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authorRémi Verschelde <>2023-02-13 09:11:44 +0100
committerRémi Verschelde <>2023-02-13 09:11:44 +0100
commit3281f2618265f94f1dc7032aa2f577d676e17a75 (patch)
parent3cc78567d7ee5209f7b316f2bb556e57d2e789c7 (diff)
parentae5dadc8d1c5293e69e9d9b04b80366e430b0ee9 (diff)
Merge pull request #73187 from TokageItLab/fix-animtran-filter
Refactor NodeTransition/OneShot to handle seek/filter correctly
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
index 5e75bd7722..d3207c1a3d 100644
--- a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
+++ b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
@@ -350,10 +350,11 @@ double AnimationNodeOneShot::process(double p_time, bool p_seek, bool p_is_exter
set_parameter(active, true);
- real_t blend;
- bool use_blend = fade_in > 0;
+ real_t blend = 1.0;
+ bool use_blend = sync;
if (cur_time < fade_in) {
- if (use_blend) {
+ if (fade_in > 0) {
+ use_blend = true;
blend = cur_time / fade_in;
} else {
blend = 0; // Should not happen.
@@ -365,15 +366,13 @@ double AnimationNodeOneShot::process(double p_time, bool p_seek, bool p_is_exter
} else {
blend = 0;
- } else {
- blend = 1.0;
double main_rem = 0.0;
if (mix == MIX_MODE_ADD) {
main_rem = blend_input(0, p_time, p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, 1.0, FILTER_IGNORE, sync);
- } else if (use_blend) {
- main_rem = blend_input(0, p_time, p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, 1.0 - blend, FILTER_BLEND, sync); // Unlike below, processing this edge is a corner case.
+ } else {
+ main_rem = blend_input(0, p_time, use_blend && p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, 1.0 - blend, FILTER_BLEND, sync); // Unlike below, processing this edge is a corner case.
double os_rem = blend_input(1, os_seek ? cur_time : p_time, os_seek, p_is_external_seeking, Math::is_zero_approx(blend) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend, FILTER_PASS, true); // Blend values must be more than CMP_EPSILON to process discrete keys in edge.
@@ -920,29 +919,31 @@ double AnimationNodeTransition::process(double p_time, bool p_seek, bool p_is_ex
} else { // Cross-fading from prev to current.
- bool use_blend = xfade_time > 0;
- real_t blend = !use_blend ? 0 : (cur_prev_xfading / xfade_time);
- if (xfade_curve.is_valid()) {
- blend = xfade_curve->sample(blend);
+ real_t blend = 0.0;
+ real_t blend_inv = 1.0;
+ bool use_blend = sync;
+ if (xfade_time > 0) {
+ use_blend = true;
+ blend = cur_prev_xfading / xfade_time;
+ if (xfade_curve.is_valid()) {
+ blend = xfade_curve->sample(blend);
+ }
+ blend_inv = 1.0 - blend;
+ blend = Math::is_zero_approx(blend) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend;
+ blend_inv = Math::is_zero_approx(blend_inv) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend_inv;
// Blend values must be more than CMP_EPSILON to process discrete keys in edge.
- real_t blend_inv = 1.0 - blend;
if (input_data[cur_current_index].reset && !p_seek && switched) { // Just switched, seek to start of current.
- rem = blend_input(cur_current_index, 0, true, p_is_external_seeking, Math::is_zero_approx(blend_inv) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend_inv, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
+ rem = blend_input(cur_current_index, 0, true, p_is_external_seeking, blend_inv, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
} else {
- rem = blend_input(cur_current_index, p_time, p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, Math::is_zero_approx(blend_inv) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend_inv, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
+ rem = blend_input(cur_current_index, p_time, p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, blend_inv, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
+ blend_input(cur_prev_index, p_time, use_blend && p_seek, p_is_external_seeking, blend, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
if (p_seek) {
- if (use_blend) {
- blend_input(cur_prev_index, p_time, true, p_is_external_seeking, Math::is_zero_approx(blend) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
- }
cur_time = p_time;
} else {
- if (use_blend) {
- blend_input(cur_prev_index, p_time, false, p_is_external_seeking, Math::is_zero_approx(blend) ? CMP_EPSILON : blend, FILTER_IGNORE, true);
- }
cur_time += p_time;
cur_prev_xfading -= p_time;
if (cur_prev_xfading < 0) {