_str == "amd64_x86"):
+ print "Compiled program architecture will be a 32 bit executable. (forcing bits=32)."
+ else:
+ print "Failed to detect MSVC compiler architecture version... Defaulting to 32bit executable settings (forcing bits=32). Compilation attempt will continue, but SCons can not detect for what architecture this build is compiled for. You should check your settings/compilation setup."
# Workaround for MinGW. See:
@@ -366,4 +392,67 @@ def configure(env):
env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'HLSL9' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_hlsl_dx9_headers, suffix = 'hlsl.h',src_suffix = '.hlsl') } )
env.Append( BUILDERS = { 'GLSL120GLES' : env.Builder(action = methods.build_gles2_headers, suffix = 'glsl.h',src_suffix = '.glsl') } )
+def detect_visual_c_compiler_version(tools_env):
+ # tools_env is the variable scons uses to call tools that execute tasks, SCons's env['ENV'] that executes tasks...
+ # (see the SCons documentation for more information on what it does)...
+ # in order for this function to be well encapsulated i choose to force it to recieve SCons's TOOLS env (env['ENV']
+ # and not scons setup environment (env)... so make sure you call the right environment on it or it will fail to detect
+ # the propper vc version that will be called
+ # These is no flag to give to visual c compilers to set the architecture, ie scons bits argument (32,64,ARM etc)
+ # There are many different cl.exe files that are run, and each one compiles & links to a different architecture
+ # As far as I know, the only way to figure out what compiler will be run when Scons calls cl.exe via Program()
+ # is to check the PATH varaible and figure out which one will be called first. Code bellow does that and returns:
+ # the following string values:
+ # "" Compiler not detected
+ # "amd64" Native 64 bit compiler
+ # "amd64_x86" 64 bit Cross Compiler for 32 bit
+ # "x86" Native 32 bit compiler
+ # "x86_amd64" 32 bit Cross Compiler for 64 bit
+ # There are other architectures, but Godot does not support them currently, so this function does not detect arm/amd64_arm
+ # and similar architectures/compilers
+ # Set chosen compiler to "not detected"
+ vc_chosen_compiler_index = -1
+ vc_chosen_compiler_str = ""
+ # find() works with -1 so big ifs bellow are needed... the simplest solution, in fact
+ # First test if amd64 and amd64_x86 compilers are present in the path
+ vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"]+"BIN\\amd64;")
+ if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1):
+ vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index
+ vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64"
+ vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"]+"BIN\\amd64_x86;")
+ if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1
+ and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
+ or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)):
+ vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index
+ vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86"
+ # Now check the 32 bit compilers
+ vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"]+"BIN;")
+ if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1
+ and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
+ or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)):
+ vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index
+ vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86"
+ vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env['VCINSTALLDIR']+"BIN\\x86_amd64;")
+ if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1
+ and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1
+ or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)):
+ vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index
+ vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64"
+ # debug help
+ #print vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index
+ #print vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index
+ #print vc_x86_compiler_detection_index
+ #print vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index
+ #print "chosen "+str(vc_chosen_compiler_index)+ " | "+str(vc_chosen_compiler_str)
+ return vc_chosen_compiler_str